

Oliver J. Putnam should be in Company M.

Aljon Haskell was a Sergeant in Company M.

O. Q. Claflin was a member of Company D.

Patrick Murray, Company L, enlisted June 3rd, 1862, not 165.

In Roster, Ambrose L. Vannah, Company E, is reported ‘Died May 20, 1865.’ It should read ‘Disch.’

Major Commerford is spelled with two ms.

James Quinn (Company B.)

James Quinn was the youngest man in the regiment. When Company B was raised in Lawrence, young Quinn enlisted, at the age of 13 years. He was, however, sent home by Captain L. D. Sargent, to ‘grow another year.’ During the year he tried several times to enlist, but failed to get to the front. When the recruiting office was opened in Boston, in 1864, to fill the depleted ranks of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry, Quinn again offered himself, and was accepted as a recruit for Company B, at 14 years and 6 months.

Young Quinn was born in Lawrence, May 22, 1849, was wounded October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, and was mustered out September 28, 1865.

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