Abruzzi, the, 14.
Adams, C. F., 44.
Adams, John, 69.
Adams, John Quincy, 43.
Albany, N. Y., 77.
Alembert, da, J. L., 165.
Allingham, William, 152.
Allinson, Francis Greenleaf,
Whittier's poem “My namesake” addressed to, 131, 132.
America, 23, 57, 71, 94, 153, 175.
American Manufacturer, the, mentioned, 25, 34, 137.
Amesbury, Mass., 4, 10, 46, 77, 82, 87, 89, 92, 93, 98, 99, 107, 109, 111, 122, 124, 136, 137, 167, 179, 180, 183; Ten Hour Bill at, 86, 87;
Derby strike at, 87, 88.
Amy Wentworth, 3, 142.
Antislavery Society, American, 71, 72, 74, 77.
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 129.
Appledore Island, 179.
Armstrong, Gen. S. C., 98.
Arnold, Matthew, 20, 140.
Asquam House, 169.
Athenaeum Gallery, 135.
Atlantic Club, 89, 104.
Atlantic Monthly, cited, 50; mentioned, 143, 176, 177; quoted, 153, 154.
Aubignd, da, J. H. M., 166.
Augustine, Saint, 116.
Austin, Ann, 84.
Bachiler, Rev., Stephen, 5, 6.
Bacon, Francis, 38, 179; quoted, 150.
Baltimore, Md., 48, 79.
Bancroft, George, 100, 181.
Banks, Gen. N. P., 47.
Barbadoes, 85.
Barclay of Ury, 56.
Barefoot boy, the, quoted, 14-16.
Barnard, F. A. P., 35.
Barton, Bernard, 25; the “Letters and poems of,” quoted, 174.
Batchelder, Charles E., 6
Batchelder family, 19, 156.
Charlotte Fiske (
Madame Roger),
Whittier's letter to, 128-130.
Beacon Street,
Boston, 3.
Bearcamp River, 143.
Bell, Mr., 181.
Bellingham, Dep. Gov., treatment of Quakers, 84.
Benezet, Anthony, 49, 51.
Bennington, Vt., 25, 73.
Blaine, James G., 181.
Border Ruffians, 78.
Boston, Mass., 1, 3, 19, 25, 26, 32, 34, 46, 50, 51, 57, 60, 62, 74-78, 81, 85, 88, 91, 108-111, 127, 135, 157, 176, 178; libraries, 34; newspapers, 61; first Quakers in, 84.
Transcript, quoted, 90; mentioned, 98, 164.
Boutwell, G. S., 97.
Dr. Henry I., 78.
Bowen, H. C., 143.
Brahmo-Somaj, 116.
Brainard, J. G. C., 37.
Brazil, 100.
Bremer, Miss Fredrika, 110. 87
Bright, John, 94, 112;
Whittier on, 113.
Brown, David Paul, 62.
Brown, J. Brownlee, his “Thalatta,” mentioned, 163.
Brown, Capt., John, 78, 79.
Brown University, 176.
Browning, Elizabeth B., 142,165; her “Sonnets from the Portuguese,” mentioned, 166.
Browning, Robert, 153.
Bryant, William C., 37, 156.
Burleigh, Charles C., 63.
Burlington, N. J., 131.
Burns, Robert, 19, 88,109;
Whittier compared with, 152.
Burroughs, George, 18, 103.
Burroughs, Rev., George, 180.
Butler, Gen. B. F., 110.
Byron, Lord, 33.
Campbell, Mr., 94.
Campbell's restaurant, 83.
Canada, 10.
Carlisle, J. G., 181.
Carlton, Mr., 33.
Mrs. Gertrude W., quoted, 58, 59.
Cartland, Joseph, 179.
Cary, Alice, visits
Whittier, 108.
Cary, Phoebe, 98; visits
Whittier, 108.
Cassandra, 157-159.
Hon. George W., 126, 179; quoted about
Whittier and
Amesbury strike, 87,88; quoted about
Whittier and spiritualism, 127.
Century Magazine, mentioned, 137.
Channing, Rev. Dr., William Ellery, 81, 103;
Whittier writes to, 75; his position on antislavery question, 76.
Chapman, Maria Weston, 71, 72, 81; her view of
Whittier, 67; of
Channing, 76.
Charbonnier, J. D., his letter to.
Whittier, 167;
Whittier's letter to, 167, 168.
Chardon Street Chapel,
Boston, 81.
Chase, G. W., his History of
Haverhill, quoted, 56, 57.
Chatterton, Thomas, 24.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 141.
Child, Mrs., Lydia Maria, 75, 76; her account of
Thompson mob, 59-61;
Whittier's letters to, 78, 79, 90, 91; her generosity, 98; her letters edited by
Whittier, 180.
Rev. Dr., 84.
Childs, George W., gives a Milton memorial window, 181, 182.
Civil War, 90, 168, 176.
Claflin, Mary B., 100, 159; her
personal Recollections of John G. Whittier, quoted, 99, 101, 102, 110-112, 116, 117, 125, 126, 130, 136, 172.
Claflin, Hon., William, 99.
Clarkson, Thomas, 33.
Clay, Henry, 42, 68, 69, 77;
Whittier friendly to, 26; opposed to, 49.
Clayton, Mr., 181.
Coates, Lindley, 52.
Coffin, Joshua, 18, 53; description of, 19.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 76,104; quoted, 77; his “Christabel,” mentioned, 162.
Coleridge, Sara, 36.
Collier, Mr., 32.
Columbia College, 35.
Concord, Mass., 111.
Concord, N. H., 58, 61, 65.
Congress, United States, 39, 40, 42, 43, 138. Country Brook, 6, 7, 11.
Covington, Ky., 137.
Cowper, William, his “Lament for the
Royal George,” mentioned, 159.
Crandall, Dr., Reuben, imprisoned, 48; death, 49.
Cushing, Caleb, 40, 42, 69, 77; candidate for Congress, 41; elected, 43; defeated, 43, 44.
Dana, R. H., 42.
Danvers, Mass., 97, 180.
Dartmouth College, 19.
Declaration of Independence of
United States, 69.
Declaration of Sentiments, 74.
Deer Island, 107.
De Quincey, Thomas, his “Confessions of an Opium Eater,” mentioned, 175.
Derby, Mr., 88.
Dexter, Lord, Timothy, 97.
Dinsmore, Robert, 155.
Douglass, Frederick, 181.
Douw, Gerard, 9.
Dustin, Hannah, 4.
Earle, Edward, 121.
East Haverhill, Mass., 23, 51, 58.
East Salisbury, Mass., 44.
Edinburgh, Scotland, 107.
Elliot, Me., 142.
Ellis, Rev. G. E., 83.
Emancipator, the, mentioned, 67.
Emerson, Nehemiah, 137.
Emerson, Mrs., Nehemiah, 137.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 2, 37, 127,151,159,173,178; his “Life and letters in
New England,” quoted, 80;
Whittier's letter to, 46, 47; acquaintance with
Whittier, 110, 111.
Endicott, Gov., John, 83-85.
England, 1, 26, 28, 50, 96, 104, 113, 152, 163.
Era, the, mentioned, 109.
Essex Agricultural Society,
Whittier's letter to, 19, 20.
Essex Club, 181.
Essex County, Mass., 19, 20, 50, 138, 155.
Europe, 13.
Evarts, W. M., 97.
Everett, Edward, 43.
Faneuil Hall,
Boston, 75.
Farrar, Archdeacon, F. W., asks
Whittier to write inscription for Milton Memorial Window, 181, 182; his letter to
Whittier, 183.
Federal Street,
Boston, 60.
Felice, Professor de, 167.
Feuillevert family, 156.
Fields, James T., 91, 102.
Fields, Mrs. J. T., 86, 159, 174, 183; her
Whittier, quoted, 65, 113, 117, 126-128, 140, 152, 172, 173, 175.
Fisher, Mary, 84.
Fletcher, J. C., 166, 167.
Follymill, 141.
Folsom, Abby, 81.
Fox, George, 116, 124.
France, 97.
Freeman, the, mentioned, 115.
Free Press, the, mentioned, 23, 25, 73.
Free Soil party, 68.
Friends' Review, mentioned, 121; quoted, 122-124.
Friends, Society of, 2, 4, 10, 13, 17, 50, 51, 115, 116, 161, 162, 176;
Whittier's relation to, 118-124.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 112.
Garrison, William Lloyd, 2, 18, 32, 34, 49-52, 57, 78, 81, 129, 135, 157; discovers
Whittier, 21; his “Life,” quoted, 22-26, 49, 50, 61, 71; cited, 26 n.; mentioned, 67; visits
Whittier, 24; Introduction to
Whittier's poems, 25; his
Journal of the Times quoted, 25; mentioned, 73;
Whittier's letters to, 26, 49, 50; relation between
Whittier and, 26, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72; his letters, 26, 27; seeks
Whittier's aid in antislavery movement, 48;
Whittier's verses to, 54, 55; on
Concord mob, 61;
Garrison mob, 62; his party, 68; his tribute to
Whittier, 72;
Whittier's tribute to, 72-75; differs from
Whittier, 75; compared with
Whittier, 95, 96.
Geneva, Switzerland, 166.
Georgetown, Mass., 89, 90.
Gerry, Gov., Elbridge, 31.
Gordon, Gen. C. G., 78, 112, 113.
Gorton, Samuel, 84.
Gove, Sarah A., 183.
Gray, Thomas, his “Elegy,” mentioned, 159.
Greenacre, Me., 180.
Greene, Mrs., Nathaniel, 19.
Greenleaf, Sarah, 5.
Greenwood, Grace.
See Lippincott.
Grimke, Angelina, 115.
Griswold, Rufus W., “Letters” of, quoted, 108, 109.
Hampton Falls, N. H., 183.
Hampton, N. H., 85.
Hampton, Va., school at, 98.
Hanmer and
Phelps, 35.
Harmon, Capt., 36.
Harper's Ferry, Va., 79.
Hartford, Conn., 34, 35, 37, 137, 138.
Harvard University, 3; law school, 88; confers honorary degree on
Whittier, 176.
Haverhill Gazette, the, mentioned, 27, 28, 48, 88, 103;
Whittier edits, 34.
Haverhill, Mass., 3-5, 10, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37, 45, 49, 50, 59, 74, 89, 137, 138, 155, 172; academy at, 27, 28, 30, 137; antislavery meeting at, 56, 57.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 35, 36;
Whittier's acquaintance with, 111, 112.
Hayne, Paul H., his poem about
Whittier, 113, 114.
Hazlitt, William, his essay “On the conversation of authors,” quoted, 105.
Healy, Joseph, 76.
Mrs. Felicia D., 166.
Henchman, the, 143-145.
Hicksite school of Friends, 53;
Hicksite principle, 116.
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 126;
Whittier's letters to, 44, 45, 87, 96-98.
Hoar, Hon. G. F., 181.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 2, 37, 104, 130, 141, 151, 178; his “The Autocrat of the breakfast table,” mentioned, 150; his
The Chambered Nautilus, mentioned, 150,163;
Whittier's summary of qualities of, 178, 179.
Boston, dinner at, 176.
Houghton, H. O., 177.
Howard, John, 33.
Howe, Mrs., Julia Ward, 82. D., 178; his
Hazard of New Fortunes, mentioned, 86.
Hussey, Christopher, 5.
Hussey, Mercy, 10, 31.
Hutchinson, Mrs., Anne, 84.
Hutchinsons, the, 185.
Indians, American, 4, 36, 98.
Intervale, N. H., 179.
Ipswich, Mass., 85.
Irving, Washington, 35, 37.
Isles of Shoals, 127, 179.
Italy, 166, 167.
Jackson, Mrs., Helen, her “Spoken,” mentioned, 163.
James II., 6.
Jefferson, Thomas, 69.
Johnson, Oliver, his “
William Lloyd Garrison and his Times,” mentioned, 72; introduction to, quoted, 73-75.
Johnson, Samuel 162.
Johnson, the Misses, 180.
Journal of the Times, the, quoted, 25; mentioned, 73.
Julian Hall,
Boston, 59.
Kansas, 64, 78.
Keats, John, 50, 142.
Kelley, Abby, 81.
Kellogg, F. W., 108.
Kennebec River, 36.
Kennedy, William S., his “
Whittier,” quoted, 84-86.
Kent, Colonel, 58.
Kent, George, 58, 59.
Kittery ,
Me., 142.
Kittredge, Mr., 41, 42.
Knapp, Isaac, 76.
La Fontaine, de, Jean, 160.
Lamb, Charles, 105, 126, 128.
Latimer, George, case of, 94.
Law, Jonathan, 38.
Law, Mrs., Jonathan, 39.
Leverett Street,
Boston, 74.
Liberator, the, established, 48; mentioned, 66, 76, 78.
Liberty Party, the, 68.
Linton, W. J., 145, 165; his “
Whittier,” quoted, 64; cited, 166 n.
Mrs. Sarah J.,
Whittier's letter to, 45, 46.
Literary World, the, quoted, 98, 99; mentioned, 176, 177.
Little Pilgrim, the, mentioned, 6.
Livermore, Harriet, 13.
Elizabeth (
Mrs. Howell), 139.
England, 77, 181.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 37, 104, 141, 152, 155, 159, 162, 173, 177; leading poet, 1; compared with
Whittier, 1; his
Hyperion, mentioned, 151; his “
Kavanagh,” mentioned, 151; quoted in
England, 163; his “Wreck of the
Hesperus,” mentioned, 163; his “
Sir Humphrey Gilbert,” mentioned, 163; his “The fire of Driftwood,” mentioned, 163;
Whittier's words on death of, 169, 170.
Long Wharf,
Boston, 60.
Lowell, James Russell, 2, 28, 37, 54, 104, 141, 155, 159, 161, 173, 176, 182; his “
Moosehead Journal,” mentioned, 151; his
On a certain Condescension in Foreigners, mentioned, 151; his “Verses suggested by the present Crisis,” mentioned, 160.
Lowell, Mass., 87.
Loyal Legion, the, 176.
Mabel Martin, 165.
Macaulay, T. B., quoted, 7.
McKim, J. Miller, describes
Whittier, 54.
Maine, 53.
Martineau, Dr., James, 163.
Massachusetts, 3, 41, 44, 45, 50, 83, 85, 94, 110.
Massachusetts Colony, 84.
Massachusetts Historical Society, 83, 86, 176.
Mather, Cotton, his “Magnalia,” mentioned, 35.
Rev. Samuel J., 52, 59-62; reads Declaration, 53; mobbed, 56,57.
Mead, Edwin D., 163.
Melrose Abbey, 174.
memories, 147-149.
Merrill, John, 42.
Merrimac River, 4; valley of, 53, 155.
Milton, John, 139, 152;
G. W. Childs gives window as memorial of, 181;
Whittier writes inscription for memorial window, 182;
Dr. Farrar's letter about, 183.
Minot, George, 30.
Minot, Harriet.
See Pitman.
Minot, Hon., Stephen, 29.
Montaigne, Michel de, 179.
Mott, Lucretia, letter of, 71.
Mt. Agamenticus, 173.
Music Hall,
Boston, 110.
My birthday, 132-134.
my namesake, 131, 132.
My Playmate, 141.
National Era, mentioned, 165, 171, 172.
Neall, Elizabeth,
Whittier's letter to, 70, 71.
Nebraska, 46.
New England, 3, 8, 18, 47, 141; life in, 31.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, cited, 6
n. New England Magazine, mentioned, 32, 175.
New England Review, mentidned, 37, 48;
Whittier edits, 34.
New Hampshire, 7, 35, 101.
New Jersey, 120.
New Orleans, paper of, gives account of
Philadelphia fire, 63, 64.
New York,
N. Y., 77, 91, 108,109, 172.
New York Critic, quoted, 178, 179.
New York
Independent, the, quoted, 89, 143-145.
New York
Nation, the, mentioned, 81; quoted, 82.
Newbury, Mass., 18, 53.
Newburyport, Mass., 21, 41, 42, 107.
Newport, R. I., 92, 98, 100, 121.
Nicolini, Giovanni, 167.
Norton, Professor C. E., 178.
Oak Knoll,
Danvers, 97, 180.
Ohio, 108.
Osgood, Dr., 81.
Otway, Thomas, 24.
Paine, Thomas, 57.
Palfrey, J. G., 44.
Palmer, Mrs., Alice Freeman, 91.
Parkman, Francis, 93.
Parliament of Religions, meets at
Chicago, 162.
Patmore, Coventry, 159.
Paul, Jean.
See Richter.
Peabody, George, erects Memorial Church, 89; criticism of Memorial, 90.
Peasley, Joseph, 5.
Pedro II.,
Dom, his acquaintance with
Whittier, 100, 101.
Penn, William, 3, 119.
Pennsylvania, 51, 52, 77.
Pennsylvania Antislavery Society, 63.
Pennsylvania Freeman, the, mentioned, 62, 65.
Pennsylvania Hall, 115; burning of, 63, 64.
Phelps, Amos A., 81.
Phelps, William L., 137.
Philadelphia, Penn., 6, 49-52, 62, 74, 77, 115, 121, 122, 139, 172, 181; burning of hall and church in, 63-65.
Philadelphia Society, 76.
Philanthropist, the, mentioned, 32, 33.
Pickard, Samuel T., 4, 39, 40, 159, 165; his “
Whittier,” quoted, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45-47, 70, 71, 81, 90, 91, 109, 128-130, 135, 172; cited, 5
n., 39
n., 76
n., 77
n., 115 n.
Pierpont, Rev., John, 81.
Pike, Robert, 5.
Pitman, Mrs., Harriet Minot, 57; her description of
Whittier, 29-32.
Pius IX., 88.
Plato, 38, 111.
Plymouth, N. H., 58.
Poe, Edgar A., 37.
Porlock, 162.
Mrs. Maria S., 141.
Portland, Me., 65.
Portsmouth, N. H., 3.
Powow River, 4.
Prentice, George D., his letter to
Whittier, 34, 35.
Purdy, Mr., 42.
Quakers, 5, 112, 155; character of, 118-120.
Quebec, 174.
Quincy family, 52.
Radical Club, 100, 102.
Ramoth Hill, 141.
Rantoul, Robert S., 109; quoted, 86; his delineation of
Whittier, 110; his description of
Whittier's funeral, 185.
Republican party, 68.
Reynolds, Mrs., 105.
Richardson, Samuel, 165.
Richter, Jean Paul, 21.
Robinson, Gov. G. D., 110.
Rogers, Nathaniel P., 58.
Rolfe, Henry, 5.
Rosa, Salvator, 14.
Rossetti, Dante G., 145;
Whittier's fondness for the ballad of “Sister Helen,” 117, 118.
Russ, Cornelia, 137, 138.
St. Margaret's Church,
London, 181.
St. Pierre, eruption at, 142.
Salem, Mass., 10, 28, 58, 85, 109.
Salisbury, Lord, 113.
Salisbury, Mass., 4,107.
Saltonstall, Leverett, 28.
See Rosa.
Mrs. John T., her Sketches and Reminiscences of the
Radical Club, quoted, 100, 101.
Rev. John T., 100.
Scotland, 6.
Scott, Sir, Walter, 107, 109; his “Fair Maid of
Perth,” mentioned, 7; quoted about
Melrose Abbey, 174.
Sedgwick, Catherine M., 16.
Sewall, Samuel E., 50, 51, 68.
Sewall family, 52.
Shakespeare, William, 19, 150, 152, 154.
Shaw, Col. Robert Gould, 112.
Shipley, Thomas, 52.
Sigourney, Mrs. L. H., 35;
Whittier's letter to, 37, 38.
Sims, Thomas, case of, 46.
Sisters, the, 145-147.
Smalley, George W., 94.
Smith, Mary Emerson, the object of
Whittier's poem “Memo ries,” 137, 138.
Snow-bound, quoted, 6,8-13.
Southampton, England, 4.
South Carolina, 60, 115.
Stanton, Henry B., 77.
Stedman, Edmund C., 185; his opinion of
Whittier, 154-157.
Sterne, Laurence, 37, 103, 179.
Stetson, Mr., 59.
Stoddard, R. H., 178.
Story, W. W., 178.
Stowe, Dr. C. E., 104.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 104; acquaintance with
Whittier, 112.
Sumner, Charles, 44, 46, 47, 102, 103; elected to U. S. Senate, 45.
Swift, Jonathan, 94, 103.
Tennyson, Alfred, 36, 142, 152; on
Whittier's “My Playmate,” 141.
Thaxter, Mrs., Celia,
Whittier at home of, 127, 128, 179.
Thayer, Abijah W., 27, 42, 88; tries to publish
Whittier's poems, 29;
Whittier's letter to, 32, 33; supports
Whittier, 41.
Professor James B., 88.
Thomas, Judge, 137, 138.
Thompson, George, 62, 65; comes to
America, 57; encounter with mobs, 58-61; writes about adventures, 61.
Thoreau, Henry D., 173.
Thurston, David, 53.
Torre Pellice, Piemont,
Italy, 167.
Tremont House,
Boston, 59.
Trumbull, Governor, John, 51.
Tuckerman, Henry T., 109.
Tufts, Henry, 18, 103.
Tyson, Elisha, 49.
Underwood, Francis H., his “
Whittier,” quoted, 29-32,58-61.
United States, 100; Supreme Bench of, 181.
United States Senate, 44;
Sumner elected to, 45.
Van Buren,
Martin, 68.
Vaudois Teacher, the, 166-168.
Ventura, Father, 88.
Vere, Aubrey de, 36.
Vermont, 35.
Villager, the, 87.
Virginia, 157.
Waldensian Synod, 166.
Ward, Mrs. E. S. P., acquaintance with
Whittier, 112.
Wardwell, Lydia, 85.
Warner, C. D., 178.
Washburn, E. A., 97.
Washington, D. C., 26, 48, 99, 171.
Wasson, David A., his opinion of
Whittier, 153, 154.
Webster, Daniel, 6, 58, 156.
Webster, Ezekiel, 58.
Weld, Theodore, D., 115.
Wendell, Ann E., 171;
Whittier's letter to, 81, 172.
Wendell, Professor, Barrett, his
Literary History of
America, quoted, 96.
West Amesbury, Mass., 45.
Wheelwright, Rev., John, 84.
White Mountains, the, 174, 179.
Whitman, Walt, 106.
Whitson, Thomas, 53.
Whittier, Elizabeth Hussey, 57; her poetic gifts, 31; attends women's antislavery convention, 62; description of, 107,108.
Whittier, John (father of poet), 24, 27.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, much read in
England, 1; compared with
Longfellow, 1, 2; interest in reforms, 3; birth, 4; ancestry, 4, 5; his homestead, 6-8; his “Snow-bound,” quoted, 6, 8-13; his
Works, quoted, 6, 7, 19, 29, 34, 35, 52-55, 73-75, 84, 122-124, 166, 184,185; cited, 25 n., 35 n., 139
n., 175
n.; family group, 9-14, 107, 108; describes himself in “The Barefoot boy,” 14-16; his farm duties, 16, 17, 19, 20; his early reading, 17-19; his letters, 19, 20, 26, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44-47, 49, 50, 70, 71, 78, 79, 81, 82, 90, 92, 93, 96-98, 108, 109, 128-130, 167, 168, 182; early poems, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29; early acquaintance with
Garrison, 22-24; edits “American Manufacturer,” 25,34; relation to
Garrison, 26, 27, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 87; his “Justice and expediency,” mentioned, 27, 40; studies at
Academy, 27; personal appearance, 29, 30, 94, 95; character, 30-32; offered editorship of the
Philanthropist, 32; plunges into journalism, 33; edits Haverhill
Gazette and
New England Review, 34; letters to, 34, 35, 118-120, 167, 183; his social life at
Hartford, 35; first volume called “Legend of
New England,” 35, 36; difference between youthful and mature poetry, 36, 37; gives up editorship of
New England Review, 37; public life, 38, 39; in politics, 40-43; defeats
Caleb Cushing, 43; political foresight, 44; his view of
Sumner's election, 45, 46; of party organization, 46, 47; becomes an ally of the antislavery movement, 48; opposes
Clay, 49; attends antislavery convention, 50; his account of the convention, 51-53;
J. M. McKim's description of, 54; his verses to
Garrison, 54, 55; encounters first violence in antislavery cause, 56; conceals
George Thompson, 58; encounters with mobs, 58, 59, 61, 62; edits
Pennsylvania Freeman, 62; burning of his Philadelphia office, 63, 64; memorial of mob period, 65; a leader of the Disunionists, 68;
Garrison's tribute to, 72; his tribute to
Garrison, 72-75; differs from
Garrison, 75; writes to
Channing, 75; first edition of poems, 76; moves to
Amesbury, 77; service to freedom, 77;
Quaker principle, 78; interest in reform, 80; his “Tent on the beach,” 81, 82; his conscientiousness, 82; writes “The
King's Missive,” 83; elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 83, 176; his argument about the “
King's Missive,” 84-86; interest in labor, 86, 87; his position in regard to strike at
Amesbury, 87, 88; addresses poem of indignation to Pius IX., 88; interest in temperance, 88, 89; his attitude toward reform, 89,90; supports woman suffrage, 91-93; his “
Massachusetts to
Virginia,” mentioned, 95; compared with
Garrison, 95, 96; his generosity 96-98; his kindness, 98, 99; moral effect of his poems, 99, 100; acquaintance with an Emperor, 100, 101; receives many letters, 101; his shyness, 102, 103, 110; his sense of humor, 103, 104; seriousness of early poems, 103; compared with
Whitman, 106; pleasure in tending fire, 109;
R. S. Rantoul's delineation of, 110; acquaintance with fellow-authors, 110-112; his heroes, 112, 113;
Hayne's poem on, 113, 114; a liberal
Quaker, 115-117; fondness for
Rossetti's ballad of “Sister Helen,” 117-118; his relation to Society of Friends, 118-124; his interpretation of “The Inward Light,” 124-126; his interest in spiritualism, 126, 127; his thoughts on spiritual subjects, 127, 130; describes himself in “My namesake,” 130, 131; his “My birthday,” 132-134; early sentimentalism, 135; personal relations with women, 136-139; his love poe-try, 138-149; his “My Playmate,” 141, 161; sound effect produced in his poetry, 142, 161, 162; his “
Amy Wentworth,” 142; his “The
Henchman,” 143-145; his “The sisters,” 145-147; his “Memories,” 147-149; his prose, 150, 151; compared with
Burns, 152;
D. A. Wasson's opinion of, 153,154;
E. C. Stedman's opinion of, 154-157; his “
Cassandra Southwick,” 155, 157-159; little known as to origin of poems, 159; his antislavery poetry, 160; his “The New wife and the old,” 161; his “Songs of labor,” 162; his hymns, 162, 163; his poems of the sea, 163; success of his poems, 164; his “
Mabel Martin,” 165; defects of execution, 165, 166; his “The Vaudois Teacher,” 166-168; his career, 168; his “Proem,” 168, 169; words written on death of
Longfellow, 169, 170; his health, 171-174; his “The Opium Eater,” 175; receives honorary degree, 176; seventieth birthday celebration, 176-178; his summary of
Dr. Holmes, 178, 179; companionship, 179, 180; edits volume of
Mrs. Child's letters, 180; illness and death, 183; his “At last,” 184, 185; his funeral, 185.
Whittier, Mary, 22, 24.
Whittier, Ruth Flint, 4.
Whittier, Thomas, 4, 5.
Whittier family, 4.
Wilberforce, W., 33.
Williams, Roger, 72, 156.
Wilson, Deborah, 85.
Wilson, Vice-President, Henry, 127.
Winsor, Justin, his “Memorial history of
Boston,” mentioned, 83.
Winthrop, Robert C., 47, 181.
Winthrop's Journal, cited, 6 n.
Woman Suffrage Convention, 91, 92.
Woodman, Mrs., 180.
Woolman, John, 49, 51, 123, 124.
Worcester, Mass., 91,121.
Wordsworth, William, 119,141.
World's Antislavery Convention, the, 77.
Wright, Carroll D., 87.
Wright, Elizur, 53.