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History of Crenshaw Battery,

Pegram's Battalion, Third Corps, army of Northern Virginia—With a roster of the Company.

This famous organization participated in forty-eight Engagements and many skirmishes.

Written by Private Charles P. Young, and Revised by Captain Thomas Ellett, thirty-eight years after close of the war.

On Friday, March 14, 1862, there assembled at the wholesale warehouse of Messrs. Crenshaw & Co., on the Basin bank, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, Richmond, Va., one of the jolliest, most rollicking, fun-loving crowd of youngsters, between the ages of 16 and 25, that were ever thrown together haphazard, composed of clerks, book-keepers, salesmen, compositors, with a small sprinkling of solid business men, from Richmond, reinforced with as sturdy-looking a lot of farmer boys from the counties of Orange, Louisa, Spotsylvania and Culpeper as one generally comes across.

The occasion of the gathering was the formation of an artillery company for active service in the field, and after the usual preliminaries, an organization was soon effected, with the following officers:

Captain, William G. Crenshaw.

Senior First Lieutenant, James Ellett.

Junior First Lieutenant, Charles L. Hobson.

Senior Second Lieutenant, Andrew B. Johnston.

Junior Second Lieutenant, Thorras Ellett.

The battery consisted of six guns: Two 10-pound Parrotts, two 12-pound brass Howitzers, and two 6-pound brass guns.

The company was christened ‘The Crenshaw Battery,’ in honor of its first captain. His gallant bearing on the field of battle subsequently, and his noble generosity to the company, always, proved that the name was fitly chosen. Captain Crenshaw equipped the battery with handsome uniforms, overcoats, blankets, shoes, underclothing, and everything necessary for its comfort, at his own expense, and advanced the money necessary for the purchase of horses and guns to the Confederate government, thereby getting into the [276] field much earlier than would have been the case under ordinary circumstances.

The battery was sent first to Camp Lee for instruction, and in an incredibly short time had become so proficient in drill and field movements as to be ordered to the front. It saw its first service in the fields around Fredericksburg, being attached to a South Carolina brigade of infantry under Brigadier-General Maxey Gregg, where the bugles almost daily sounded an alarm, with the harnessing and and hitching of horses and a gallop down the Telegraph or Catharpin road, with cannoneers mounted; but no enemy to be found, was the usual result. The men became so accustomed to these alarms that they began to enjoy them, and they in no small degree preferred them to the long, tedious, and bloody campaign they were soon to enter upon.

In the mean time McClellan had landed his hosts on the Peninsula, Williamsburg had been fought, and his army was soon thundering at the gates of Richmond. Lee had concentrated his army in front of him, and the Crenshaw Battery was ordered to take position on the left of the line, and was soon to receive its baptism of fire in one of the most hotly-contested and hardest-fought battles of the war.

The Battery, with Gregg's Brigade, moved to about six miles north of Richmond, where the Light Division was formed under Major-General A. P. Hill, the Brigade and Battery being a part of it. Remained in this vicinity and at Friend's farm on the Chickahominy river, where the battery was engaged in several artillery duels with Federal batteries, one specially severe on the 20th of June, 1862, where several horses were killed and wounded, but fortunately no men were hurt.

On the 26th day of June, 1862, the Light Division, with this and other batteries, crossed the Chickahominy swamp and made an attack on the Federals at Mechanicsville, with the Purcell Battery in front, the Crenshaw Battery being immediately in the rear, where they were exposed to a very heavy fire, without the satisfaction of replying.

The Light Division continued the advance the next morning with the battery in the same position. In the mean time our forces in front had flanked the fortifications of the enemy, and forced them to evacuate and beat a hasty retreat. The Crenshaw Battery was hurried to the front to take part in the attack on Gaines' Mill; it went into battery in an open field just in rear of the Gaines house, where [277] it fought for several hours a large force of artillery and infantry strongly entrenched, losing one sergeant and many men and horses, and having the guns (the axle of one broken) and caissons badly damaged, it held its position on the field until the ammunition was exhausted, when it was ordered to retire. As soon, however, as the ammunition chests could be refilled, the battery was again ordered back to the same position it had occupied, where it remained under a very hot artillery and infantry fire until nearly sundown, when ordered to retire, Marmaduke Johnson's battery taking its place.

The battery went into action with about eighty or ninety men, and came out after a six hours fight with one killed and eight wounded. Sergeant Sydney Strother was mortally wounded, and died the next day, and was buried by the battery on Sunday, June 29th, in Hollywood Cemetery. In this action three guns were disabled, about twenty-five horses killed and wounded, three caissons damaged, and harness very much injured.

The next morning the battery was ordered forward to join the division. Captain Crenshaw sent word that he could only bring three pieces. General Gregg's reply was: ‘Bring them along; they are as good as six of the enemy's.’ When the battery reached the brigade, Major-General A. P. Hill ordered it to go to Richmond and refit. Captain Crenshaw insisted, with the wish of General Gregg, that it should be allowed to go with the brigade, but General Hill said: ‘No! I have plenty of artillery, and you deserve to be sent to the rear, and go you shall.’

And go it did.

On July 3d, after being nicely refitted, the battery started to rejoin General A. P. Hill's Light Division, which, with the rest of the army, was driving McClellan towards the Federal gunboats on James river.

The battery was then assigned to Maj. R. Lindsay Walker's Battalion of Light Artillery, and the scene of operations having shifted to Northern Virginia, we were soon on the road to Culpeper, and on the 9th of August, 1862, when Jackson came up with Pope at Cedar Run, took part in that battle, where ‘Stonewall’ pretty effectually disposed of the man who ‘had no lines of retreat,’ and whose ‘headquarters were in the saddle.’

Pushing on to Warrenton Springs, on the 24th of August we took part in a furious artillery fight, preliminary to Jackson's move around Pope's army, which was soon accomplished, when the battery [278] struck General Taylor's Federal brigade (which had come from Alexandria unsupported to capture what was supposed to be a raiding party of Stuart's cavalry) at Manassas Junction on the 27th of August. The battery, which was put in position by General J. E. B. Stuart in person, disposed of Taylor in short order without the aid of infantry or cavalry, Stuart's cavalry (which had gotten in their rear), capturing nearly all of the brigade we failed to kill or wound.

Having loaded down the gun carriages and caissons with the plunder we had captured, Captain Crenshaw directed the head of the battery to move out into the road leading to the old Manassas battlefield, which we reached the 27th of August, and here, on the 28th, 29th, and 30th was fought

Second Manassas,

one of the most desperate and hard-fought battles of the campaign, where Jackson's Corps alone held the whole of Pope's army at bay for nearly two days, until Longstreet could unite with him. The Crenshaw Battery played no small part in this severe battle, but did not suffer a great deal because it fired from a concealed position most of the time.

Capture of Harper's Ferry.

Still driving Pope's army, the battery moved on to Harper's Ferry with the army, and reached there on the 15th of September, when the place was invested, guns being put in position on Maryland Heights, Bolivar Heights, and Loudoun Heights. A furious cannonade was soon opened, but the enemy still held out. Finally General Jackson sent word to General A. P. Hill to take the place at the point of the bayonet. General Hill returned answer to General Jackson that if he would give him twenty minutes he could take it with his artillery. Jackson assented. Hill immediately ordered the Crenshaw Battery and the Purcell Battery, which were in front of the main works, up to within 500 or 600 yards of the redoubt, a rapid and destructive fire was opened, and the place surrendered, half of a tent being used for the white flag of surrender.

General White (one of the garrison) had a leg shot away by one of the Crenshaw's 6-pounders. General Miles was the commanding officer. Upwards of eleven thousand prisoners, seventy-two pieces of artillery, all their small arms and munitions of war were captured. [279]

Captain Crenshaw was detailed to look after and dispose of the artillery, horses, and supplies, which was done satisfactorily; but scarcely had the task been completed when, on the 17th, orders came to hasten to


where a battle was raging. The situation there was very critical—so critical, indeed, that the horses were not allowed to ‘water’ in the Potomac while crossing it. The Light Division went immediately into action and the battery along with it. When we got to the position assigned us, with scarcely men enough to man the guns, we found a battery on the brow of the hill whose cannoneers had been driven from the guns, and saw a heavy column of the enemy moving up under cover of a stone wall to take possession of them. We at once opened a destructive fire on them and drove them back. But for the timely arrival of the Crenshaw Battery at this point, the result would have been disastrous in the extreme. In the meantime General A. P. Hill's Division had formed in line of battle, struck Burnside's Corps on their left flank, checked their victorious charge, and soon had it on an inglorious retreat. The fire of the sharpshooters was very severe, and Private Charles Pemberton was shot in the left side and died next day. This was a sad blow, for he had endeared himself to every one by his generous and affable conduct. Privates Edward Lynham and John Gray were slightly wounded.

We remained in line of battle all of the next day under fire of the enemy's sharpshooters, and recrossed the Potomac that night.

Captain Crenshaw ordered to Richmond.

After the battle of Sharpsburg Captain Crenshaw, much to the regret of his company, which he had commanded with such great gallantry and such signal ability on ten hard-fought fields, was ordered to Richmond, and was subsequently sent to Europe as the commercial agent of the Confederate government, a position for which he was peculiarly fitted, and where he could render the government a greater service even than in the field. On the march back through Virginia Captain Crenshaw had the company drawn up on the roadside, and in a few feeling remarks bade the men farewell.


Lieutenant James Ellett.

Lieutenant James Ellett succeeded to the command of the battery, and proved as efficient and gallant a commander as he had been a second. When temporarily in command of the battery at Sharpsburg, when Captain Crenshaw had gone ahead to locate his position, the writer heard an artillery captain ask Lieutenant Ellett where he was taking his battery, he replied: ‘Just over yonder.’ The captain then suggested that the position was untenable; that he would lose his guns, as he (the captain) had examined the position. Lieutenant Ellett listened attentively, and when the captain had finished, simply said, ‘Forward!’ and the Crenshaw Battery was soon in action and held the position until the battle ended.

On Friday, September 26, the following congratulatory order from General A. P. Hill was read at evening assembly:

Headquarters Light Division, Camp branch, September 24, 1862.
Soldiers of the Light Division
You have done well, and I am well pleased with you. You have fought in every battle from Mechanicsville to Shepherdstown, and no man can yet say that the Light Divison has ever been broken. You held the left at Manassas against overwhelming numbers, and saved the army; you saved the day at Sharpsburg, and at Shepherdstown you were selected to face a storm of round shot, shell and grape, such as I have never before seen. I am proud to say to you that your services are appreciated by our general, and that you have a reputation in the army which it should be the object of every officer and private to sustain.

A. P. Hill, Major-General.
Official: R. S. Wingate, A. A. A. G.

On Saturday, October 4, the following order from General Lee was read, which is worthy of a place in this history, and needs no comment:

General orders, no. 116.

headquarters army of Northern Virginia, October 2, 1862.
In reviewing the achievements of the army during the present campaign the Commanding General cannot withhold the expression [281] of his admiration of the indomitable courage it has displayed in battle, and its cheerful endurance of privation and hardship on the march.

Since your great victories around Richmond you have defeated the enemy at Cedar Mountain, expelled him from the Rappahannock, and, after a conflict of three days, utterly repulsed him on the plains of Manassas, and forced him to take shelter within the fortifications around his capital.

Without halting for repose, you crossed the Potomac, stormed the heights of Harper's Ferry, made prisoners of more than eleven thousand men, and captured upwards of seventy pieces of arillery, all their small arms and munitions of war.

While one corps of the army was thus engaged the other insured its success by arresting at Boonesboro the combined armies of the enemy advancing under their favorite general to the relief of their beleagured comrades.

On the field of Sharpsburg, with less than one-third his numbers, you resisted from daylight until dark the whole army of the enemy, and repulsed every attack along his entire front of more than four miles in extent.

The whole of the following day you stood prepared to resume the conflict on the same ground, and retired next morning without molestation across the Potomac.

Two attempts subsequently made by the enemy to follow you across the river have resulted in his complete discomfiture, and being driven back with loss.

Achievements such as these demanded much valor and patriotism. History records few examples of greater fortitude and endurance than this army has exhibited, and I am commissioned by the President to thank you in the name of the Confederate States for the undying fame you have won for their arms.

Much as you have done, much more remains to be accomplished. The enemy again threatens us with invasion, and to your tried valor and patriotism the country looks with confidence for deliverance and safety. Your past exploits give assurance that this confidence is not misplaced.

After the battle of Sharpsburg our camp was several times changed in the Valley of Virginia, and finally landed down below Berryville, [282] where we rested up, and, with the exception of a small affair at Snicker's Gap, had a quiet time.

Saturday, November 22, received orders to take up the line of march for


where we arrived December 2, and at once began preparations for the conflict of the 13th—as Burnside's army was already strung along the Rappahannock river and beyond.

The hills near Hamilton's Crossing were soon crowned with artillery, and the guns of the Crenshaw Battery were not the least conspicuous. When the enemy advanced and opened fire the battery was soon enveloped in a storm of shot and shell, as well as subjected to a galling fire of infantry, but right well did the men acquit themselves, although they had to mourn the death of many brave men and one gallant officer, Lieutenant James Ellett, who fell early in the action. No officer of the company was more beloved than he, and none more deserved the affection of the men.

After Burnside's bloody repulse, came a lull for three or four months, and we amused ourselves in winter quarters until the roads dried up and the spring campaign opened. In the latter part of April we were again upon the march, and came up with the enemy on the 1st of May at


but this time under a new commander, General ‘Fighting Joe’ Hooker having succeeded Burnside.

Ah! who of the Crenshaw Battery does not remember Chancellorsville? Who can forget the incessant fighting of the 1st, 2d, and 3d of May, when we struck the enemy first in front, and then in rear, in the race down the plank road behind Rodes' Division after the ‘Flying Dutchmen,’ of Howard's Eleventh Corps, when Jackson made his celebrated flank movement. (Howard's Corps was composed of Germans.) They were ‘easy marks.’ But on the 3d, when we had to cut a road through the woods to prevent annihilation before we could get in position, it was not so ‘easy,’ and as far as the eye could reach when we debouched from the road there was nothing to be seen but lines of battle. The Crenshaw Battery went into position near the centre of the battalion, and soon one of the hottest artillery fights of the war was on, while infantry engaged infantry on either side. After several hours' fighting our artillery [283] actually drove the enemy from their guns—there was no charging (in our front) to capture them by infantry; we captured them—a thing that did not occur on any other field during the war. The Crenshaw Battery was awarded two of the captured guns.

Hooker defeated, another idol shattered by Lee, we were destined to meet a new commander of the army of the Potomac when we came up again with our old-time enemy. General Meade had succeeded Hooker. With a rest from fighting from the 3d of May until the 1st of July, we headed for the Potomac for the second time. Once over that stream, what a refreshing sight from the devastated fields of Virginia to the green fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania, for we were en route to


We were greeted all along the route with remarks of all kinds from the ladies, some of them not very complimentary. But the ‘boys’ kept their temper and laughed them off.

Pegram's Battalion (of which the Crenshaw Battery was a part) marched behind the whole army into Pennsylvania, but when we got near the enemy it was hurried to the front, and we fired the first gun in the battle of Gettysburg, Braxton keeping down the Emmittsburg pike, and the Crenshaw turning to the right and opening almost simultaneously. Not only did we open the fight, but we bore a conspicuous part in all three days fighting, particularly in the terrific two-hours' cannonade to shake the enemy's infantry that preceded Pickett's famous charge. Pickett's men filed through the right of the Crenshaw Battery as they started in the charge, when we had ceased firing.

The Confederate artillery fire was very destructive, and the enemy's caissons were frequently blown up.

After Gettysburg the battery was engaged in affairs of more or less importance at Gaines' Cross Roads, on July 24, 1863, Shepherdstown on September 19th, Bristoe Station in October, Rixeyville on November 9th, Mine Run in December, and then had a resting spell until the spring of 1864, when Grant had been made commander-in-chief of all the Federal armies, and established headquarters with Meade. Grant first crossed swords with Lee in the Wilderness, May 5, 1864.


On the 10th of May, 1864, the battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse [284] was fought, followed by bloody battles again on the 11th and 18th. In all the desperate fighting in Spotsylvania the Crenshaw Battery was always in the forefront, and always acquitted itself nobly.

It did the same thing again at Jericho Ford, on the North Anna, on the 23d of May, and on down at Turkey Ridge on the 9th of June, on the route to


around which city, at Battery No. 40, on the 22d of July, Archer's Farm on the 12th, 13th, 18th, and 19th of August, Davis House 21st of August, Jones House 30th of September, Squirrel Level Road 1st of October, Pegram (or Dabney) House 2d of October, Burgess' Mill 27th of October, Jarratt's Depot 10th of December, Crow House 6th of February, 1865, Hatcher's Run 7th February, Five Forks April 1st, Appomattox April 8th.

Although but brief mention is made of these sixteen or seventeen battles around Petersburg, they were regular pitched battles, in which large numbers of troops were engaged, and where some as hard and desperate fighting was done as occurred on any field during the war. It was the series of battles which occurred when Grant was trying to get possession of the Southside Railroad. Wherever a battery or section of artillery was needed, at morn, noon or night, the Crenshaw Battery was hardly ever overlooked.

In the two last named battles—Five Forks and Appomattox—the part played by the company deserves more than a passing notice.

From incessant marching and fighting we were pretty well fagged out when we got to Five Forks, but there we found long lines of infantry (Warren's Corps) and Sheridan's cavalry, and fight we must. Lines of battle were soon formed and the Crenshaw Battery ordered to follow the cavalry over Stony creek, who were to attack Sheridan's cavalry, which was done in gallant style, and they were driven nearly to Dinwiddie Courthouse. But they wouldn't stay ‘driven,’ and were back again the next day, when the battery was put in position in a road overlooking the Gilliam field, supported by Pickett's Division. In fact the battery was placed among Corse's Brigade, with the left gun, and with two guns commanded by Lieutenant Early, in the five forks of the road, from which the place takes its name. We hadn't long to wait for the approach of the enemy. In a few minutes the whole of Gilliam's field in front of us was filled with blue horsemen, and they made a straight dash for our lines. The well-directed fire of our guns, with the aid of Corse's men, soon [285] drove them from our front, but the fighting on our left, where our left gun was stationed, was not so successful, for the enemy had massed their infantry there in four or five lines of battle outflanking the works and charged up the line, and finally captured the three guns, although the men behind them fought until the infantry were about to bayonet them. The lines then broke everywhere, but we got off with the three remaining guns of the Crenshaw Battery.

Then commenced the last act in the tragedy of four years—the retreat to Appomattox. Sleepless nights and days of hunger and fighting from the 3d to the evening of the 8th, when we unlimbered our guns for the last time, and repulsed the enemy's attack, supported only by a few artillerymen with muskets—the Otey Battery—when night came on. The next day we cut down our guns, and sorrowfully wended our way homeward. The curtain fell. That was the end.


Captain Crenshaw was ever mindful of the welfare of his old command, and one of his first acts after going to Europe for the government was to send a full uniform and a pair of boots to each member of the company. This gift was captured by a Federal cruiser in transit, but as soon as he heard of it, he duplicated it, and the second gift got through the blockade, and added much to the comfort of his men.

Captain Crenshaw died at ‘Hawfield,’ near Orange Courthouse, his country residence, on the 24th of May, 1897, mourned and beloved by all his neighbors. His remains were brought to Richmond and buried in the family section in Hollywood. The bullet-ridden battleflag of the Crenshaw Battery, draped in mourning, was placed at the head of the grave as the members of his old company filed in, and their sorrowful countenances betokened the high esteem in which their old commander was held.

Captain Crenshaw commanded the battery from its organization until October 1, 1862; Lieutenant James Ellett commanded until December 13, 1862, when he was killed; Lieut. A. B. Johnston commanded until November, 1863; Captain Thomas Ellett commanded until the surrender at Appomattox.

Captain J. Hampden Chamberlayne commanded temporarily for about two months until he was captured, a few days before the battle of Gettysburg, June, 1863.

The company participated in forty-eight hard-fought battles and a good many skirmishes from first to last. [286]

The morale of the Crenshaw Battery was as good on the evening of the 8th of April, 1865, when it fired its last shot at Grant's army, as it was three years previously when its guns first belched forth defiance at McClellan's army on the Chickahominy.

The shell-torn battle-flag of the battery is still preserved, and is in the Soldiers' Home museum.

Only seven members of the company now reside in Richmond.

The history of the Crenshaw Battery is the history of Pegram's Battalion, the history of Pegram's Battalion is that of General R. Lindsay Walker's Third Artillery Corps, and when a true story of the prowess of the Army of Northern Virginia is written the deeds of this organization will shine forth conspicuously therein.

At Spotsylvania Courthouse.

At Spotsylvania Courthouse Sergeant Allegre's gun was placed in a redoubt, about 200 yards to the right of the other guns, it was actively engaged with a Federal battery in its front, when the muzzle of the gun was struck by a shell which exploded, wounding seriously, the sergeant, gunner and most of the gun's crew—which necessitated their removal to a hospital, leaving only one man with the gun. The captain, seeing the explosion, hurried over from the other guns to see what damage was done. On his arrival, he found the man who was left, alone—a boy about 18 years old—standing with his right arm resting on the breech of the gun, and, as the captain walked up, the boy asked in a cheerful but determined voice, ‘If he should keep on firing,’ in reply to which he was questioned as to how many shells he had, to which he promptly replied ‘three.’ He was told that would do, and ordered to lie down in the redoubt and protect himself, as it was an impossibility to work a gun with one man. This incident is given to show the indomitable spirit and determination of the men of the Crenshaw Battery under the most trying events.

Again, at the same place, on the 18th of May, 1864, the Crenshaw Battery was detached from the Pegram Battalion and ordered to report to Colonel Charles Richardson—commanding a battalion of artillery of five companies—who were to co-operate with General Harry Heth's Division and other troops, all acting under the command of General Jubal A. Early, to meet a flank movement of the Federals. The whole day was spent in driving the Federals back to their original position, each battery taking its turn in the fight as [287] they took place. The Crenshaw Battery, as Colonel Richardson afterwards said, was reserved for the last fight, because it was of the ‘Fighting Battalion’ of the Army of Northern Virginia. Just before sundown the Crenshaw Battery moved to the front on the fighting line and took position on an elevation overlooking a large open field, at the further end of which the Federals had formed a line of battle supporting three Federal batteries; this was opposed by General Heth's Division in line of battle extending across the field on the line of a white house, about 400 to 500 yards from the main road. From the house to the main road, a straight white sandy road ran, declining gradually until it was covered from the line of fire by the elevation on which the white house stood. The Crenshaw Battery, as soon as it took position on the elevation on the main road, commenced firing on the Federal line, which was replied to by the three Federal batteries—just as it was getting quite warm an order came from General Heth for the Crenshaw Battery to come and take position on the line of battle occupied by his troops, which would necessitate a passage over that white sandy road. As soon as the order was received, a request was sent back immediately to Colonel Richardson for the whole of his battalion. While the Crenshaw Battery was limbering up preparatory to carrying out the order, General Early rode up, and said:

Captain, what are you going to do?’ General Heth's order was repeated to him, when he said:

‘If you attempt to carry your battery there it will be knocked all to pieces.’

The captain then asked him what he should do, to which he replied:

‘Hold on a while.’

He then rode out on the elevation and examined carefully with his field-glasses, and riding back, said to the captain:

‘Go on, sir.’

The battery was then limbered up, and Lieutenant Hollis was ordered to take the battery on the main road, on which there was a hedge thick enough to conceal it, and move down the road until it got to the gate leading into the white sandy road, and there wait. The captain rode out over the field to General Heth's line of battle, to get special instructions and to inspect the ground over which the battery had to go. On his return to the battery at the gate the cannoneers were mounted on the guns and strict orders given to each driver to put whip to his horses as soon as he turned into the road, [288] and go down the road at full speed. The battery started as ordered, and as soon as it uncovered, the three Federal batteries opened on it, and at almost every jump of the horses you could feel the windage from the shot and shell. We kept on down the road until its declination put us under cover of the elevation on which the house stood. Seeing that the battery would suffer very much if an attempt was made to keep on the road directly up to the house, it was deemed best to turn it off to the right to work its way through the valley to the position desired, every piece and caisson turned out of the line of fire except the last caisson, when a shot struck the limber chest and exploded it, burning and wounding several men and horses, setting fire to some shelter tents strapped on the footboard of the caisson, which caused the rear chests to explode for several hours; the exploded limber chest was unlimbered immediately, which removed the men and horses from danger. The wheel-driver, J. C. Coleman, of the exploded caisson, deserves special mention for his coolness in managing his horses, for with fire all around them, their tails burnt, and badly scorched about the body and legs, and with the lead drivers blown off their horses, he still retained his seat and stopped the horses from running. The balance of the battery went into the position they were ordered to take, and held it.

As an instance of humor under disadvantageous circumstances, this is too good to be lost. It occurred at Spotsylvania when the battery was under a hot fire waiting orders. The men were lying around the guns in groups of three and four, and somebody was being wounded every few minutes. One of the groups happened to be near half a box of crackers that had been left by the enemy, and the party soon began munching them, when one of the men not far off cried, ‘Pitch me a cracker.’ At this moment a shell from the enemy's guns fell on the ground between the parties and exploded with a tremendous report, when the party addressed replied, ‘There's a “cracker.” Catch that.’ It is needless to say a smile illumined the countenances of all who heard the request and response.


The following roster gives the names, ranks, dates of enlistment, and remarks concerning the men who composed the battery. In some instances where no remarks occur, the men ‘served until surrender,’ but in many they were detailed for various reasons before the company left the city, and saw no service in the field, while a [289] few—probably three or four—stole away from their sleeping comrades in the dead hour of the night, and went over to the enemy:


Crenshaw, William G., Captain, March 14, 1862; resigned April 15, 1863; sent to England by Confederate States government.

Ellett, James, Senior 1st Lieut., March 14, 1862; killed December 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg.

Hobson, Charles L., Junior 1st Lieut., March 14, 1862; resigned April 15, 1863; sent to England by Confederate States government; lost at sea 186–.

Johnson, A. B., Senior 2d Lieut., March 14, 1862; commissioned 1st Lieut. December 13, 1862; served until surrender, April 9, 1865.

Ellett, Thomas, Junior 2d Lieut., March 14, 1862; commissioned Captain April 15, 1863; served until surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Scott, William C., Orderly Sergeant, March 14, 1862; commissioned Captain Quartermaster's Department, June 23, 1862.

Hollis, E. G., Sergeant, March 14, 1862; commissioned 2d Lieut., November 5, 1863; captured at Five Forks, April I, 1865.

Allen, William B., Corporal, March 14, 1862; commissioned 2d Lieut., November 17, 1863; wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862; resigned March 9, 1865.

Allegre, William R., Sergeant and Corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender, April 9, 1865; wounded at Rixeyville, November 9, 1863, and Jericho Ford, May 23, 1864.

Adkisson, J. C., Corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender, April 9, 1865; died in Norfolk, Va., about 1880 or 81.

Arvin, George A., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Almarode, S., private, November 14, 1863; served until surrender.

Allen, R. E., private, March 14, 1862; discharged June 25, 1862.

Arrvil, H. D., private, November 16, 1863.

Burgess, William R., bugler, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Burroughs, T. H., private, March 14, 1862; badly wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863.

Burgess, B. F., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Britton, Samuel, private, March 14, 1862.

Ballowe, R. T., private, March 14, 1862; transferred to Company A, 25th Virginia Battalion, November 25, 1863. [290]

Barbary, Perry, private, March 31, 1863.

Barbary, James, private, March 31, 1863; dead.

Blevens, Samuel, private, April 1, 1863.

Coleman, James A., private, March 14, 1862.

Caldwell, M. A., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862.

Colquitt, Joseph H., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Campbell, James H., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Coleman, J. C., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Spotsylvania Courthouse, May 18, 1864.

Crenshaw, Joseph H., private, March 14, 1862; detailed on surgeon's certificate.

Cary, A. R., sergeant, March 14, 1862.

Cary, John S., private, April 5, 1864; promoted to sergeant-major of Pegram's Battalion.

Cary, Miles, private, October 1, 1864; served until surrender.

Coleman, G. F., private, March 1, 1864; badly wounded in front of Petersburg, March 25, 1865.

Cooper, J., private, October 3, 1863.

Coleman, W., private, August 6, 1863.

Carter, James M., private, March 16, 1863.

Coleman, L. L., corporal, March 14, 1862; returned to 15th Regiment Virginia Infantry, as his transfer was never perfected.

Coghill, George L., private, March 14, 1862; died March 6, 1863, near Bowling Green.

Catlett, Thomas J., private, March 14, 1862; died in hospital at Guinea's Station, June 24, 1863.

Caldwell, James J., private, March 14, 1862; killed May 23, 1864, at Jericho Ford, Virginia.

Casey, Bryan, private, March 14, 1862; transferred to Davidson's Artillery.

Chamberlayne, J. H., 1st lieutenant,——; captured June 28, 1863, in Pennsylvana; died 1882.

Cary, D. H., private, June 11, 1863; died July 29, 1863.

Connor, J. E., private, January 8, 1865.

Davis, Hector, private, March 14, 1862.

Dunn, N. H., private, March 14, 1862.

Douglass, John L., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Dillard, John R., private March 14, 1862; served until surrender. [291]

Duerson, S. K., private, November 14, 1863; served until surrender.

Davies, H. L., private, November 17, 1863; lost leg at Burgess' Mill, October 27, 1864.

Duncum, D. B., private, July 20, 1864.

Dalton, W. C., private, July 22, 1864; served until surrender.

Dillard, Isaiah J., private, December 30, 1864.

Ellett, Robert, sergeant and 1st sergeant, March 14, 1862; September, 1864, promoted to 2d lieutenant in Chamberlayne's Battery; killed April 2, 1865, in front of Fort Gregg, Petersburg, Va.

Emmett, T. A., private, March 14, 1862; killed August 18, 1864, at Archer's farm; buried on battle-field; remains, after the war, were taken up and removed to Winchester, Va.

Farrell, John O., private, March 14, 1862; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865.

Fleming, A., private, October 3, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Feltner, George W., farrier, October 3, 1862.

Franklin, Benjamin, private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Fergusson, E. C., private, August 28, 1863.

Ferneyhough, E. S., Jr., private and corporal, May 14, 1862; served until surrender; wounded at Mine Run, 1863.

Goolsby, J. C., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender; slightly wounded at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863.

Gray, John T., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Sharpsburg September 17, 1862; dead.

Gibson, John W., private, March 14, 1862.

Gibson, D. W., private, March 14, 1862; captured at Five Forks April 1, 1865.

Gibson, T. C., private and corporal, March 14, 1862.

Graves, B. V., private, March 14, 1862; lost leg June 27, 1862, at Gaines Mill.

Grooms, J. W., private, March 1, 1864.

Graves, Thomas E., bugler, March 14, 1862; transferred to Fredericksburg Artillery.

Gentry, W. H., private, March 14, 1862.

Gibson, D. E., private, March 14, 1862.

Gilbert, W., private, November 8, 1863; died.

Greer, T. L., private, November 15, 1863.

Hall, T. J., private, March 14, 1862.

Herndon, J. C., private, March 14, 1862. [292]

Hargrove, William E., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862, and badly wounded in trenches at Petersburg, March 25, 1865, and died a few days after.

Hackley, A. S., corporal and private, March 14, 1862.

Hancock, E. A., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Hart, James M., private, March 14, 1862.

Hogan, R. D., private, March 14, 1862.

Hatcher, E. M., private, November 16, 1863; wounded at Spotsylvania, May 18, 1864; captured at Five Forks, April i, 1865.

Hicks, W. J., private, March 1, 1864; wounded at Hatcher's Run.

Hilman, G. L., private, July 1, 1864.

Holland, H. W., private, March 14, 1862; killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, and buried on the battlefield.

Herndon, R. S., private, March 14, 1862; died June 23, 1862.

Hines, R. N., private, March 14, 1862; killed, June 27, 1862, at Gaines Mill.

Hughes, P. S., private, November 16, 1863; discharged February 10, 1864.

Hudson, John, private, November 16, 1863.

Johnson, J. W., quartermaster sergeant, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Jones, William Ellis, private, March 14, 1862; wounded in foot at Spotsvlvania Courthouse, May 10, 1864; was retired to the invalid corps, February, 1865, and served as clerk in Post Quartermaster's office until fall of Richmond.

Jones, W. G., private, March 14, 1862.

Jones, E. M., private, March 14, 1862.

Johnson, R. J., private, March 14, 1862.

Johnson, G. G., private, March 14, 1862.

Johnson, W. R., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Jackson, John A., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Johnson, T. T., commissary sergeant, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Joiner, M. J., private, November 3, 1863.

Jones, Thomas M., private, December 30, 1864.

Johnson, John A., private, March 14, 1862.

Johnson, Austin, private, March 14, 1862; died June 5, 1862.

Knowles, Marion, private, March 14, 1862; wounded in knee at Gaines Mill, June 27, 1862; permanently disabled.

Kendall, H. S., private, March 14, 1861; discharged November 15, 1862. [293]

Latham, R. G., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Lumsden, H. C., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Luck, Marcellus, private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Lee, Daniel E., private, November 17, 1863; sent forward for orders from Ford's Depot, April 2, 1865; never heard from afterwards.

Lewis, John, private, April 17, 1864.

Leary, Emile, private, April 10, 1864

Lewis, William T., private, December 30, 1864; badly wounded in front of Petersburg, March 25, 1865.

Lumsden, G. G., private, March 14, 1862; died July 3, 1862.

Lumsden, C. L., private, March 14, 1862.

Lancaster, D. M., private, March 14, 1862; died July 3, 1862.

Loving, Taliaferro P., private, March 14, 1862; discharged May 18, 1864.

Langford, Thomas S., private, March 14, 1862.

Lynham, Edward N., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Sharpsburg, Md., September 17, 1862.

Langley, James, private, April 1, 1863.

Mallory, R. H., corporal and sergeant, March 14, 1862; captured, June 28, 1863, and never exchanged.

Meyer, Frederick, private, March 14, 1862.

Mayo, John A., private, March 14, 1862.

Mallory, Thomas J., private, March 14, 1862.

Morgan, William P., private, July 22, 1864.

McLeod, Alex. O., private, December 1, 1864.

Murray, Dan'l F., private, March 14, 1862.

Moyers, A. J., private, March 14, 1862; lost his leg at Rixeyville, November 9, 1863.

Mann, M. B., private, March 14, 1862; discharged by civil authority September 4, 1863.

Moss, J. F., private, May 22, 1862; died August 14, 1862.

McIntosh, William, private, April 6, 1863.

Mitchell, J. G., private, November 16, 1863.

Newman, James F., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; captured at Five Forks, April , 1865.

Newman, A. G., private and sergeant, March 14, 1862; captured June 28, 1863; prisoner of war until December 31, 1864; returned to duty and again captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865.

Nuckols, L. B., artificer, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Nuckols, E. L., private, March 1, 1864; served until surrender.

Nubie, E. C., private, November 17, 1863; served until surrender. [294]

O'Roark, G. W., private, November 14, 1863.

Phillips, A., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, and badly wounded at Spotsylvania C. H., May 18, 1864; served until surrender.

Parker, Wm. A., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Peacher, J. H., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Proctor, A., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Proffitt, W. W., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Pleasants, B. F., private, March 14, 1862; badly wounded at Bristow Station, October, 1863; also at Hatcher's Run, February 7, 1865.

Purcell, O. G., private, March 14, 1862; dead.

Pettitt, J. F., private, March 14, 1862.

Perry, W. H., private, March 14, 1862.

Parsil, Isaac, private, November 15, 1863; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865.

Purnell, F., private, November 16, 1863.

Payne, John A., March 14, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862.

Pemberton, Charles, private, March 14, 1862; died September 18, 1862, from wounds received at Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862; buried near hospital near the battle-field.

Quisenberry, J. N., private, March 14, 1862.

Ratcliffe, W. J., corporal and sergeant, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Redford, John R., commissary sergeant, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Ratcliffe, W. T., corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Rider, M. T., artificer, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Ruffin, J. R., corporal, March 14, 1862; slightly wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862; transferred to Rockbridge artillery November 25, 1863.

Rowland, J. R., private, March 14, 1862.

Roudenboush, S. D., private March 14, 1862.

Rawlings, B. C., private, August 12, 1862; sent to rear from Gettysburg shot through the breast, and died July 4, 1863; buried near field hospital.

Smith, H. D., corporal and sergeant, March 14, 1862; captured June 28, 1863; exchanged March, 1865; returned to battery Apr 2, 1865; recommended for second lieutenant.

Snead, Wm. D., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender. [295]

Seeley, R. S., private, March 14, 1862; badly wounded in face at Spotsylvania; served until surrender.

Smith, C. D., private, March 14, 1862; served until badly wounded March 25, 1865.

Straughan, J. L., private, March 14, 1862.

Smith, W. W., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Seaton, M. V., private, March 14, 1862.

Self, Job, private, November 16, 1863.

Sizer, J. Irving, private, April 29, 1864.

Sewell, G. W., private, March 14, 1862; discharged December 7, 1864.

Strother, R. Q., private, March 14, 1862; transferred to Company E, 1st Engineer Regiment, March 17, 1864.

Sharp, Samuel, private, March 14, 1862; deserted and joined Yankee cavalry; came into Richmond with them at its evacuation.

Strother, Sidney, sergeant, March 14, 1862; died June 28, 1862, from wounds received at Gaines' Mill.

Straughan, J. J., private, December 11, 1862.

Thomas, J. J., first sergeant and corporal, March 14, 1862; badly wounded at Spotsylvania C. H.; served until surrender.

Thomasson, William, private, March 14, 1862; died August 9, 1863.

Tankersly, C. W., private, March 14, 1862; deserted and came into Richmond after evacuation in the Yankee cavalry.

Tyree, Andrew W., private, March 14, 1862; discharged at Fair Grounds early in 1862.

Vass, H. J. C., corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Vass, B. W., sergeant, March 14, 1862; wounded at Davis' farm, Petersburg, August 21, 1864; served until surrender.

Vass, John W., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Turkey Ridge, June 9, 1864; served until surrender.

Venable, Thomas, private, April 30, 1863.

White, M. J., corporal, March 14, 1862.

Wheeler, John J., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.

Walden, R. C., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; served until surrender; dead.

Weisiger, Junius K., private, March 14, 1862.

Walker, T. G., private, August 24, 1862; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865.

Ware, G. E., private, March 1, 1864.

Watkins, R. W., private, July 20, 1864. [296]

Wood, Thomas, farrier, March 14, 1862; died November 18, 1863.

Weisiger, Powhatan, private, March 14, 1862; transferred to Captain Guigon's company.

White, C. M., private, March 14, 1862; discharged by order, June 6, 1862.

Warner, G. W., private, November 12, 1863.

Young, C. P., private, March 14, 1862; wounded at Harper's Ferry, September 15, 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; captured en route from Gettysburg but escaped; captured again at Appomattox, April 9, 1865, but escaped again.

Young, George S., private and corporal, March 14, 1862; wounded at Cold Harbor on the 27th June, 1862—schrapnel shot passed entirely through his neck—and at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; died May 30, 1864, from wounds received at Jericho Ford, May 23, 1864.

Youell, Joshua, private, September 14, 1863.

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Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (7)
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) (5)
Gaines Mill (Virginia, United States) (5)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (4)
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (4)
United States (United States) (3)
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (3)
Rixeyville (Virginia, United States) (3)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (2)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (2)
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Virginia (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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William G. Crenshaw (16)
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D. A. Thomas (9)
George S. James (9)
Bushrod Johnson (8)
James Ellett (7)
Pegram (6)
Stonewall Jackson (6)
J. C. Coleman (6)
Harry Heth (5)
Thomas Ellett (5)
Pope (4)
J. R. Jones (4)
Maxey Gregg (4)
U. S. Grant (4)
Randall Lee Gibson (4)
Constance Cary (4)
Burnside (4)
Julius White (3)
R. Lindsay Walker (3)
Vass (3)
J. E. B. Stuart (3)
Frank Smith (3)
Charles Richardson (3)
Charles Pickett (3)
George B. McClellan (3)
Lumsden (3)
R. E. Lee (3)
Hooker (3)
Jubal A. Early (3)
J. Hampden Chamberlayne (3)
Weisiger (2)
Walter H. Taylor (2)
Sidney Strother (2)
Straughan (2)
P. H. Sheridan (2)
Ratcliffe (2)
Tom Perry (2)
Charles Pemberton (2)
Nuckols (2)
Newman (2)
D. Meade (2)
S. R. Mallory (2)
Edward Lynham (2)
Richard Lewis (2)
E. J. Lee (2)
Andrew B. Johnston (2)
James Howard (2)
Hollis (2)
Charles L. Hobson (2)
Herndon (2)
Benjamin B. Graves (2)
Robert G. W. Dillard (2)
Jefferson Davis (2)
Corse (2)
Caldwell (2)
Burgess (2)
Barbary (2)
R. E. Allen (2)
Allegre (2)
Charles P. Young (1)
J. Taylor Wood (1)
R. S. Wingate (1)
Joseph Wheeler (1)
Watkins (1)
Warren (1)
Warner (1)
Ware (1)
Walden (1)
W. H. Venable (1)
Tyree (1)
Thomasson (1)
Tankersly (1)
Taliaferro (1)
Sydney Strother (1)
Stonewall (1)
Snead (1)
Sizer (1)
Sewell (1)
Sergeant (1)
Seeley (1)
Seaton (1)
R. L. Scott (1)
Edmund Ruffin (1)
Rowland (1)
R. E. Rodes (1)
Rider (1)
Redford (1)
John J. Rawlings (1)
Quisenberry (1)
Purnell (1)
John B. Purcell (1)
Proffitt (1)
William E. Proctor (1)
Pleasants (1)
Phillips (1)
Pettitt (1)
Peacher (1)
Payne (1)
F. L. Parker (1)
John E. Murray (1)
Moyers (1)
Fern Moss (1)
John Morgan (1)
George E. Mitchell (1)
D. S. Miles (1)
Meyer (1)
McLeod (1)
Rigdon McCoy McIntosh (1)
Mayo (1)
Marcellus (1)
James Mann (1)
James Longstreet (1)
Robert Edward Lee (1)
Leary (1)
Latham (1)
Langley (1)
Tom Langford (1)
Lancaster (1)
Knowles (1)
Kendall (1)
Junius (1)
Joiner (1)
Marmaduke Johnson (1)
J. Irving (1)
Hughes (1)
Hudson (1)
W. H. House (1)
Holland (1)
Hogan (1)
Thomas J. Hines (1)
Hilman (1)
William D. Hicks (1)
Hector (1)
Hawfield (1)
Hatcher (1)
Hart (1)
Hargrove (1)
W. S. Hancock (1)
James H. Hall (1)
Hackley (1)
A. B. Guigon (1)
Henry I. Greer (1)
John T. Gray (1)
John Gray (1)
Goolsby (1)
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Gentry (1)
Thomas R. Friend (1)
Franklin (1)
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Ferneyhough (1)
Fergusson (1)
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R. Emmett (1)
William Ellis (1)
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Hunter Davidson (1)
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Samuel Cooper (1)
Connor (1)
Comd (1)
John W. Colquitt (1)
Coghill (1)
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T. H. Carter (1)
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May 18th, 1864 AD (5)
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