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Names of persons Responsible for maps, sketches, etc., printed in volumes 1 to 53, inclusive.

To be consulted in connection with List of Authorities in Atlas. The references are to volumes and pages of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, the volume and parts thereof being designated by bold face figures and letters, the lighter figures referring to the pages.

Allison, Richard:

Fort Sumter, S. C.

35 II, 211

Anderson, L. B.:

Kilpatrick's Expedition

33, 215

Averell, William W.:

Kelly's Ford, Va.

25 i, 51

Babcock, John C.:

Richmond Campaign

42 II, 1049; 42 III, 319

Baird, Absalom:

Jonesborough, Ga.

38 i, 756

Baker, J. Stannard:

Sycamore Church, Va.

42 i, 841

Banks, Nathaniel P.:

Fort De Russy, La.

34 i, 224

Henderson's Hill, La.

34 i, 225

Mansura, La.

34 i, 234, 235

Monett's Ferry, La.

34 i, 233

Pleasant Hill, La.

34 i, 230-232

Sabine Cross-Roads, La.

34 i, 227-229

Sabine Pass Expedition

26 i, 291

Wilson's Plantation, La.

34 i, 226

Bernard, John G.:

Harper's Ferry, W. Va., fortifications

25 II, 425-427

Barnum, Henry A.:

Savannah, Ga.

44, 308

Baxter, Henry:

Dinwiddie Court-House, Va.

42 i, 513

Benham, Henry W.:


33, 413

Birney, David B.:

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 i, 486, 487

Blackford, William W.:

Brandy Station, Va.

27 II, 686

Blake, Edward D.:

New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10

8, 137

Bowen, John S.:

Port Gibson, Miss.

24 i, 665

Branch, L. O'B.:

New Berne, N. C.

9, 248

Bratton, John:

Wauhatchie, Tenn.

31 i, 232

Briscoe, James C.:

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 i, 486, 487

Brooks, Thomas B.:

Morris Island, S. C.

28 i, 263, 305-307, 309, 311, 320, 321, 332-334

Brown, Harvey:

Pensacola Harbor, Fla.

1, 421

Buford, Abraham:

Harrisburg, Miss.

39 i, 334

Burgwyn, H. K.:

Weldon, N. C.

27 III, 1071

Butterfield, Daniel:

Bull Run, Va.

12 III, 960

Campbell, Albert H.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1129

Capron, Horace:

Waynesborough, Tenn., and vicinity

45 i, 966

Cheatham, B. F.:

Stone's River, Tenn.

20 i, 922

Clayton, Henry D.:

Atlanta, Ga.

38 III, 820

Cleburne, Patrick R.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 II, 157

Coates, James H.:

Meridian Expedition

32 i, 331

Cocke, Philip St. George:

Bull Run, Va.

51 i, 26

Comstock, Cyrus B.:

Forts Caswell and Fisher, N. C.

46 II, 197, 215, 217

Cope, Emmor B.:

Boydton Plank Road, Va.

42 i, 435

Hatcher's Run, Va.

46 i, 262

North Anna River, Va.

36 i, 548

Spotsylvania Court-House, Va.

36 i, 547

Wilderness, Va.

36 i, 546; 36 II, 458

Cox, Jacob D.:

Blake's Farm, W. Va.

5, 274

Nashville, Tenn.

45 i, 408

Crane, W. T.:

Fort Sumter, S. C.

28 i, 597, 601, 603

Crow, George R.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 i, 737

Chickamauga Campaign

30 III, 120a

Cruft, Charles:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 i, 737

Davies, Thomas A.:

Corinth, Miss.

17 i, 264-266

Davis, A. W.G.:

Gauley Bridge and Camp Dickerson, W. Va.

5, 948

Davis, Jefferson C.:

Marietta, Ga.

38 i, 638, 639

Davis, Nelson H.:

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 III, 1087

Delafield, Richard:

Embrasure blinds

51 i, 580

De Lisle, Charles G.:

Torpedoes, Charleston Harbor

14, 950,951

De Russy, R. E.:

San Francisco Harbor, Cal.

50 II, 533

Doolittle, Edwin D.:

Morris Island, S. C.

28 i, 241-255

Doull, Alexander:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1127

Duncan, Johnson K.:

Forts Jackson and Saint Philip, La.

6, 546

Echols, William H.:

Devil or Torpedo Searcher

14, 254

Charleston Harbor, S. C.

14, 251-253

Elliot, G. D.:

Sabine Pass, Tex.

26 i, 296

Emory, William. H.:

Pleasant Hill, La.

34 i, 391

Monett's Ferry, La.

34 i, 395

Sabine Cross-Roads, La.

34 i, 390

Engineer bureau, C. S. Army:

Alabama River obstructions

15, 1020

Engelmann, Adolph:

Fourche Bayou, Ark.

22 i, 515

Foster, John G.:

Charleston Harbor, S. C.

1, 86, 146-148, 156, 164, 165, 174, 180, 181, 184, 207, 225, 229, 244

Roanoke Island, N. C.


Franklin, William B.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

51 i, 1033

Sabine Pass, Tex.

26 i, 296

French, William H.:

Mine Run Campaign

29 II, 522, 932

Rappahannock River, Va.

29 i, 557

Frick, Kilian:

Vicksburg, Miss.

17 i, 611

Fuller, John W.:

Atlanta, Ga.

38 III, 479-482

Fuller, W. G.:

Ship Island, Miss.

41 IV, 777

Fullerton, Joseph S.:

Dallas Line, Ga.

38 i, 866

Marietta, Ga.

38 i, 880

Garrard, Israel:

Atlanta, Ga.

38 v, 536

Geary, John W.:

Peach Tree Creek, Ga.

38 II, 139

Gibbon, John:

North Anna River, Va.

36 III, 188

Gillmore, Quincy A.:

Fort Sumter, S. C.

28 i, 25, 29, 597, 601, 603

Gilmer, Jeremy F.:

Alabama River obstructions.

15, 1020

Gonzales, Ambrosio Jose:

Edisto Island, S. C.

6, 279

James Island, S. C.

28 II, 408, 409

Granger, Gordon:

Fort Blakely, Ala., Union works

49 i, 145

Franklin, Tenn

23 i, 225

Gray, A. B.:

New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10

8, 146, 147

Grose, William:

Stone's River, Tenn.

20 i, 564

Hains, Peter C.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1127

Hall, Norman J.:

Gettysburg, Pa

27 i, 438, 439

Hamilton, Charles S.:

Corinth, Miss.

17 i, 208

Hammond, A. B.:

Spotsylvania Court-House, Va.

36 i, 547

Hancock, Henry:

Santa Catalina Island, Cal.

50 II, 688

Hancock, Winfield S.:

Boydton Plank Road, Va.

42 i, 233

Reames' Station, Va.

42 i, 229

Spotsylvania Court-House, Va.

36 II, 706

Wilderness, Va.

36 II, 408, 411, 491

Harris, Almeron N.:

Elgin, Ark

34 II, 107

Harris, David B.:

Apalachicola River, Fla.

28 II, 425

Hawley, Joseph R.:

Caston's and Frampton's Plantations

14, 170, 171

Secessionville, S. C.

14, 1009

Hazard, John G.:

Gettysburg, Pa

27 i, 479

Hazen, William B.:

Brown's Ferry, Tenn.

31 i, 83

Fort McAllister, Ga.

44, 112

Resaca, Ga.

38 i, 426

Pickett's Mills, Ga

38 i, 427

Hebert, Louis:

Raft in Yazoo River at Snyder's Mill

24 III, 790

Henderson, Thomas J.:

Gulley's, N. C.

47 i, 972

Hickenlooper, Andrew:

Vicksburg, Miss.

24 II, 201

Hotchkiss, Jed.:

McDowell, Va.

12 i, 474, 475

Hotchkiss, William Augustus:

Chickamauga, Ga

30 i, 504a

Hovey, Alvin P.:

Champion's Hill, Miss.

24 II, 43

Port Gibson, Miss.

24 i, 605

Howard, Ocran H.:

Vicksburg, Miss

24 i, 135

Howard, Oliver O.:

Acworth to Chattahoochee River

38 i, 210

Adairsville to Cartersville, Ga.

38 i, 208

Cartersville to Dallas and Acworth, Ga.

38 i, 209

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 629

Chattahoochee River to Atlanta, Ga.

38 i, 211

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 i, 698, 699

Resaca to Adairsville, Ga

38 i, 207

Ringgold to Resaca, Ga.

38 i, 206

Huger, Benjamin:

Savannah, Ga., defenses

14, 855, 858, 859

South Mills, N. C.

9, 330

Humphreys, Andrew A.:

Hatcher's and Gravelly Runs, Va.

46 III, 293

Hunt, Henry J.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1127

Jackson, Henry R.:

Greenbrier River, W. Va.

5, 229

Jackson, Thomas J.:

McDowell, Va.

12 i, 474, 475

Jenney, William L. B.:

Arkansas Post, Ark.

17 i, 760, 761

Johnson, Bushrod R.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 II, 468, 469

Johnson, L.:

Dalton, Ga.

39 i, 722

Jones, Fielder A.:

Stone's River, Tenn.

20 i, 313

Jones, Samuel:

Rocky Gap, W. Va.

29 i, 47

Kappner, Franz:

Northern Virginia Campaign

12 i, 260

Kauffman, Albert B.:

Searcy Landing, Ark.

34 i, 105


Kean, R. G.H.:

Fort Harrison, Va.

46 II, 1169

Kennedy, John D.:

Bentonville, N. C.

47 i, 1110

Kershaw, Joseph B.:

Totopotomoy River, Va.

36 III, 845

Kimball, Nathan:

Kernstown, Va.

12 i, 362-365

Kitching, J. Howard:

North Anna River, Va.

36 III, 60

Kossak, William:

Vicksburg, Miss.

24 II, 191

Lane, James C.:

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 767

Lee, Francis D.:


28 II, 252

Lee, Robert E.:

Rappahannock River, Va.

29 i, 614, 615

Lee, Stephen D.:

Steele's Bayou Expedition, Miss., 1863

24 i, 462, 463

Lockett, Samuel H.:

Big Black River Bridge, Miss.

24 II, 72

Champion's Hill, Miss.

24 II, 71

Loring, Frank W.:

Monett's Ferry, La.

34 i, 395

Lovell, W. S.:

Raft in Yazoo River at Snyder's Mill

24 III, 606

Lyman, Theodore:

North Anna River, Va.

36 III, 190, 191

Richmond Campaign

40 II, 315

Wilderness, Va.

36 II, 411

Lyon, Sidney S.:

Arkansas Post, Ark.

17 i, 713

McAlester, Miles D.:

Mobile Bay, Ala.

39 i, 409

McArthur, John:

Coaker's Ferry, Big Black River, Miss.

24 III, 465

McClernand, John A.:

Arkansas Post, Ark.

17 i, 711-715

McComas, William R.:

Port Gibson, Miss.

24 i, 605

McCook, Daniel:

Chickamauga, Ga

30 i, 872a

McCown, John P.:

Island no.10

8, 767

Stone's River, Tenn.

20 i, 916

McFeely, Aaron:

Gentilly's Plantation, Mo

41 i, 733

MacKEYey, Thomas J.:

Pilot Knob, Mo

41 i, 708

McLaws, Lafayette:

Knoxville Campaign

31 i, 493

McLoughlin, William:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 i, 644

McMahon, Edward:

Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, Va.

29 i, 947

McParlin, Thomas A.:

Hospitals, Richmond Campaign

42 i, 190

McPherson, James B.:

Chattahoochee River, Ga.

38 v, 57, 58

Shiloh, Tenn.

10 i, 183

McQuade, James:

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 517

Marshall, Humphrey:

Carter's Raid

20 i, 97, 100

Middle Creek, Ky

7, 51

Meade, George G.:

Mine Run Campaign

29 i, 19

Meister, C.:

New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10

8, 146

Merrill, Lewis:

Fourche Bayou, Ark.

22 i, 493

Meysenberg, Theodore A.:

Northern Virginia Campaign

12 i, 177-179

Michie, Peter S.:

Dutch Gap Canal

42 i, 670

Minden, H. Von:

Devil's Lake, Wis

48 II, 1139

Mitchell, Robert B.:

Wheeler and Roddey's Raid

30 II, 674

Mohrhardt, Francis:

Atlanta Campaign

38 i, 206-211

Moncure, Thomas J.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1129

Fort Sanders, Tenn.

31 i, 507

Morgan, Charles H.:

Wilderness, Va.

36 II, 491

Mower, Joseph A.:

Pleasant Hill, La.

34 i, 319

Savannah, Ga.

44, 151

Newton, John:

Saint Mark's, Fla., and vicinity

49 i, 68

Noyes, William H.:

Redwood Creek, Cal.

50 i, 173

Olmstead, E. B.:

Fort Pendleton, W. Va.

51 i, 1229

Opdycke, Emerson:

Franklin, Tenn

45 i, 240

Osterhaus, Peter J.:

Dallas, Ga.

38 III, 130

Griswoldville, Ga., and vicinity

44, 511

Jonesborough, Ga.

38 III, 138

Palfrey, John C.:

Fort Jackson, La.

15, 434

Spanish Fort, Ala.

49 i, 148

Palmer, John M.:

Chickamauga Campaign

30 III, 120a

Palmer, William J.:

Chickamauga Campaign

30 III, 340, 443

Courier posts

30 IV, 310

Pattison, H. A.:

New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10

8, 146

Patton, George S.:

Rocky Gap, W. Va.

29 i, 1016

Pitzman, Julius:

Arkansas Post, Ark.

17 i, 762

Vicksburg, Miss.

17 i, 611; 24 i, 118

Pleasants, Henry:

Mine, the, Va.

40 i, 559-563

Pleasonton, Alfred:

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 i, 915

Poe, Orlando M.:

Rich Mountain, W. Va.

51 i, 15, 16

Polk, Leonidas:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 II, 48

Porter, Fitz John:

Bull Run, Va.

12 III, 959

Porter Court-Martial:

Northern Virginia Campaign

12 II (Sup.), 1052

Prime, Frederick E.:

Vicksburg, Miss.

24 i, 118

Prince, Henry:

Bristoe Campaign

29 i, 323

Mine Run Campaign

29 II, 932

Rains, Gabriel J.:

Torpedoes, Richmond Campaign

42 III, 1221

Ransom, R., jr.:

Gillett's Farm, N. C.

9, 303

Rice, James C.:

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 i, 619

Richmond, W. B.:

Chickamauga Campaign

30 II, 75

Ripley, Roswell S.:

Charleston Harbor, S. C.

14, 262

Rives, Alfred L.:

Plan for bomb-proof

9, 63; 51 II, 500

Robinson, George T.:

Lawrence, Kans.

41 II, 254

Rockhill, William P., jr.:

Chickamauga Campaign

30 III, 148

Roebling, Washington A.:

Bristoe Campaign

29 i, 1018

Mine Run Campaign

29 II, 933

Morton's Ford, Va.

33, 117

Wilderness, Va.

36 i, 546

Rosecrans, William S.:

Corinth, Miss.

17 i, 171

Ross, Samuel:

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 697, 699

Ruger, Thomas H.:

Gettysburg, Pa

27 i, 779

Salm, Felix Pr.:

Elrod's Tan-yard, Ala.

49 i, 12

Salomon, Frederick:

Helena, Ark.

22 i, 394

Schoepf, Albin:

Cumberland River, near Mill Springs, Ky.

7, 946

Schurz, Carl:

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 648, 649, 653

Schurz Court of Inquiry:

Wauhatchie, Tenn.

31 i, 212

Schwartz, A.:

Arkansas Post, Ark.

17 i, 711-715

Scofield, Levi T.:

Gulley's, N. C.

47 i, 972

Scott, William C.:

Rich Mountain, W. Va.

2, 274

Sears, Claudius W.:

Allatoona, Ga

39 i, 824

Serrell, Edward W.:

Morris Island, S. C.

28 i, 241-255, 258-262

Seymour, Truman:

Charleston Harbor, S. C.

1, 213, 215, 216

Proposed operations

28 II, 113, 115; 53, 97

Shelby, Joseph O.:

Shelby's Raid

22 i, 679

Sherman, William T.:

Arkansas Post, Ark.

17 i, 760-762

Bentonville, N. C.

47 II, 905

Vicksburg, Miss.

17 i, 611

Sigel, Franz:

Northern Virginia Campaign

12 i, 177-179

Slaughter, John N.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 II, 353

Slocum, Henry W.:

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 673

Gettysburg, Pa.

27 i, 760

Savannah, Ga

44, 720

Smith, Andrew J.:

Bayou Rapides Road, La.

34 II, 725

Pleasant Hill, La.

34 i, 308

Snyder, G. W.:

Charleston Harbor, S. C.

1, 213, 215, 216

Starkweather, John C.;

Chickamauga, Ga

30 i, 303-307

Steele, Frederick:

Little Rock, Ark., defenses

22 i, 478

Stevens, Walter H.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1129

Stout, S. H.:


30 IV, 737

Strahl, Otho F.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 II, 131

Stuart, James E. B.:

Brandy Station, Va.

27 II, 686

Gettysburg Campaign

27 II, 711

Sturgis S. D.:

Dandridge, Tenn.

32 i, 133

Sully, Alfred:

Devil's Lake, Wis.

48 II, 1139

Summers, F.:

Helena, Ark.

22 i, 394

Suter, Charles R.:

Paine's Wharf, S. C.

35 II, 237, 238

Sykes, George:

Gettysburg Campaign

27 III, 673

Thomas, George H.:

Chickamauga Campaign

30 III, 262a, 264a

Dallas Line, Ga.

38 IV, 290

Tilton, William S.:

Gettysburg, Pa

27 i, 607

Tompkins, Charles H.:

Spotsylvania Court-House, Va.

36 i, 755, 756

Wilderness, Va

36 i, 754

Tunica, Francis:

Hard Times Landing, La.

24 i, 188

Turchin, John B.:

Missionary Ridge, Tenn.

31 II, 515

Turner, Thomas E.:

San Bernardino to Warner's Ranch, Cal.

50 i, 31

Vifquain, Victor:

Fort Blakely, Ala.

49 i, 213

Wainright, Charles S.:

Fredericksburg, Va.

21, 1127

Walker, J. G.:

Milliken's Bend, La.

24 II, 463

Walker, W. H.T.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 II, 242a

Wallace, Lew.:

Shiloh, Tenn.

10 i, 177

Warren, Gouverneur K.:

Boydton Plank Road, Va.

42 i, 435, 436

Bristoe Campaign

29 i, 1018

Five Forks, Va.

46 i, 830, 880

Harris Farm, Va.

36 i, 549

Hatcher's and Gravelly Runs, Va.

46 i, 810

Hatcher's Ran, Va.

46 i, 262

Hickford, Va.

42 i, 448, 449

Lewis Farm, Va.

46 i, 802

Mine Run Campaign

29 II, 496, 933

Morton's Ford, Va.

33, 117

North Anna River, Va.

36 i, 548; 36 III, 89, 126, 192, 224

Richmond Campaign

40 II, 7

Spotsylvania Court-House, Va.

36 i, 547; 36 II, 717

Weldon Railroad, Va.

42 i, 433; 42 II, 372

White Oak Road or Ridge, Va.

46 i, 814, 819

Wilderness, Va.

36 i, 546; 36 II, 419, 497

Wellman Chauncey R.:

Warner's Reach, Cal.

50 i, 45

Wilkinson, Nathan:

Beverly, W. Va.

46 i, 450

Williams, Alpheus S.:

Chancellorsville, Va.

25 i, 683

Williams, Seth:

Leed's Ferry, Va

21, 26

Williams, Thomas:

Vicksburg, Miss.

15, 29, 30

Wilson, James H.:

South side and Danville Railroads

40 i, 631-633

Yazoo Pass Expedition

24 i, 372, 377, 389

Winter, Frederick:

Berry's Ferry, Va.

12 III, 102

Wise, Henry A.:

Hawk's Nest, W. Va

5, 125

Wistar, Isaac J.:

Mathews County, Va.

29 i, 1017

Wood, Thomas J.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 i, 644

Wright, Horatio G.:

Richmond Campaign

40 II, 571

Spotsylvania Court-House, Va.

36 II, 726

Wright, John A.:

Chickamauga, Ga.

30 i, 739

Young, J. Morris:

Duck River, Tenn.

45 i, 605

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Chickamauga (Georgia, United States) (11)
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (10)
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (7)
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (7)
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (7)
Wilderness, Va. (Virginia, United States) (6)
Post, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (6)
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (6)
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (6)
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (5)
Island Number Ten (Missouri, United States) (5)
Stone River (Tennessee, United States) (4)
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (4)
Pleasant Hill (Louisiana, United States) (4)
New Madrid, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (4)
Dallas, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (4)
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (4)
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (3)
Port Gibson (Mississippi, United States) (3)
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Corinth (Mississippi, United States) (3)
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (3)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (3)
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Sabine Pass (Texas, United States) (2)
Rocky Gap (Georgia, United States) (2)
Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) (2)
McDowell, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (2)
Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) (2)
Helena, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Hatchers (Virginia, United States) (2)
Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (2)
Franklin (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Fourche Bayou, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Cartersville (Georgia, United States) (2)
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (2)
Blakely (Alabama, United States) (2)
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Alabaha River (Georgia, United States) (2)
Adairsville (Georgia, United States) (2)
Ackworth, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (2)
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Weldon, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Waynesborough (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Tupelo (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Tunica (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Steele's Bayou (Mississippi, United States) (1)
St. Phillip (Indiana, United States) (1)
Spanish Fort (Alabama, United States) (1)
South Mills (North Carolina, United States) (1)
South Dakota (South Dakota, United States) (1)
Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Secessionville (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Santa Catalina Island (California, United States) (1)
San Bernardino (California, United States) (1)
Saint Marks (Florida, United States) (1)
Roswell, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Roanoke Island (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Prestonburg (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Peach Tree Creek (Mississippi, United States) (1)
New Bern (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) (1)
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Milliken's Bend (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Mill Springs (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Mathews (Virginia, United States) (1)
Mansura (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (1)
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Kelly's Ford (Virginia, United States) (1)
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Hawk's Nest, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Griswoldsville (Georgia, United States) (1)
Greenbrier (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Gauley Bridge (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Fort Pendleton (Maryland, United States) (1)
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (1)
Fort Jackson (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Fort De Russy (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Fort Caswell (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Five Forks (Virginia, United States) (1)
Elgin, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Edisto Island (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Dutch Gap Canal (United States) (1)
Dandridge (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Columbia, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Beverly (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Apalachicola (Florida, United States) (1)
Allatoona (Georgia, United States) (1)
, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
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Thomas (12)
James (8)
Williams (3)
Lee (3)
J. Howard (3)
George B. Davis (3)
Andrew (3)
Wright (2)
Walker (2)
Shelby (2)
Schurz (2)
Palmer (2)
Jones (2)
Jackson (2)
Hotchkiss (2)
Harris (2)
Hancock (2)
Gulley (2)
Fuller (2)
Daniel (2)
Wood (1)
Wistar (1)
Wise (1)
Wilson (1)
Wilkinson (1)
Wheeler (1)
Warren (1)
Warner (1)
Wallace (1)
Wainright (1)
H. Von (1)
Vifquain (1)
Victor (1)
Vicksburg (1)
W. Va (1)
Turner (1)
Turchin (1)
Truman (1)
Tompkins (1)
Tilton (1)
Sykes (1)
Suter (1)
Summers (1)
Sully (1)
Sturgis (1)
Stuart (1)
Strahl (1)
Stout (1)
Stevens (1)
Steele (1)
Starkweather (1)
J. Stannard (1)
George.Philip St. George (1)
Snyder (1)
Smith (1)
Slocum (1)
Slaughter (1)
Sigel (1)
Sherman (1)
Seymour (1)
Serrell (1)
Sears (1)
Robert N. Scott (1)
Scofield (1)
Schwartz (1)
Schoepf (1)
Salomon (1)
Salm (1)
Ruger (1)
Ross (1)
Rosecrans (1)
Roebling (1)
Roddey (1)
Rockhill (1)
Robinson (1)
Rives (1)
Ripley (1)
Rice (1)
Ransom (1)
Rains (1)
Quincy (1)
Felix Pr (1)
Porter (1)
Polk (1)
Poe (1)
Pleasonton (1)
Pleasants (1)
Pitzman (1)
Patton (1)
Pattison (1)
Patrick (1)
Palfrey (1)
Otho (1)
Osterhaus (1)
Opdycke (1)
Olmstead (1)
Oliver (1)
Noyes (1)
Norman (1)
Newton (1)
Nelson (1)
Mower (1)
J. Morris (1)
Morgan (1)
Moncure (1)
Mohrhardt (1)
Mitchell (1)
Minden (1)
Michie (1)
Meysenberg (1)
Merrill (1)
Meade (1)
McQuade (1)
McPherson (1)
McParlin (1)
McMahon (1)
McLoughlin (1)
McLaws (1)
McFeely (1)
McCown (1)
McCook (1)
McComas (1)
McClernand (1)
McArthur (1)
McAlester (1)
Marshall (1)
MacKEYey (1)
Lyon (1)
Lyman (1)
Lovell (1)
Loring (1)
Lockett (1)
De Lisle (1)
B. Lewis (1)
Leonidas (1)
Lane (1)
Kossak (1)
Kitching (1)
Kimball (1)
Kilpatrick (1)
Kershaw (1)
Kennedy (1)
Kean (1)
Kauffman (1)
Kappner (1)
Julius (1)
Ambrosio Jose (1)
Fitz John (1)
Jenney (1)
Jefferson (1)
Hunt (1)
Humphreys (1)
Humphrey (1)
Huger (1)
Hovey (1)
Hickenlooper (1)
Henderson (1)
Hebert (1)
Hazen (1)
Hazard (1)
Hawley (1)
Hatcher (1)
Harvey (1)
Hammond (1)
Hamilton (1)
Hall (1)
Hains (1)
Grose (1)
Gray (1)
Granger (1)
Gordon (1)
Gonzales (1)
Gilmer (1)
Gillmore (1)
Gibbon (1)
Geary (1)
Garrard (1)
Fullerton (1)
Frick (1)
French (1)
Franklin (1)
Foster (1)
Fielder (1)
Engelmann (1)
Emory (1)
Emerson (1)
Elliot (1)
Echols (1)
Duncan (1)
Doolittle (1)
Delafield (1)
Davies (1)
Cyrus (1)
Cruft (1)
Crow (1)
Crane (1)
Cox (1)
Comstock (1)
Cocke (1)
Coates (1)
Cleburne (1)
Clayton (1)
Claudius (1)
Cheatham (1)
Wellman Chauncey (1)
Carter (1)
Capron (1)
Campbell (1)
Butterfield (1)
Burgwyn (1)
Buford (1)
Brown (1)
Brooks (1)
Briscoe (1)
Big Black River Bridge (1)
Bratton (1)
Branch (1)
Bowen (1)
Blake (1)
Blackford (1)
Birney (1)
Bernard (1)
Benjamin (1)
Benham (1)
Baxter (1)
Barnum (1)
Banks (1)
Baker (1)
Baird (1)
Babcock (1)
Averell (1)
William Augustus (1)
Redoubt Anderson (1)
Allison (1)
Alexander (1)
Albin (1)
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1049 AD (1)
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