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Company I, 56th Virginia. [from the Richmond Dispatch, Feb. 7, 1897. roster of the Command—Some of its movements.

Baltimore, Md., February 4, 1897.
To the Editor of the Dispatch :
You will please publish in your Confederate column the enclosed roster of Company I, Fifty-six Virginia Infantry, organized in Charlotte county, Virginia, in June, 1861, and mustered into service at Richmond, Virginia, July 18, 1861. It was known as the Charlotte Grays. The Regiment went West, and shed its first blood at Fort Donelson, Tennessee. Returning to Virginia in May, 1862, it was [211] put in Pickett's Brigade, with the Eighth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-eighth Virginia regiments, and with these regiments helped to win for General Pickett his major-general stars at Gaines's Mill. It served until the end of the war in this brigade, taking a conspicuous part in the noted Pickett's charge at the battle of Gettysburg.

The company's roll has been carefully compiled by Lieutenant Floyd Clark, now living at Chase City, Virginia, and myself.

Your's, very respectfully,

Private Company I, Fifty-sixth Virginia Infantry.

The roster.

William E. Green, captain, died since the war.

Thomas S. Henry, first lieutenant, nephew of Patrick Henry.

William H. Price, second lieutenant, died since the war.

John T. Palmer, third lieutenant.

Thomas N. Read, first sergeant, died since the war.

William P. Morrison, second sergeant, wounded at Fort Donelson, and died.

Thomas B. Smith, third sergeant, wounded at Gettysburg.

Peyton R. Lawson, fourth sergeant, killed at South Mountain.

Robert A. Holt, fifth sergeant, wounded.

William T. Guill, first corporal, a color guard, and killed at Gettysburg.

Stanard Booker, second corporal.

Jacob W. Morton, third corporal, wounded at Gettysburg, and captured.

W. W. Berkeley, fourth corporal.


Allen, Joseph, dead; Baker, Elijah, killed at Gettysburg; Baker, John E., died during the war; Beasley, W. D., wounded at Gettysburg; Blankenship, Joel, died during the war; Blankenship, Dick, died during the war; Booker, Horace, discharged early in the war; Brightwell, William, dead; Brightwell, Charles; Breedlove, John W., wounded at Gettysburg; Clark, Charles J., promoted to captain, wounded at Gettysburg; Clark, Elijah W., dead; Clark, E. C., transferred to cavalry; Clark, William, dead; Clark, Floyd, promoted [212] to lieutenant; Calhoun, Adam; Calhoun, John; Creacy, John, a gallant man, promoted to lieutenant, wounded, and captured at Gettysburg; Cronin, S. D.; Crumby, John, discharged; Dickerson, John T.; Dixon, John T.; Daniels, George C., wounded at Gettysburg; Driscoll, C., killed at Gettysburg; Ellington, Branch, killed at Cold Harbor, June, 1864; Elliott, Robert, killed at Gettysburg; Gaines, John C.; Gaines, William B., wounded at Sharpsburg; Green, William T.; Guill, John, died since the War; Garrison, John R.; Garrison, Joseph; Hill, James R.; Holt, Thomas, killed in seven-days' fight before Richmond; Holt, R. I., killed in seven-days' fight before Richmond; Holt, John Lee, killed at Gettysburg, 1864; Holt, J. P., killed at Drury's Bluff; 1862; Holt, R. M., wounded at South Mountain, 1862; Holt, B. N. M., wounded at Five Forks, 1865; Harvey, Wyatt C., teamster; Hamlett, E. W.; Hamlett, Jesse; Harvey, W. D., died since the war; Harvey, Thomas, died since the war; Hardiman, John E., wounded at Gaines's Mill and at Gettysburg; Hammersley, Richard, wounded at Gettysburg; Hamlet, Thomas; Irwin, Powhatan I.; Johnson, Clemm; Johnson, J. R.; Kearsey, John, died in Richmond, 1861; Lawson, Thomas G., wounded at Gettysburg; Leadbetter, R. T.; Lester, H. F.; Lester, T. Parker, dead; Lester, W. Tal.; Mason, Andrew, killed in seven days fight, first death in the company; Mason, Tobe, killed at Gettysburg; Mason, Alpheus, dead; Mason, Big Daniel, dead; Mason, Hillery, dead; Morton John A.; Overstreet, W. R., killed at Hutchin's Run; Pugh, Presley A.; Pryor, Samuel, discharged; Ramsey, Samuel W., killed at Hutchin's Run; Rash, James A.; Smith. James L., wounded at Second Battle of Manassas; Smith, John M., died 1862; Smith, W. G., dead; Smith, Edward, dead; Smith, William Henry; Smith, Lea, killed at Gettysburg; Sharpe, Josiah; Steele, Pete, wounded at Fort Donelson and Gettysburg; St. John, Alexander, killed at Gettysburg; Thomas, Rice, killed at Fort Donelson, first man killed in the company; Trent, Booker, died 1862; Vaughan, Merritt, died 1862; Williams, W. W., died since the war; Williams, Charles B., died since the war; Williams, Thomas, died during the war, at Gettysburg; Williams, C. W.; Williams, A. L. P., gallant color-bearer at Gettysburg, wounded, and captured there; Wilkes, B. Calvin.

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