

Adams, Charles Francis, 372. Adams, John Quincy, 54, 250-251. Adams, Nehemiah, 278 Adams, William, 292. Alcott, A. Bronson, go, 91, 134. American Anti-Slavery Society, 174, 311, 340, 373, 387. Andover Seminary, 19o. Andrew, John A., 381, 389. Annexation of Texas, 335. Anti-Slavery Standard, 299. Atchison, David, 338, 374. Attucks, Crispus, 227. Bacon, Leonard W., 162. Bartlett, Ezekiel, 18, 20. Beecher, Lyman, Iio, III, 16I, 189, 190, 269. Benson, George, 194, 263. Benson, George W., 168, 178, 234, 260, 281. Benson, Henry E., 212, 263. Benton, Thomas H., 105-106, 252, 253, Bird, Frank W., 361. Birney, James G., 203, 298, 320. Bond, Judge, 382. Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, 217, 233, 240. Bourne, Rev. George, i08, 203. [398] Bowditch, Henry I., 233, 349, 389. Bright, John, 390, 391. Brooks, Preston S., 359. Brown, John, 365-368. Buffum, Arnold, 139, 177. Burleigh, Charles C., 221, 223, 235. Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 152, 154, 204. Calhoun, John C., 246, 252, 315, 335, 336, 337, 352, 353, 384. Campbell, John Reid, 225. Channing, Dr. W. E., IIo, III, 256, 316. Chapman, Maria Weston, 223, 258, 259, 277, 292. Chase, Salmon P., 338. Child, David Lee, 134, 136, 138, 203. Child, Lydia Maria, 186, 203, 210, 277, 292, 309. Clay, Henry, 339, 348. Clerical Appeal, 282. Clarkson, Thomas, 55, 303. Coffin, Joshua, 139, 198. Cobb, Howell, 338. Collier, Rev. William, 40. Collins, John A., 298, 299, 300, 303. Colonization Society, 60, 72, 144-156, 162. Colored Seaman, 313-314. Colorphobia, 157-169. Colver, Nathaniel, 303. Commercial Advertiser, New York, 170. Courier, Boston, 128, 129, 217. Courier and Enquirer, New York, 171. Corwin, Thomas, 372. Cox, Abraham L., 185, 203, 209. Crandall, Prudence, 165-168, 199. Cresson, Elliott, 150, 151, 153. Cropper, James, 154, 205. Curtin, Andrew G., 372. Curtis, Benjamin R., 354. Cuyler, Rev. Theodore L., 384. [399] Davis, Jefferson, 338, 376. Disunion Convention at Worcester, 361-363. Dole, Ebenezer, 86. Douglas, Stephen A., 353, 365. Douglass, Frederick, 300, 344. Dred Scott Case, 364. Duncan, Rev. James, 008-109. Emancipator, The, 283, 285, 286, 328. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 281. Evening Post, New York, 208. Everett, Edward, 30, 31, 243, 244. Farnham, Martha, 16. Fessenden, Samuel, 141, 148. Follen, Prof. Charles, 201, 203, 247. Forten, James, 144. Foster, Stephen S., 310, 375. Foster, William E., 390. Fremont, John C., 361. Free Press, 27, 34. Fugitive Slave Law, effect of, 345-347. Fugitive Slaves, The Crafts, Shadrach, Sims, Burns, 349. Fuller, John E., 219. Furness, Rev. W. H., 344. Garrison, Abijah, 12-15, 18. Garrison, Charles Follen, 331-332. Garrison, Francis Jackson, 330. Garrison, George Thompson, 381. Garrison, Helen Eliza, 194-196, 219, 297, 331, 385-386. Garrison, James, 19, 20, 302-303. Garrison, Joseph, II, 12. Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 297. Garrison, William Lloyd, Early years, 11-26; Publishes Free

Press, 27-34; seeks work in Boston, 35; nominates Harrison Gray Otis for Congress, 35-36; temperance and the [400] Philanthropist, 39-44; meets Lundy, 44; early attitude on the slavery question, 46-50; on war, 5 ; first experience with ministers on the subject of slavery, 52; Anti-slavery Committee of twenty, 53; goes to Bennington, Vt., to edit the journal of the Times, 54-55; monster anti-slavery petition to Congress, 55; anticipates trouble with the South, 56; begins to preach freedom, 56-57; agrees to help Lundy edit the Genius of Universal Emancipiation, 58; Congregational Societies of Boston invite him to deliver Fourthof-July oration, 60; the address, 61-67; goes to Baltimore, 69; raises the standard of immediate emancipation, 70; Lundy and he agree to differ, 71; defends Free People of Color, 73-74; makes acquaintance with barbarism of slavery, 74; ship Francis and Francis Todd, 75-77; prosecuted and imprisoned, 77-83; released, 83; visits the North, 84; returns to Baltimore but leaves it again for good, 87; lectures on slavery, 88-91; character, 92-94; incarnation of immediate emancipation, 109; Dr. Lyman Beecher, 110-II ; difficulties in the way of publishing the Liberator, 112-115; his method of attacking slavery, I 18; he is heard, 120; Walker's appeal, 121-122; Nat Turner, 125-126; southern excitement, 127-128; New England Anti-Slavery Society, 137-138; appointed agent, 14I; thoughts on African colonization, 143-150; first visit to England, 152-156; Mr. Buxton's mistake, 152; prejudice against color, 157; Prudence Crandall, 166, 168; organization of New York City Anti-Slavery Society and beginning of the mob period, 170-172; formation of American Anti-Slavery Society, 174-185; declaration of sentiments, 182-184; increased agitation, 185-186; marriage, 193; the wife, 194-196; poverty of the Liberator, 197-200; the paper displeases friends, 201-204; George Thompson, 204-206; Faneuil Hall meeting to put the Abolitionists down, 211-215; gallows for two, 215-216; the Broad-Cloth Mob, 218-232; Thompson leaves the country, 238; appears before a committee of Massachusetts legislature, 245-246; Pennsylvania Hall, 257-260; Marlboro Chapel, 260-261; ill health, 263; Educational Convention of [401] anti-slavery agents, 264-265; the Sabbath question, 265-272; The woman's question, 273-280; clerical appeal, 282-285; anti-slavery political action, 286-288; conflict between the New York and the Boston boards, 289-291 ; the World's Convention, 292-295; visit to Scotland, 295-296; in the lecture field, 300-301; his brother James, 302-303; meets charges of infidelity, 303-304; Irish Address, 304-305; no union with slaveholders, 306-312; Texas agitation, 316-318; dislikes Liberty party, 319-323; some characteristics, 326-334; the Rynders Mob, 340-344; publicly burns the United States Constitution, 354; answers objections to his disunionism, 362-363; Harper's Ferry, 365-367; secession: first attitude to it, 370-373; second attitude, 373; adapts himself to circumstances, 373-381; Lincoln and emancipation, 379; visits Baltimore, Washington, Charleston, 381-384; illness and death of his wife, 385-386; differences with anti-slavery associates, 386-388; discontinues the Liberator, 388; national testimonial, 389-390; fourth visit to England, 390-391; champions cause of Southern negroes, 391; champions cause of Chinese, 392; believes in Free Trade, 392-393; illness and death, 393-395. Garrison, William Lloyd, Jr., 297. Gazette, Boston, 217. Genius of Universal Emancipation, 58, 69, 71-75. Gibbons, James S., 309. Giddings, Joshua R., 338. Goodell, William, 149, 203, 247, 248. Green, William, Jr., 184. Grimke, Angelina E., 235, 258-259. Grimke, Sisters, 275-280. Hale, John P., 338, 350. Hamilton, Alexander, 1004. Hamlin, Hannibal, 338. Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 294, 295. Hayne, Robert Y., 209. Herald, Newburyport, 21, 26. [402] Herald, New York, 340, 341. Higginson, T. W., 358-359, 361. Hoar, Samuel, 314. Horton, Jacob, 61. Hovey, Charles F., 389. Jackson, Francis, 233, 240-241, 311-312, 317, 341, 344. Jewett, Daniel E., 175. Jocelyn, Rev. Simeon Smith, 203. Johnson, Andrew, 380. Johnson, Oliver, 114, 134, 137, 139, 16o-16I, 374. journal, Camden (S. C.), 128. Journal, Louisville (Ky.), 120. Kansas, Struggle over, 357-358. Kelley, Abby, 259, 291, 310. Kimball, David T., 175. Knapp, Isaac, 113, 127, 139, 197, 200, 265, 301-302. Kneeland, Abner, 90, 268. Lane Seminary, 189. Latimer, George, 312. Leavitt, Joshua, 149,320. 329. Leggett, Samuel. 86. Liberator, The, III-20, 126-29, 131, 141, 163, 165, 169, 176, 197-204, 236, 237, 265, 284, 297, 327-329, 388. Lincoln, Abraham, 365, 370, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384. Lloyd, Fanny, 13-20, 24-26, 44-45. Longfellow, Stephen, 148. Loring, Edward Greeley. 354. Loring, Ellis Grey, 134, 135 136, 138, 245, 264. Lovejoy, Elijah P., 254-257. Lowell, James Russell, 136, 329. Lumpkin, Wilson, 128. Lundy, Benjamin,44, 45, 46, 48-54, 57, 58, 69, 71, 72, 75, 108, 133. Lunt, George, 244 247, 248. Lyman, Theodore, 223, 224. 227, 228, [403] Macaulay, Zachary, 154. Malcolm, Rev. Howard, 52. Martineau, Harriet, 94, 240. Mason, James M., 338. Mason, Jeremiah, I I. Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 265, 280, 297, 310. Mathew, Father, 304, 305. May, Samuel, Jr., 325, 389. May, Samuel J., 90, 93, 94, 134, 166, 167, 179, 180, 186, 199,

245, 272, 289, 393. McDowell, James, 124, 125. McKim, James Miller, 149. McDuffie, Governor, 243, 246. Mercury, Charleston, 126, Mill, John Stuart, 390. Missouri Compromise, Repeal of, 352-354. Moore, Esther, 259. Morley, Samuel, 390, Mott, Lucretia, 178,259, 292, 293. National Intelligencer, 28. New England Anti-Slavery Society, 137-141, 200, 280, 311. New England Spectator, 282. Newman, Prof. Francis W., 378. O'Connell, Daniel, 154, 170, 171, 304. Otis, Harrison Gray, 35,129, 30, 131, 213, 214, 215. Palmer, Daniel, 1. Palmer, Mary, 11, 12. Parker, Mary S., 222, 234, Parker, Theodore, 121,349,350, 362. Pastoral Letter, 277. Paxton, Rev. J. D., 186. Pease, Elizabeth, 303, 331, 346. Pennsylvania Hall, 257-260. Phelps, Amos A., 149, 186, 203,278,280, 288. [404] Phillips Academy (Andover), 190. Phillips, Ann Green, 292, 293. Phillips, Wendell, 190, 257, 310, 317, 323, 3-6, 344, 346-347,

349, 351, 386,387, 388, 393,394. Pillsbury, Parker, 310, Prentice, George D., 120. Purvis, Robert, 144, 162, 178. Quincy, Edmund, 299, 310, 316, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327-329. Quincy, Josiah, 347. Rankin, John, 177. Remond, Charles Lenox, 293, 295, 304. Rhett, Barnwell, 338. Rogers, Nathaniel P., 149, 293, 295, 301. Rynders, Isaiah, 341-344. Scoble, Rev. John, 294. Sewall, Samuel E., 900, 91, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 175, 236, 367. Seward, William H., 338, 372. Shaw, Chief-Justice, 312. Slavery, Rise and Progress of, 95-107. Smith, Gerritt, 147, 236, 297, 320. Sprague, Peleg, 213, 214. Stanton, Edwin M., 382. Stanton, Henry B., 253, 288. Stearns, Charles, 359. Stevens, Thaddeus, 338. Stuart, Charles, 201, 202, 264. Sumner, Charles, 234, 317, 339, 346, 359, Tappan, Arthur, 83, 84, 164, 171, 184, 209, 210. Tappan, Lewis, 149. 177, 201, 209, 283, 285. Texas Agitation, 314-318. Thompson, George, 204-206, 210, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 238, 294, 295, 351, 383, 385. Thurston, David, 18o. [405] Tilton, Theodore, 382. Todd, Francis, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 87. Toombs, Robert, 338. Travis, Joseph, 124. Turner, Nat., 124-125. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 351-352. Villard, Mrs. Henry, 394. Walker, David, 121, 122, 123, 126. Ward, Rev. Samuel R., 344. Ware, Rev. Henry, Jr., 203. Weob, Richard D., 310, 316, 318, 326. Webster, Daniel, 35, 101, 110, III, 117, 249, 338, 339, 347, 348, 370. Weld, Theodore D., 149, 190, 264, 279. Wesley, John, 70, 107. White, Nathaniel H., 41. Whitney, Eli, 98. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 34, 175, 179, 186, 202, 234, 279, 320. Wilberforce, William, 152, 154. Winslow, Isaac, 177. Winslow, Nathan, 177. Wright, Elizur, 147, 149, 185, 186, 202, 210, 283-285, 287, 320. Yerrington, James B., 113,

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William Lloyd Garrison (10)
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Daniel (4)
Charles Francis Adams (4)
Thomas (3)
John Quincy (3)
Wendell Phillips (3)
Theodore Parker (3)
William Lloyd (3)
George W. Benson (3)
John A. Andrew (3)
Winslow (2)
David Walker (2)
Nat Turner (2)
Francis Todd (2)
Arthur Tappan (2)
John Stuart (2)
Henry B. Stanton (2)
Simeon Smith (2)
Daniel Palmer (2)
Harrison Gray Otis (2)
Jeremiah Mason (2)
Theodore Lyman (2)
Ellis Gray Loring (2)
Abraham Lincoln (2)
Oliver Johnson (2)
Francis Jackson (2)
Henry (2)
Robert B. Hall (2)
A. Grimke (2)
Ann Green (2)
William E. Foster (2)
Charles Follen (2)
Crandall (2)
Lydia Maria Child (2)
Thomas Fowell Buxton (2)
Benjamin (2)
Lyman Beecher (2)
James B. Yerrington (1)
Elizur Wright (1)
Wilson (1)
William (1)
William Wilberforce (1)
John Greenleaf Whittier (1)
Eli Whitney (1)
Nathaniel H. White (1)
Maria Weston (1)
Wendell (1)
Theodore D. Weld (1)
Webster (1)
Henry Ware (1)
Samuel R. Ward (1)
Ralph Waldo (1)
Henry Villard (1)
Joseph Travis (1)
Robert Toombs (1)
Theodore Tilton (1)
David Thurston (1)
Theodore (1)
Charles Sumner (1)
Thaddeus Stevens (1)
Charles Stearns (1)
Anti-Slavery Standard (1)
Peleg Sprague (1)
Sims (1)
Shaw (1)
Willian H. Seward (1)
Samuel E. Sewall (1)
John Scoble (1)
Samuel (1)
Isaiah Rynders (1)
James Russell (1)
Nathaniel P. Rogers (1)
Benjamin Robert (1)
Barnwell Rhett (1)
Charles Lenox Remond (1)
John Reid (1)
John Rankin (1)
Robert Purvis (1)
Preston (1)
George D. Prentice (1)
Parker Pillsbury (1)
Amos A. Phelps (1)
Elizabeth Pease (1)
J. D. Paxton (1)
Oliver (1)
Daniel O'Connell (1)
Francis W. Newman (1)
Lucretia Mott (1)
Samuel Morley (1)
Esther Moore (1)
James Miller (1)
Mill (1)
James Miller McKim (1)
McDuffie (1)
James McDowell (1)
Mathew (1)
Harriet Martineau (1)
Lydia Maria (1)
Howard Malcolm (1)
Zachary Macaulay (1)
George Lunt (1)
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James Russell Lowell (1)
Elijah P. Lovejoy (1)
Henry W. Longfellow (1)
Lewis (1)
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Charles Lenox (1)
Samuel Leggett (1)
David Lee (1)
Joshua Leavitt (1)
George Latimer (1)
Abner Kneeland (1)
Isaac Knapp (1)
David T. Kimball (1)
Abby Kelley (1)
John (1)
Jocelyn (1)
Daniel E. Jewett (1)
Jefferson (1)
James (1)
Howell (1)
Howard (1)
Charles F. Hovey (1)
Jacob Horton (1)
Samuel Hoar (1)
T. W. Higginson (1)
Hayne (1)
Benjamin Robert Haydon (1)
Hannibal (1)
Hamlin (1)
Alexander Hamilton (1)
John P. Hale (1)
Ellis Grey (1)
John Greenleaf (1)
Edward Greeley (1)
Harrison Gray (1)
William Goodell (1)
Joshua R. Giddings (1)
James Gibbons (1)
George (1)
W. H. Furness (1)
John E. Fuller (1)
Fremont (1)
Francis (1)
James Forten (1)
Samuel Fessenden (1)
Harriet Farnham (1)
Fanny (1)
Ezekiel (1)
Edward Everett (1)
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Helen Eliza (1)
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Stephen A. Douglas (1)
Ebenezer Dole (1)
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Andrew G. Curtin (1)
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Elliott Cresson (1)
Abraham L. Cox (1)
Thomas Corwin (1)
Nathaniel Colver (1)
John A. Collins (1)
William Collier (1)
Joshua Coffin (1)
Howell Cobb (1)
Henry Clay (1)
Thomas Clarkson (1)
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Charles (1)
Maria Weston Chapman (1)
Channing (1)
John Reid Campbell (1)
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Anthony Burns (1)
Charles C. Burleigh (1)
Arnold Buffum (1)
John Brown (1)
Preston S. Brooks (1)
A. Bronson (1)
Henry I. Bowditch (1)
George Bourne (1)
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James G. Birney (1)
Frank W. Bird (1)
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Ezekiel Bartlett (1)
Barnwell (1)
Leonard W. Bacon (1)
Crispus Attucks (1)
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A. Bronson Alcott (1)
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