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Old Highways-1660 to 1708. from the town records.

The broad street or Highway from ye old Fortifications on ye neck, Leading into ye Town as far as ye Corner of ye Late Deacon Elliots House, Orange street.

The way below ye Late Deacon Elliots barn leading from Orange street Eastward by ye sea-side, Beech street.

The way Leading Easterly from Deacon Elliots Corner, by ye Late Deacon Allens, extending to wind mill point, Essex street.

The way leading from ye Late Elder Rasford's Corner in Essex street, extending southerly in Beach st. and so down to ye sea, Ransfords lane.

The way leading from ye late Capt Prarys Corner, extending Westward to ye bottom of ye Common wth a Turn Southerly down to ye sea, (Frogg lane.)

The street from ye Corner of ye House in ye Tenure of Capt Turfey, nigh Deacon Elliots corner leading into Town by ye house of Saml Sewall, Esqr as far as Doctr Oakes Corner, Newbury street. [180]

The new Alley between Mr Blyns & Durants on Newbury street leading westerly into ye Comon, (Hogg alley.)

The street Leading Easterly from Wheelers Corner to Newbury street, passing by ye Towns watering place, as far as Capt Dyers Barn, Pond street.

The way leading from Esqr Ushers Barn southwardly into Essex street, Short street.

The way Leading from ye Lower end of Pond Street northeasterly into Church Green by Sumer Street, Blind lane.

The way from Cowels corner in Newbury street Leading westward into ye Comon, West street.

The Street from Ellises Corner nigh ye uper end of Summer street, leading westward into ye Comon, Winter street.

The street Leading Easterly from Doctor Oakes his Corner to Newbury street, passing by ye dwelling house of Capt Timo Clark, extending to ye sea, Summer street.

The street from Baxters corner to Sumer street Leading southerly by ye Late Deacon Allens extending down to ye sea, South street.

The way from Bulls Corner to ye lower end of Sumer street Leading Southerly to Wind Mill point, Sea street.

The Broad Street leading from Penemans Corner at ye head of Summer street, passing by ye South Meeting House to Houghs Corner, Marlborough st. [181]

The way leading from Briscoes Corner in Marlborough street passing by Justice Bromfields to ye Comon, Rawsons lane.

The way Leading from ye south Meeting House passing by Mr Borlands & Madm Olivers & so down to ye sea by Hollaways. Milk street.

The Alley Leading southerly from Southers Corner to Milk street to Capt Clarks Corner in Sumer Street, Bishops alley.

The Lane Leading so-Easterly from Mr Borlands Corner in Milk street to Beards Corner in Cow lane, Long lane.

The street where Mr Daniel Oliver now dwells passing from Milk street up to Fort Hill, Oliver street.

The way leading from Fort Hill southerly to Moreys Corner in Summer street, Cow lane.

The way from ye Lower end of Summer Street Leading North Easterly by ye sea side, with ye return up to ye rope walks, Flounder lane.

The Alley by Wharton's House in Cow lane, leading Easterly into Harrisons Rope walks, Crooked alley.

The way from John Roberts House in Cow Lane, Leading Easterly by Capt Bonners into ye Rope walk, Grindley's lane.

The way from ye uper end of Cow lane, Leading Easterly, passing by Mr Joseph Hubberts down to ye sea, Gibbs lane.

The way leading from ye Northerly side of Fort Hill, passing down Easterly by ye old Draw House in to Batterry March, Sconce lane. [182]

The way leading from Holloways Corner by ye end of Milk street, passing by ye Batterry, extending to ye lower end of Gibbs lane, Battree March.

The way leading Southerly from Gibbs lane on Fort Hill, passing by Drinkers to ye Rope Walke, Belchers lane.

The way from Houghs Corner Leading Northwesterly by ye Latin Free School, extending as far as M(rs) Whitcombs Corner, School street.

The way Leading from Mrs Whitcombs Corner ye House of Capt. Fairweather westerly through ye upper side of ye Comon and so down to ye sea, Beacon street.

The way Leading from Beacon Street on ye uper side of ye Comon unto Mr Alleus Orchard, Davis lane.

The way leading from Beacon street between Capt Allens Land and Madm Shrimptons Pasture, up to Centrey Hill, Centrey street.

The street from ye Lower end of School Street Leading Northly as far as Mr Clark ye Pewterer(s) shop, Corn hill.

The way Leading from a Tenement of Capt Clark's, nigh ye lower end of School street to Winslows Corner in Joylieffs Lane, Spring lane.

The street leading from Coxs ye butchers shop in Cornhill, passing by Major Walleys, as far as Mrs Olivers Corner, Water street.

The Alley leading from ye end of Water street through Mrs Olivers land, by Odells onto Milk Street, Coopers alley. [183]

The way leading from Water street passing between Major Walleys & M(rs) Bridghams Land into Milk Street, Tanners lane.

The Lane passing from Water street in to Milk street, according to ye name by whch it hath been formerly known, Joylieffs lane.

The way leading round ye old Meeting House, Church square.

The street Leading from corn hill including ye wayes on each side of ye Town House extending easterly to ye sea, King street.

The street leading from Mr Deerings Corner in Cornhill to Houchens Corner at ye uper end of Hanover street, Queen street.

The way leading from ye Mansion House of ye Late Simon Lynde, Esqr by Capt Southlacks extending as far as Collo Townsends Corner, Tri-Mount street.

The way Leading from Mylnes Cor., near Colla Townsends, passing through ye Comon along by Mr Sheafs into Frog Lane, Comon street.

The Alley leading from ye Comon Eastly on ye North Side of Madm Ushers House, Turnagain alley.

The way Leading from ye Exchange in King Street, passing by Mrs Phillips into Water Street, Pudding lane.

The way Leading from King street by ye House of Isaac Addington, Esqr Wth ye return into Pudding Lane, Half-square court.

The way Leading from Maccartyes Corner on King street to Elder Bridghams warehouse in Water street, Leverets lane. [184]

The way leading from Justice Drummers Corner in King street, passing over ye Bridg as far as Mrs Dafforns corner in Milk street, Mackrill lane.

The way leading from ye House formerly ye Castle Tavern in Mackrill Lane, passing by Mr Hallaways wharf to ye sea, Crab lane.

The way leading from ye sign of ye Orange tree, passing by Mr Stephen Minots to ye Mill pond and from thence to ye Lower end of Cold Lane, Sudbury street.

The way Leading from Emmens Corner, passing by Justice Lynds pasture, extending from thence westerly to ye sea, Cambridge street.

The way passing on ye northerly side of Livery stable in Justice Lynds pasture to Me Allens Farm House, Green lane.

The way from Mr Pownings Corner by Dock Square Leading southerly into King street, Crooked lane.

The square from the house of Eliakim Hutchinson Esqr to M(r) Pembertons corner on ye one side, & from Kennys shop to Me Meers Corner on ye other side, Dock square.

The Lane Leading from Capt. Savages Corner in Dock Square in to Madm Shrimptons Corner in King street, Shrimptons lane.

The way Leading from Mr Meers corner along by ye side of ye Dock as far as ye corner of ye warehouse formerly Major Davises, Corn market.

The Alley leading from Me Mountforts in corn Market to Capt. Fitchs corner in King street, Peirses alley. [185]

The way Leading from Justice Palmers warehouse to corn Market up to Moorocks buildings, Corn court.

The way leading from Madam Butlers Corner at ye lower end of King street to ye swinging Bridg, & from thence to ye lower end of woodmansies wharf, Merchants row.

The way Leading from Platts Corner Northwesterly, passing by ye Green Dragon to ye Mill Pond, Union street.

The street from between Houchens Corner and ye sign of ye Orange tree, Leading Northerly to ye Mill Bridge, Hanover street.

The way Leading from Mr Pembertons Corner at ye end of Dock square, to Justice Lyds Corner in Hanover street, Wings lane.

The way Leading from ye middle of Wings Lane to Mr Colemans Church & from thence two wayes, viz.: southerly to Queen street and East to Dock square, Brattle street.

The new way Leading from Mr Pollards Corner in Brattle street through Mr Belknaps yard into Queen street, Hillers lane.

The way leading from Mr Harrises corner, by Hanover street, North Westerly down to ye Mill Pond, Cold lane.

The way Leading from Capt. Ballentines corner nigh to ye Mill Bridg, to ye corner of Capt Fitchs Tenement in Union street, Marshalls lane. [186]

The way leading from Brooks Corner in Marshalls Lane, passing by Mr Bulfinches to Scottows Alley, Creek lane.

The way Leading from creek Lane to Capt. Bows Corner in Union street, Salt lane.

The way Leading from creek Lane to Mr Webbs Corner in Union Street, Marsh lane.

The way Leading from the sign of the star in Hanover street, passing Northward behind Capt. Evertons house, Linck alley.

The way from ye Conduit in Union Street Leading Northerly over ye Bridge to Ellistons corner at ye lower end of cross street, Ann street.

The way from Mr Autrams Corner nigh ye Conduit Leading from thence North East by ye side of ye Dock as far as Mr Winsors Warehouse, Fish market.

The new way from Union Street passing SouthWesterly between ye buildings of ye late Capt. Christopher Clarke deceased, Minots court.

The Alley by Capt. Habijah Savages in Ann street Leading North Westerly to creek Lane, Scottows alley.

The way between Winsors & Mrs Pembertons in Ann street, Leading to ye warfs by ye swinging Bridg, Swing-bridge lane.

The street from Mountjoys corner at ye Lower end of cross street, leading Northerly to ye sign of ye Swan by Scarletts Wharfe, Fish street. [187]

The-leading North westerly from Mr Thomas's Corner in Ann Street, Paddys alley.

The street Leading from ye Mill Bridg Northerly as far as Mr Jonas Clarks Corner at ye end of Bennett Street, Middle street.

The way Leading Northerly from Stanburyes corner nigh ye Mill Bridg, as far as Mr Gees Corner into Prince street, Back street.

The way leading from ye Mill Pond South Easterly by ye late Deacon Phillips stone house, extending down to ye sea, Cross street.

The way Leading from ye North Westerly end of cross Street, passing Northerly by verings house nigh ye Mill Pond, Old way.

The lane by ye house of ye late Capt. Timo Prout deceased, Leading from Middle street to Fish street & so down to ye sea, Wood lane.

The way from Wales Corner in Middle street Leading Northwesterly into Back Street, Beer lane.

The Alley Leading from Ann street between ye late Capt. Lakes & Nanneys buildings to Mr Indicotts shop in crosse street, Elbow alley.

The Alley Leading from Fish street to Middle street between ye lands of John Clark Esqr and ye successors of Sam1 Gallop deceased, Gallops alley.

The street leading North Westerly from Morrells corner in Middle street passing by Mr David Nortons, extending to ye salt water at Ferry way, Prince street. [188]

The street Leading Northerly from y e Easterly end of Bennett street nigh M r Jonas Clarks, extending to y e sea, North street.

The street Leading from Williams Corner nigh M r Jonas Clarks South Easterly down to y e sea by Scarletts Wharfe, Fleet street.

The Alley leading Northwesterly from y e North Meeting house into Middle Street, Bell alley.

The square lieing on y e south ly side of North Meeting House including y e wayes on each side of y e Watch house, Clark square.

The way Leading South Easterly from y e North Meeting House into Fish Street, Sun court.

The way leading from y e North Meeting House Northerly by Capt Thomas Barnerds into Fleet Street, Moon street.

The way leading Northerly from Mad m Winsleys Corner between coll o Fosters & Mr Fitzzells into Fleet Street, Garden court.

The street leading Northerly from Evertons Corner nigh Scarletts Wharfe to y e North Battery, Ship street.

The way Leading North Westerly from y e North Battery to y e Ferryway by Hudson s Point, Lyn street.

The way Leading along y e shore from Hudson s Point So West ly to y e Mill Stream by M r Gee s building yard, Ferry way.

The street leading North West ly from M rs Ransfords Corner to North street, towards the Ferry point at Charlestown, Charter street. [189]

The way Leading from Corwithys corner in Prince street to M r Phipp s corner in Charter Street, Salem street.

The way Leading Northerly from Travises corner to Prince street, to y e end of Ferry-way by Hudsons Point, Snow hill.

The way Leading So East ly From Snow Hill to Salem Street, Hull street.

The way Leading North Westerly from M r Jonas Clarks corner to Salem street, Bennett street.

The way leading North-Westerly from Capt. Steven s Corner in North street, with y e return into Bennett street, Love lane.

The Alley Leading from Charter street down by Benj a Williams in Lyn street, Sliding alley.

The Alley Leading from y e burying place in Charter street to Adkins Lime Kiln in Lyn street, Lime alley.

The way Leading from Charter Street down by 1 Mrs Buckleys into Lyn street, Henchmans lane.

The Alley Leading from Charter street down through Mr Greenough s building yard into Lyn street, Greenough s alley.

The Alley Leading from North down by y e Salutation into ship street, Salutation alley.

The Alley leading from North street along by Mr William Parkmans into Ship Street nigh the North Battreey, Batterry alley.

The Alley Leading from North Street down by Capt Richards Corner in Ship Street, White Bread alley. [190]

Old streets, Extracts from City records.

Dock square, 1708; around the Town dock, 1680, Adams square, 1880

Alden lane, 1792; Copeland's lane, 1820; Alden lane, again, 1829, Alden street, 1846

Allen's lane, 1733; 40-foot way front of the Rope-walks, Allen street, 1829

Cambridge to May, 1733; West Cedar street, 1733; extended, 1833, Anderson street, 1861

Extended through Morton place to Milk street, 1873, Arch street, 1792

Extended across Oak to Pine, 1820; a part of Oak place, 1834, Ash street, 1809

South part Broad street, 1833; Flounders' alley, in part, 1708, Atlantic avenue, 1868

Sheafe's lane, 1732; Coburn's lane at one time, Avery street, 1827

Deming's court; Central court, 1806; Avon place, 1824, Avon street, 1869

Ann to Fulton street, Wentworth lane, 1732, Barrett street, 1831 [191]

Berry lane, 1800; Second street, 1814; Napier street, 1863, Barton street, 1868

Tanner's lane, 1708; Horn lane, 1708; a part of Pearl street, 1873, Bath street, 1807

Battery alley, 1708; Daggett's alley, 1789; North Ferry avenue, Battery street, 1826

Extended to Gibbs' lane; included Crab lane, 1803, Batterymarch st., 1708

Orange to the water; extended east 1836-7; Essex in part added, 1804, Beach street, 1708

Sentury Hill, 1708; Site of the State House, 1795, Beacon Hill, 1784

Somersett to Davis lane; extended west, 1733-1803-1831; Western avenue added, 1865, Beacon street, 1708

In part, Blind lane, 1708; Pond lane, Rowe's lane, 1803, Bedford street, 1820

In part, Purchase street, 1800; in part, Batterymarch at one time, Belcher's lane, 1708

School alley, 1732; Grammar alley, 1795; Prince street avenue, 1833, Bennet avenue, 1839

Extended to Front street, 1805; from Washington st. to Harrison avenue, Bennet street, S., 1732

Middle to Salem street, North School street, North Grammar School street, Bennet street, N., 1708

Charlestown to Causeway; to Warren Bridge, 1848, Beverly street, 1807

In part, the Mill creek; in part, Royal alley, 1732, Blackstone street, 1831 [192]

From Cambridge street, north, to Allen's lane, 1806, Blossom street, 1805

From Beacon to Meddlecott; Meddlecott included, 1824, Bowdoin street, 1803

West end of Court street included, 1807, Bowdoin square, 1788

Distilhouse square, 1743; in part, Ivers street, Bog lane, Adams street, 1846, Bowker street, 1868

Between Cambridge, Sudbury, and Mill Pond; built over, (Bowling Green,) 1722

Orange to the Mall; extended west, 1846, 1865; Frog lane, 1708, Boylston street, 1809

Brattle alley; In part, Cooper's alley; Hiller's lane, Brattle street, 1708

Cornhill, by the Church, to Elm street; Brattle to Elm, 1820, Brattle square, 1800

From Broad to India street, unchanged, Broad street, 1808

Copper street, 1803; extended to Lowell street, 1833, and to Allen street, 1845, Brighton street, 1816

Flounders alley; in part, Sea street; many changes, extensions and cutoffs, Broad street, 1805

Over Fort Point channel and O. C. railroad, Broadway bridge, 1869

Rawson's lane, 1708; Bromfield lane, 1796, Bromfield street, 1829

Muddy River, and was a part of Boston previous, (Brookline Town,) 1705

Bulfinch street to Meddlecott; called Clapp's buildings at one time, Bulfinch place, 1805 [193]

Cambridge to Middlicott; extended to Somerset place, 1818, Bulfinch street, 1800

From Tremont east, then north to Bromfield lane. Built over, 1852, (Bumstead place,) 1807

From Sudbury, west to the water; then south to the Common; several changes, Cambridge street, 1708

Washington to Tremont; Davis street, 1810, Camden street, 1826

Union to Causeway; Haymarket square to Causeway, 1839, Canal street, 1807

Frog lane to Elliot, to Pleasant, Haskins included, Carver street, 1803

Cambridge Bay to the Harbor; East Castle called Motte street, 1874, Castle street, 1722

Leverett, inclosing Mill Poud; Miller's alley, 1733, west part; Walder street, 1819, Causeway street, 1807

Kilby to India street; to Atlantic avenue, 1876, Central street, 1807

Paddy's alley, 1708; Bull's alley, Perryway's alley, Centre street, N., 1773

From Cambridge, extending north, 1812, 1823, 1844, 1872, Chambers street, 1732

Pierce's alley, 1708; Change alley, 1788; Fitch's alley, 1796; Flag alley, 1828, Change avenue, 1841

Berry street, 1708; Barrack lane, 1768; Berry street, 1803, Channing street, 1846

From School street, south; Cook's court, 1733, Chapman place, 1841 [194]

Chardon lane, 1743; Ivers street, 1859; extended to Merrimae, 1860, Chardon street, 1821

In place of Charlestown Ferryway, 1631, Charles Riv. bridge, 1785

Beacon to Cambridge, to Boylston, 1809, extended north, 1841, 1859, 1866, Charles street, 1805

Union to Causeway, Haymarket square to Causeway, 1840, Charlestown street, 1807

From North street to Copp's Hill, Hanover to Commercial, 1803, Charter street, 1708

Merchants' row to Commercial street, Butler's row, in part, 1789, Chatham street, 1825

Chauncy place. Bedford place, Rowe street, Chauncy place, 1809, Chauncy street, 1856

A part of Boston, called Rumney Marsh previous, Chelsea Town, 1738

Winnissimmet ferry, 1631, Chelsea ferry, 1738

From Walnut street, west to the water, Chestnut street, 1800

Sweetser's alley, 1798; Sweetser's court, 1809, Chickering place, 1855

Extended south, 1838; north, 1846 and 1852; a part Lincoln court, 1820, Church street, 1828

Foster's lane, 1732; extended to Commercial street, 1846, Clark street, 1788

Snowhill to Margaret, Margaret avenue, 1814, Cleaveland place, 1814

Between Essex, Summer, Short, and South; built over, (Coffin's field,) 1775

Washington Gardens, previous Row, remains, Colonade gone, (Colonade row,) 1810 [195]

Long Wharf to Clinton, 1825; extended north, 1829, 1833; in part, Lynn street, Commercial street, 1818

Washington to Tremont; Walker's lane, 1741; Clough street, 1750; Nassau, 1788, Common street, 1836

State to Milk; Quaker lane, Dalton's lane, part Atkinson street; many extensions, Congress street, 1800

North Margin to Pond; extended to Salem street, 1838, Cooper street, 1807

Between Snowhill, Charter and Lynn streets, Copp's Hill, 1660

From Corn Market south; opposite south side Faneuil Hall, Corn court, 1708

Court to Washington; Market street, 1817, Cornhill street, 1828

Washington to Court square; Suffolk Inns, 1812; Suffolk avenue, 1820, Court avenue, 1837

Queen street, 1708; a part Centurie Hill and Prison lane at one time, Court street, 1784

Where Quincy market was built, 1826, (Cove, The) 1708

From Leverett street to Lechmere's Point; Canal bridge at one time, Craige's bridge, 1786

Hancock row, 1826; Hatter's square, 1855; again Creek square, Creek square, 1803

Between Hawley and Devonshire; Franklin place, (Crescent, The) 1792

From Mill Pond to the sea; highway to Breeden's wharf; Coney lane, Cross street, 1708 [196]

From Broad street to India street unchanged, Custom House st., 1804

Between Milk, Summer, Hawley, and Federal, built over, (D. Costa's Pasture,) 1708

Middlecott to Hancock; Hill street at one time, Derne street, 1806

State to Milk; Pudding lane, 1708; Joylieff's lane, Black Jack alley; many extensions, Devonshire street, 1784

Orange court, 1823; Dutch lane previous, Dix place, 1846

Doan's wharf at one time, Doane street, 1806

Washington to Back Bay; a part South Bridge street, 1805, Dover street, 1835

Over the Mill creek, Ann street, now part of North street (Draw bridge,) 1688

Previously, Maverick's island, Williams island, and Noddle's island East Boston, 1832

From Chamber to North Russell street unchanged, Eaton street, 1795

Laid out by owners; extended 1750, 1784; to Columbus avenue, 1873, Elliot street, 1740

Hudson's lane, 1658; Wing's lane, 1708, Elm street, 1800

Mill lane, 1805; Mill Pond street, 1807, Pond street, 1814, Endicott street, 1836

Newbury to South; extended 1731; Achamutty street, 1775; east end Beach, 1804 Essex street, 1808

Shrimpton's lane, 1708; Royal Exchange lane, and Exchange lane from 1879, Exchange street, 1816 [197]

In parts, Market sq., Fish Market, Corn Market, Sheep Market, 1708, Faneuil Hall sq., 1855

Tremont, south of West street, Colonade row, 1810; Tremont street, (Fayette place,) 1825

Union street to Mill Pond, Link alley, 1708; built over, 1860, (Federal court, N.,) 1806

Long lane, 1708; extended to Purchase street, 1836; to South Boston Bridge, part of Sea street, 1856, Federal street, 1788

Sea street Bridge; South End; Sea street to South Boston, Federal st. Bridge, 1828

Near Hudson's point, 1784; discontin'd; bridge built, 1786, (Ferry Way,) 1708

Middle street to the water; Middle street to Ann; Scarlet's Wharf lane, 1789 Fleet street, 1708

Previously Cornhill; dug down, 1868, (Fort Hill,) 1666

Where Fort Hill was; Washington place, 1808; Washington square, 1837, Fort Hill square, 1875

Foster's lane, 1741; Fuller street, 1800; Brewer's Hill, 1803; Sliding al., 1708, Foster street, 1795

West part of the Common, levelled down about 1820, (Fox Hill,) 1722

Court to Brattle, Brattle alley, 1722; Dassett's alley, 1789, Franklin avenue, 1818

In parts, Vincent's lane, 1777; Franklin place, Sturgis street, Baker's alley, Hamilton court, Franklin street, 1708

Hanover to Mill Pond, separate lane, 1807; in parts, Minot's court, Scott court, Friend street, 1733 [198]

From Fleet street to Bell alley, Garden court st., 1708

Green lane, 1708, from Bowdoin square to Chambers street, Green street, 1784

Greenough alley, 1708; Greenough lane, 1732; Greenough's avenue, 1848, Greenough's lane, 1858

Tilley's lane, 1708; Gridley's lane, 1795; from Cow lane to Belcher's lane, Gridley street, 1825

Cambridge to May, 1807; to Pinckney, 1834; to Myrtle, 1851, Grove street, 1729

Sconce lane, 1708; Sconce street, 1784; Batterymarch to Fort Hill, Hamilton street, 1807

From Common street east, nearly opposite Park street, Hamilton place, 1806

West Boston Bridge, (Hancock Bridge,) 1793

Cambridge to Sumner; George street, 1732; at one time, Turner street, Hancock street, 1788

Hanover to Ann street; Methodist alley, 1796, Hanover avenue, 1829

Robinson's court, 1820; Robbins' court, 1824; from Hanover street, Hanover court, N., 1840

Queen street to Mill Bridge, extended north, 1824-1836; Orange Tree lane early, Hanover street, 1708

White Bread alley, 1708; Bartlett street, 1826, Harris street, 1868

Rainsford lane, 1708; Front street, 1805; Essex street to Roxbury, Harrison avenue, 1841

From Marlboroa st., opposite Old South Church, unchanged, Harvard place, 1820 [199]

From Orange to Sea; once called Hollis, and Thaxter place; extended 1836, Harvard street, 1732

Charlestown to Causeway, to Warren Bridge, Haverhill street, 1807

Tattle street; a part Chardon lane, 1795; several changes, Hawkins street, 1732

Bishop's alley, 1708; Board alley, 1792; Richardson's alley, Gilbert's alley, Waybourn's lane, Hawley street, 1800

On Tremont, between West and Mason, built over, 1810, Haymarket, 1789

Declination passage; Henchman's lane, 1708; Day's lane at one time, Henchman street, 1850

Summer to Fort Hill; a part, Cow lane, 1708; extended, 1875, High street, 1798

Broad alley, 1722; Harvard street at one time, but names exchanged, Hollis street, 1732

Court to Bulfinch; Southac's court, 1732, Howard street, 1821

The north-east point of the town on Charles river, (Hudson's Point,) 1708

Salem to Burial-ground; Brown street to Lynn street added, 1828, Hull street, 1708

State to India Wharf; unchanged, India street, 1804

In Prison lane; built over, (Inner Temple,) 1727

Cambridge to Myrtle; Butolf st., 1733, Irving street, 1855

Belknap lane, 1787; Belknap st., 1803; extended, Joy street, 1851

Mackerel lane, 1708; Cooper's alley, Miller's lane, a part Adams st., 1825, Kilby street, 1769 [200]

Plymouth street, Short street included, 1838, Kingston street, 1800

Included in Elliot, 1838; changed back, 1840; a part Marginal street, 1843, Kneeland street, 1732

Legrange place, 1828; Washington to Tremont, 1864, Lagrange street, 1864

Merrimac to Millford, to Causeway street, 1841, Lancaster street, 1807

Green lane to Burton's point, to Cragie's bridge, 1809, Leverett street, 1733

Junction of Kilby, Water, and Batterymarch streets, Liberty square, 1796

Charter to Lynn street, opposite the burial grounds, Lime alley, 1708

Summer to Essex; extended south, 1836; to Lehi, 1846, Lincoln street, 1795

From Cambridge to Green lane, unchanged, Lynde street, 1732

East side of the Common, Mall, The 1790

Prince to Sheafe street, Margaret lane, 1733, Margaret street, 1796

From Union street to Creek square, Marsh lane, 1708

Union to Hanover street, Marshall's lane, 1708, Marshall street, 1821

West to Sheafe lane, 1809; part of Sheafe lane, 1834; site of Haymarket, Mason street, 1795

Thirty foot passage, 1784, to Sheete st., 1788; South Allen, 1806, McLean street, 1829

From Hanover to Ann; City court, 1822, Mechanic street, 1825 [201]

Charlestown to Causeway street, unchanged, Medford street, 1807

King to Town Dock, 1825; State to Ann street, Roebuck Passage, Fish lane, Swing Ridge lane, Merchants' row, 1708

Union to Causeway street, Merrimac street, 1807

North Battery, now Battery wharf, (Merry's point,) 1646

Fort street, 1666; Marlboroa to Batterymarch, east, 1804, 1820, Milk street, 1708

About Copp's Hill, (Mill Field,) 1634

Within Salem, North Margin, Causeway, South Margin and Merrimac streets, (Mill Pond,) 1650

Leverett to the water; Cart lane, 1733, Minot street, 1825

Fish to Clark square; to Fleet, 1784; North square to Fleet, 1800, Moon street, 1708

From Park to rear State House, to Charles; numerous streets added, Mt. Vernon, 1796

Across Fort Point channel, Mt. Wash. Bridge, 1856

Extended 1814, 1851; Warren street, 1878; May street, 1796; Myrtle court, Zone street, Hill street, Myrtle street, 1806

Next north of Essex street, built over by Globe theatre, 1866, (Newbury place,) 1805

From Washington, east; jarvis row, 1805, Norfolk place, 1823

From Green to Merrimac; Gouch street, 1822; Gooch lane, 1732, Norman street, 1877

Between Moon and Garden court and Clark square, 1708, North square, 1788 [202]

Ann street; formerly in parts Ship street, Fish street, Draw Bridge and Conduit streets, North street, 1851-4

Thatcher street to Baptist Church, 1821; to Salem street, 1841, No. Margin street, 1807

From Cambridge to Eaton street, unchanged, No. Russell street, 1795

Orange to Ash street; extended to Front street, 1827; to Lincoln, 1837, Oak street, 1805

From Cross, by the Mill Pond, to Ferryway, 1631; no trace left, (Old Way,) 1708

In Mackerel lane, now Kilby street, filled up, (Oliver's Bridge,) 1722

Milk to Fort Hill; Oliver lane, 1789; in part, Gibbs lane, extended 1845, Oliver street, 1708

Otis place, 1812; from Summer to Devonshire street, Otis street, 1816

Tremont, opp. the Granary; trees planted 1762; removed, 1874, (Paddock's mall,) 1777

Common to Beacon street; Centry street, 1784; Park place at one time, Park street, 1803

Salem to Hanover; Beer lane, 1708; Bridge lane, 1796; part of Richmond, 1800, Parmenter street, 1870

Milk to Cow lane, Hutchinson lane, 1722; Palmer street, 1788; Green lane, 1789, Pearl street 1800

Washington to Savage's court, now Williams court, arch remains, (Peck's arch,) 1800 [203]

Between Somerset and Tremont row, dug down, 1835, (Pemberton Hill,) 1814

Phillips place in part, formerly Pemberton Hill, Pemberton square, 1838

From Tremont, Tremont place, 1805; built over, (Philips place,) 1829

Southac street, 1729; part George street, 1810, Phillips street, 1866

Belknap to Charles, to the water, Pinckney street, 1803

Green to Merrimac, Pitts lane, 1733, Pitts street, 1820

Laid out by Geo. Tilley; Orange to the Common, Pleasant street, 1743

Wiltshire to the water, to Brighton, 1820; to Chambers, 1859, Poplar street, 1800

Hanover to Mill Pond; Cold lane, 1708, Portland street, 1807

Middle to Ferryway; Black Horse lane, 1698; extended to North square, 1833, Prince street, 1708

Leverett to Mill Pond, formerly Prospect lane, Prospect street, 1812

Governor's alley, 1732; School to Bromfield, Province street, 1834

From Marlboro, front of Old Province House, (Province House row,) 1818

A swamp formerly, rope-walks in part, Public Garden, 1837

Summer to Tilley's lane; formerly Belcher's lane; Town way, Purchase street, 1747

South Russell to Charles; May st., 1733, Revere street, 1855

Hanover to Back, to Fish, 1820; Wood lane; Proctor's lane; now Parmenter, (Richmond street,) 1800 [204]

Cambridge to Hill street, Ridgeway lane, 1788

Between Essex and Pond sts., built over, (Rowe's Pasture,) 1777

Prince to Charter; Green lane; Hanover to Charter, 1824; Back street, 1708, Salem street, 1708

Hanover to Ann; Salutation alley, 1708, Salutation street, 1825

Cornhill to Somerset; So. Latin school, 1759; Cornhill to Tremont, 1803, School street, 1708

Scollay's Buildings, 1809; building removed, 1870, Scollays square, 1838

Dover to Roxbury; Suffolk, 1834; Dover to Castle, 1849; to Tremont, 1870, Shawmut avenue, 1851

Salem to Snowhill, 1806; unchanged, Sheafe street, 1732

Prince to Charter street, at Hudson's point, Snowhill street, 1708

From Southac's court to Beacon street, Somerset street, 1803

Summer street to the sea; to Beach, 1837; to Lehi, 1852, South street, 1708

From Pitts to Prospect street, unchanged, So. Margin street, 1807

Merchants' row to Commercial street; to Atlantic Avenue, 1872, So. Market street, 1825

Cornhill to Joylieff's lane; Washington to Devonshire, 1824, Spring lane, 1708

Leverett to Wiltshire; to Poplar, 1806; to Allen, 1825, Spring street, 1733

Cambridge street to Green lane, Staniford street, 1732

From Cornhill, both sides Town House, to Long Wharf; King street, 1708, State street, 1784

Near St. Paul's Church, Common, Tremont street, (St. Paul's row,) 1826 [205]

From Beach street to Mill Pond, to Charlestown street, Stillman street, 1807

Court to Howard; Stoddard's alley, 1732; Fitch lane, 1800, Stoddard street, 1833

North part of Sudbury, near Cold lane, Sudbury square, 1709

School to Mill Pond; from Hanover, 1708; Court to Portland, 1850; to Merrimac, 1851, Sudbury street, 1654

Marlboro to the sea, Mylne street; Seven Star lane, 1758, Summer street, 1708

Fish to Clark square, Sun Court street, 1708

Turnagain alley, 1708; Autumn, 1864; extended to Washington street, 1864; Temple place, 1869, Temple place, 1830

Cambridge to foot of Beacon hill; to Mt. Vernon, 1820, Temple street, 1769

Prince to Charlestown street, unchanged, Thacher street, 1807

Middle to Salem; Love lane, 1708; No. Writing School street, 1789, Tileston street, 1820

Buildings in Franklin place, removed, (Tontine,) 1793

Portland to Charlestown st., unchanged, Travers street, 1807

Called Sudbury, Tremont square, Pemberton hill, 1814; Tremont row, 1850, Tremont row, 1654

School to Court (many names and changes), Pemberton square to Roxbury, 1836, Tremont street, 1654

Dock square to Mill Pond, north of Hanover, Green Dragon lane, 1708, Union street, 1828

Charter to Love lane; Ellitt's st., 1784, Unity street, 1795 [206]

East of Beacon hill, between Bowdoin and Somerset street, (Valley Acre,) 1777

North Russell to Bridge, to No. Grove; See Parkman street, Vine street, 1806

Beacon to Olive; East part Coventry, 1733, Walnut street, 1799

Washington to Elliot; Warren st,, 1795, Warrenton street, 1868

Temple place to Mason; built over, (Wash'n Gardens,) 1810

Roxbury to fortifications; many additions, 1824, Haymarket square to Dedham, 1879, Washington street, 1788

Cornhill to the Wharves, 1826, Water street, 1708

Cornhill to Savage's or Williams' court, (Webster's Arch,) 1732

From Custom House street to Wharf st., Well street, 1808

Wendell lane, 1796; Halfmoon place, extended 1870, Wendell street, 1824

South of Cambridge street, near Charles river; built over, (West Hill,) 1722

From Newbury street to the Common, West street, 1708

From Broad to India street, Wharf street, 1808

No. Bennet to Tileston; Short lane, 1796; Short street, 1849, Wiggin street, 1878

Cornhill, west; Savage's court, 1732, Williams court, 1788

Newbury to the Common; Blott's lane, Bannister's lane, Winter street, 1708

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Fort Hill (South Carolina, United States) (10)
McAllister (Pennsylvania, United States) (9)
Cow lane (United Kingdom) (8)
Green lane (Pennsylvania, United States) (7)
Tremont, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (5)
Sudbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (4)
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (4)
Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (4)
Pudding lane (United Kingdom) (3)
Love lane (United Kingdom) (3)
Frog lane (United Kingdom) (3)
Cornhill (Arkansas, United States) (3)
Copp's Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (3)
Wood lane (New Jersey, United States) (2)
Town House (New Hampshire, United States) (2)
Somerset, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Snowhill (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Snow Hill (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Mill Bridge (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Meeting House (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Long lane (Missouri, United States) (2)
Jefferson, Texas (Texas, United States) (2)
Hanover (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Essex (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Dover, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (2)
Charles (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Bell alley (United Kingdom) (2)
Beer lane (United Kingdom) (2)
Sun Court (United Kingdom) (1)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
St. Paul's church (United Kingdom) (1)
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
South Boston (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Short lane (Virginia, United States) (1)
Roseboro (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Orange court (United Kingdom) (1)
North East (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Noddle's Island (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (1)
Mill lane (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Mill Field (Utah, United States) (1)
Mansion house (United Kingdom) (1)
Lehi (Utah, United States) (1)
Lehi (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Horn Lane (United Kingdom) (1)
Haymarket (Virginia, United States) (1)
Hanover Court (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Hamilton Court (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Grover (Missouri, United States) (1)
Fort Point (Texas, United States) (1)
Fort Point (California, United States) (1)
Devonshire (United Kingdom) (1)
Dedham (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
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Crescent City (California, United States) (1)
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Edward H. Savage (3)
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Edward W. Green (3)
Fish (3)
Elliot (3)
Thomas Clark (3)
Bridg (3)
Jonathan Belcher (3)
Wiltshire (2)
Roger Williams (2)
Walleys (2)
Tim (2)
Sweetser (2)
Rowe (2)
John Phillips (2)
Oake (2)
Newbury (2)
Miller (2)
Lynds (2)
Frederick W. Lincoln (2)
Thomas Hudson (2)
Hawley (2)
John Foster (2)
Fitch (2)
Elliots (2)
Jonas Clarks (2)
Bull (2)
John W. Webster (1)
Galen Walker (1)
Walke (1)
Vincent (1)
John Tileston (1)
Thomas (1)
Temple (1)
Tanner (1)
Swan (1)
Bradford Sumner (1)
Anthony Stoddard (1)
Steven (1)
Jonas Clarks South Easterly (1)
Shrimpton (1)
Sheafs (1)
Sheafe (1)
Sewall (1)
Habijah Savages (1)
Richard P. Robinson (1)
J. Robbins (1)
Richardson (1)
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Joseph Prout (1)
Proctor (1)
Pond (1)
Pitts (1)
Pinckney (1)
Henry L. Pierce (1)
Peck (1)
William E. Parmenter (1)
William Parkmans (1)
Beacon Park (1)
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Paddock (1)
Daniel Oliver (1)
David Nortons (1)
Stephen Minots (1)
William Minot (1)
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Hancock (1)
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Ira Gibbs (1)
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Eliakim Hutchinson Esq (1)
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D. Costa (1)
Savages Corner (1)
Richards Corner (1)
Olivers Corner (1)
Jonas Clarks Corner (1)
Elliots Corner (1)
Drummers Corner (1)
Butlers Corner (1)
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Coll (1)
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John Chambers (1)
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1851 AD (4)
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1837 AD (4)
1834 AD (4)
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