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Appendix A. Abstract from return of the Army of Virginia, Major-Geneial John Pope, U. S. Army, commanding, for July 3, 1862.1


Command.Present for duty.Aggregate present.Aggregate present and absent.Remarks.
Headquarters staff and escort 35164219233Warrenton, Va.
First (Siegel's) Army Corps:
Headquarters staff and escort13149172187Sperryville, Va.
First (Schenck's) Division 195415347446679*Near Sperryville.
Second (Van Steinwehr's) Div.147275431224404*Near Sperryville.
Third (Schurz's) Division 149303235204763*Sperryville.
Milroy's brigade 110239727523787* “Near Woodville, Va.
Total First Corps614124851248519820
Second (Banks's) Army Corps:
Headquarters staff 121212 “Near Washington, Va.
First (Williams's) Division34589629103118246* “Culpeper Court House,Va.
Second (Augur's) Division228445851157184* “Near Washington, Va.
Total Second Corps698140871605820442
Third (McDowell's) Army Corps:
Headquarters staff232324Warrenton, Va”
First (King's) Division 457880898031229424Opposite Fredericksburg.
Second Division (Ricketts' Division) 388835592531142922Waterloo, Va.
Doubleday's brigade 891677105822256Opposite Fredericksburg.
Carroll's brigade 84173420338091*Warrenton, Va.
Bayard's cavalry brigade 75129814981806*Warrenton, Va.
Detachments 10236263411Warrenton, Va.
6th New York cavalry “Barnett's Ford,Va”
1st Rhode Island cavalry 24506611790Junction O. & A. R. R.
Pontoniers (3d Maine battery)5127140146Opposite Fredericksbnrg.
Signal party6142023Warrenton, Va.
Total Third Corps 116122756266073069052
Reserve (Sturgis's) Corps:
Headquarters staff and escort10394950Alexandria, Va.
Whipple's Division 332556864236868477Defences of Washington.
Cook's brigade5810711227136816Cloud's Mill.
68th Illinois 80677814933Cloud's Mill.
71st New York Militia36477552570Tennallytown.
Fort Washington, Md” 510712112361
Total Reserve Corps 471793992269912554
Detached commands:
White's brigade 13126212958357415Winchester, Va.
District of Kanawha (Cox's)3968416950211680*Charleston Flat Top
Total detached 627110371246015254Mountain and Meadow
Grand total 3506684687777997900 “Bluff, W. Va.”

1 series i. vol. XII. part 3, p. 623, Offlcial Records of the War of the Rebellion.

2 Including Hatch's cavalry, 158 officers and 3101 men present for duty.

3 Including Hatch's cavalry, 158 officers and 3101 men present for duty.

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John P. Hatch (2)
A. S. Williams (1)
White (1)
Whipple (1)
W. Va (1)
Sturgis (1)
Steinwehr (1)
Siegel (1)
Schurz (1)
Schenck (1)
James B. Ricketts (1)
Major-Geneial John Pope (1)
Milroy (1)
Irvin A. McDowell (1)
King (1)
Doubleday (1)
Cox (1)
Cook (1)
S. C. Carroll (1)
G. D. Bayard (1)
N. P. Banks (1)
C. C. Augur (1)
Appendix A. Abstract (1)
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