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Abbot, Captain Henry L., 65.

Abbott, General Henry L., 57, 64.

‘Aborigines,’ 61.

Acre, Siege of, 56.

Adams, Cheree, 2.

Adams, Henry, 47.

Adams, Georgiana, 48.

Adams, William, 45.

Aldersey Street, 14.

Alewife Bridge, 42.

Alewife Brook, 34, 47.

Alewife Brook School, 41.

Alexandria, La., 66.

Alexandria, Va., 41.

Allen, Alfred, 47, 48.

Allen, Ethan, 77.

American Congress, The, 52.

American Historical Association, 62.

American Society of Civil Engineers, 62.

American Tube Works, 18.

Ames, T. Edward, 57.

Andersonville, 34, 37.

Annapolis, Md., 40.

Appalachian Mountain Club, The, 24.

Arlington Heights, Va., 41.

Arlington, Mass., 3, 41, 43, 46.

Arlington Water Works, 59.

Armstrong, William H., 69.

Army of the Potomac, 32.

Army Record, Charles D. Elliot, 64.

Ashby, Mass., 4.

Asboth, General, 68.

Ashton Hall, England, 56.

Augur, —, 65, 67.

Austin, Tex., 46.

Avon, Mass., 45.

Ayer, John C., 59.

Ayer, John F., 22.

Ayer, Mrs. John F., 20.

Ayer, Vashti Eunice, 22.

Baldwin, Loammi, 45.

Baltimore, Md., 40.

Bangor, Me., 82.

Banks, General Nathaniel P., 64, 65, 66, 67, 81.

Barbour, William S., 58.

Bartlett's, 32.

Baton Rouge, 65, 66.

Battle of Bunker Hill,’ 61.

Bayou Sara, 67.

Bayou Teche, 66.

Beacon Trotting Park, Allston, 58.

Bean, George W., 32.

Bedford Cemetery, 3.

Bedford, Mass., 3.

Bell, Dr. Luther V., 25.

Bell, William Graham, 21.

Belle Isle, 33, 34.

Berwick City, La., 66.

Bickford, Robert, 57.

Bigelow, Abigail, 48.

Bigelow, Abigail (Witt), 48.

Bigelow, Jason, 48.

Blackshire Station, 38.

‘Blessing of the Bay,’ The, 49, 62.

Bolles, David, 10, 12.

Bolles, Lucy Stone, 11.

Bond, Lieutenant-Colonel, William, 5.

Bonner Avenue, 10, 14.

Bonner, David, 10.

Bonner, Eliza, 10.

Bonner, Emily, 10.

Bonner, George, 10.

Bonner, George Washington, 10.

Bonner, John, 10.

Bonner, Jonathan, 10.

Bonner, Mary, 10, 12, 13.

Bonner, Philip, 9, 13.

Bonner, William, 10, 14.

Booker, Simeon, 43.

Booth, Dr., Chauncy, 25.

Boston Chamber of Commerce, 17.

Boston Corn Exchange, 17.

Boston Harbor, 51.

Boston & Maine Railroad, 71.

Boston, Mass., 9.

Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 62.

Boston Street, 6, 20.

Boston Tea Party, The, 54.

Boston Transcript, 27.

Bow Street, 6, 7, 11, 13.

Boston Water Power Co., The, 58.

Bowdoin College, 46.

Brashear, La., 66.

Brastow, George O., 62.

Bridgewater Normal School, 23.

Brimmer School, Boston, Mass., 23, 24.

Bristol, Eng., 53.

‘British Retreat from Concord,’ 61.

Broadway, 5, 6.

Broadway Park, 17, 59.

Brookline, Mass., 58.

Brooks, Phillips, 72.

Brown, Ann, 43.

Brown, George Hay, 82.

Bryant, Wallace, 24.

Bull, David, 50.

Bunker Hill, 56.

Burbank, William A., 50.

Burgoyne, General, 26.

Burnham, Sarah M., 46.

Butler, General B. F., 64, 80, 81.

Butterfield, Samuel, 44.

‘Buttonwoods, The,’ 83.

Cambridge Chronicle, The, 50.

Cambridge Common, 51.

Cambridge Divinity School, 46.

Cambridge Electric Light Co., 60.

Cambridge Gas Company, 17.

Cambridge Library Association, 74.

Cambridge Mass., 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 19, 47, 54, 64, 70.

Cambridge Parish, 9.

Cambridgeport, Mass., 9, 19, 51, 58.

Cambridge Street, 16.

Cambridge Street Railway, 22.

Cambridge Water Works, 57.

Camden Street Hospital, 40. [86]

Camp Prospect Hill, 5.

Canaan, N. H., 47.

Cape Cod Canal, 59.

Capen, Rev., Samuel, 30.

Carpenter, Sara A. S., 1.

Carr, Lucretia Russell, 43, 45.

Castle William (Fort Independence), 51.

Caverno, Arthur, 47.

Caverno, Elizabeth A. 47.

Caverno, Jeremiah, 47.

Caverno, Margaret (Brewster), 47.

Caverno, Olive H. (Foss), 47.

Cedar Street, 60.

Central Square, 15, 16.

Central Street, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27.

Champney, Richard, 53.

Champney, Samuel, 53.

Charles River, 11.

Charles River Basin Commission, 60.

Charleston, S. C., 38.

‘Charlestown Estates,’ Wyman, 4, 8.

Charlestown, Mass., 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 20, 24, 41, 47, 55, 57.

Charlestown Water Works, 57.

Chapman, Edmund, 19.

Chase, J. G., 57.

Chelmsford, Mass., 20.

Chenny, Ebenezer, 2.

Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, 23.

Christ Church, New Orleans, La., 82.

Chubbuck, Rev. F. E. R., 82.

‘Civil Engineering as a Vocation,’ 61.

Civil War, The, 71.

Claremont, N. H., 20.

‘Clay Pits and Free Baths,’ 61.

Coburn, James M., 6.

Colburn, Joshua O., 43.

Cole, Caroline Adelaide, 21.

Cole, Erastus E., 21.

Columbus Avenue, 6.

Company E, Thirty-ninth Regiment, 32.

Concord Bridge, 2.

Concord, Mass., 2.

Concord, N. H., 9.

Cooke, S. N., 45.

Cook, Susanna Russell, 44, 46.

Cotting, Martha E., 47.

Craigie's Bridge, 60.

Cross Street, 6, 20.

Cross Street Universalist Church, 21.

Culpeper, 32.

Curtis, H. K., 45.

Cushing's Manual, 74.

Cutler, Martha, 4.

Cutter, Emma M., 19.

Cutter, Evelina, 18.

Cutter House, 5.

Cutter, Richard, 4.

Damon, Rev., David, 46.

Damon, Norwood P., 46.

Dana Street, Cambridge, 56.

Dartmouth, Mass., 23.

Davis, Jefferson, 33.

Davenport & Bridges, 19.

Declaration of Independence, 77.

Dedham, Mass., 47.

Defence, Ship, 4.

Delft Haven Colony of Pilgrim Fathers, 62.

Department of the Gulf, 65.

Department of Massachusetts, G. A. R., 64.

Derby, Rebecca, 46.

Dickerman, Frank E., 24.

Dickermaan, Quincy E., 20, 23, 24.

Dickson, Aaron P., 46.

Dodge, —, 16.

Eames, Margaret, 2.

Early History of Somerville,’ 61.

Early History of Ten Hills Farm, The,’ 61.

East Cambridge, Mass., 8.

Eastham, Mass., 22.

East Stoughton, Mass., 45.

Edgell, Captain, Benjamin, 5.

Editorials in Somerville Journal by Charles D. Elliot, 61.

Eliot, Abigail, 53.

Eliot, Abigaile, 53.

Eliot, Benjamin, 53.

Eliot, Ebenezer, 53.

Eliot, Elizabeth, 53.

Eliot, Hannah, 53.

Eliot, Jacob, 54.

Eliot, Jane, 53.

Eliot, Joel, 54.

Eliot, John, 53.

Eliot, Joseph, 53, 54.

Eliot, Joseph, Jr., 53.

Eliot, Mercy, 54.

Eliot, Nehemiah, 53.

Eliot, Nehemiah, Jr., 54.

Eliot, Samuel, 53.

Eliot, Thomas, 53.

Eliot, Thomas, Jr., 53.

Elliot, Adelaide Genevieve , 63.

Elliot, Alfred Lawrence, 56, 62.

Elliot, Caroline, 54.

Elliot, Charles Edwin, 54.

Elliot, Charles Darwin, 49, 53-84.

Elliot, Charles Joseph, 63.

Elliot, Clara Lenora, 62.

Elliot, Ella Florence, 62.

Elliot, Hannah, 54.

Elliot, Joel, 78.

Elliot, Joel Augustus, 54.

Elliot, Joseph, 53, 54, 55.

Elliot, Mary Elvira, 32, 56, 62.

Elliot, Mary Joanna, 54.

Elliot, Mary Murray (Flagg), 54.

Elliot, Nancy Maria, 54.

Elliot, Sarah Elizabeth, 54.

Elliot, Timothy, 54.

Elliot, Zenora (Tucker), 53, 55.

Elm House, 34.

Emory, —, 65, 66.

English Union, The, 52.

Enneking, John J., 26.

Everett, Edward, 26.

Fairhaven, Mass., 23.

Farragut, Admiral, 65.

‘Feasible Metropolitan Boulevard for Somerville,’ 61.

Federal Street, Boston, 11.

Female Writing School, Charlestown, 44.

Firemen's Relief Fund, 18.

First Church of Cambridge, 6.

First Congregational (Unitarian) Society in Somerville, 6, 13, 17, 18, 19. [87]

‘First National Flag, The,’ 61.

First Parish, Cambridge, Mass., 8.

First Universalist Church, 13, 18.

First Universalist Church, Men's Club of, 62, 64.

First Universalist Society in Somerville, 55.

Fitchburg, Mass., 26.

Fitchburg Railroad, 57, 74, 78.

Five Cents Savings Bank, Charlestown, The, 25.

Flagg, Sarah (Hicks), 54.

Flagg, Timothy, 54.

Florence, S. C., 38.

Forster School, 50.

Fort Bisland, 66.

Fort Butler, 68.

Fort Darling, 38.

Fort St. Philip, 64.

Fowle, F. E., 48.

Foxboro Centre, Mass., 55.

Foxboro, Mass., 53, 54, 55.

Franklin, General, 67, 81.

Franklin Literary Association, 74.

Franklin Street, Arlington, Mass., 48.

Freetown, 5.

Frost, Elisha, 46.

Frost, Rebecca, 20.

Fuller, J. F., 58.

Gage, General, 52.

Gardenville, 32.

Gardner, Mary B., 47.

Gardner, Miles, 47.

Gardner Row, 47.

Gardner, Thomas, 5.

Gates, General, 51, 54.

Geddis' Twine Factory, 12.

Gerrish, Elizabeth, 43.

Goddard, Thomas, 19.

Goldsboro, 39.

Goodhue, Eliza, 10.

Governor John Winthrop and His Ten Hills Farm,’ 61.

Grand Army of the Republic, 68.

Gray's Elegy, 76.

Gray, Rev. Francis A., 63.

Great Bromley, Essex County, Eng., 1.

Green, Marshal-General, John, 53.

Grover, Benjamin, 9.

Grover, Elizabeth, 9.

Grover, General, 65, 66, 68.

Hague, Rev., William, 11.

Hale, Sarah Josepa (Buell), 31.

Haley, Mary A., 25.

‘Hanneman Tub,’ 14.

Hapgood, Emily (Chase), 22.

Hapgood, Nahum R., 22.

Harvard College, 29, 46.

Harvard Square, 9.

Hastings, Jonas, 45.

Hastings, Joseph S., 45.

Hastings, Lucy, 45.

Hatch.,——, 45.

Haverhill Historical Society, 64, 83.

Hawes, Frank M., 8, 41, 72.

Hawes, Levi L., 64.

Hawkins, Guy C., 47.

Hawkins House, 5, 17.

Hawkins, Nathaniel, 7,

Hayes, John S., 50.

Haynes, Amos, 44.

Haynes, Susan E., 44.

Hayward, Grace H., 24.

Hayward, Henry S., 24.

Haywood, J., 43.

Heath, General, William, 77.

Henchman, Nathaniel H., 43.

Hicks, John, 54.

Hicks, Zachariah, 53.

Highland Avenue, 24, 60.

Hill, Ira, 59.

Hill, James, Jr., 47.

Historical Papers by Charles D. Elliot, 61.

‘Historic Somerville,’ 61.

‘Historic Tablets,’ 61.

‘History of Somerville,’ 61.

Hitchcock, —, 57.

Hitchings, Augustus, 10.

Holland, Silas, 19.

Holland Street, 19.

Hollis Street Church, 9.

Holmes, J. Albert, 49, 56.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 2, 9.

Home for the Aged, 10.

Hopkins Classical School, 56, 70.

Hopkins, Edward, 56.

Hopkins, James R., 50.

Houston, Governor, 46.

Houston, Major David C., 65.

Howe, H., 32.

Hyde, F. J., 32.

Hyer, Emily Jane, 62.

Hyer, Nathaniel F., 62, 80, 81.

Ipswich, Mass., 53.

Jacob, Colonel, John, 5.

James River, 33.

Jewett, Henry J., 46.

Jewett, Hon., Jedediah, 46.

John Abbot Lodge, 23.

Kent, Samuel, 7.

Kidder, Mary Williams, 21.

Kimball, Harriet, 30.

King Phillip, 26.

King Philip's War, 53.

Kinsley, F. R., 32.

Knight, Hersina, 43.

La Fourche, 65.

Lake Ponchartrain, 68, 80.

Lane, Captain, James, 3.

Lawrence, Lieutenant, Eleazer, 53.

Lawrence, Major, Eleazer, 53.

Lawrence, John, 56.

Lawrence, Sibil, 56.

Lawrence, Sibil (Robbins), 56.

Lawrence, Sir, Robert, 56.

Lawrence, Simon, 56.

Lexington, Mass., 2, 44.

Libbv, No. 1. 32.

Libby, No. 2, 32.

Libby, No. 3, 32.

Lincoln, Rollin T., 27.

Littlefield, Austin. 36.

Littleton, Mass., 56.

Lock, Captain, Benjamin, 5.

Longfellow, Henry W., 77. [88]

Long Wharf, Boston, 51.

Loring, —, 30.

Lossing, Benson J., 52.

Lovett, W., 32.

Lowell, Mass., 59.

Lunenburg, Mass., 46.

Lynn, Mass., 59.

Lynnfield, Mass., 46.

Madisonville, La., 68, 80.

Magoun, Ann Sarah, 18.

Magoun, John A., 46.

Main Street, Cambridge, 56.

Maiden, Mass., 49, 55, 56.

Mallett, Isaac, 5.

Mallet, John, 50.

Mankato, Minn., 24.

Mann, Jairus, 15.

‘Marmion,’ 74.

‘Mary Had a Little Lamb,’ The Author of, 25-31.

Mason, William A., 58.

Massachusetts Bay, Province of, 51.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 59.

Massachusetts Real Estate Exchange, 62.

Massachusetts Truant Officers' Association, 23.

Maulsby, David L., 20.

Mayhew School, Boston, Mass., 23.

McKoun, Abigail, 46.

McKoun, Martha, 46.

McLean Asylum, 25, 26.

Meade, General, 32.

Medford Street, 7, 71.

Medord, Mass., 5, 21, 48, 55.

Menotomy, 3, 4, 6.

Metropolitan Park Commission, 60.

Middlesex Bleachery, 10, 19.

Middlesex Fells Reservation, 60.

‘Milk Row,’ 7, 47.

Milk Row School, 7, 8, 10, 15, 41, 43, 56.

Miller's River, 8, 59.

Milton, Mass., 20.

Mississippi River, 65, 67, 82.

Mitchelson, Marshal-General, Edward, 53.

Mobile, Ala., 68.

Morse, Elisha, 54.

Morse, Joanna, 54.

Morse, Rev. Dr., 10.

Mt. Auburn, 27.

Mt. Holly, Vt., 55, 56.

Munroe, —, 48.

Munroe, Edwin, 17, 21.

Munroe, Henry, 56.

Myles, Rev., John, 53.

Myles Standish and the Plymouth Explorers,’ 61.

Mystic, No. 6, 14.

Mystic Pumping Station, 60.

Mystic River, 51, 71.

Mystic Valley Parkway, 50.

Nahant, Mass., 13.

Napoleon, 69, 77.

Nathan Tufts Park, 51.

National Geographic Society, 62.

Naval School Hospital, 40.

New Bridge, 9.

New England Historic Genealogical Society, 62.

New England Primer, 78.

New Ipswich, N. H., 48.

New Orleans, La., 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 80, 81, 82.

Newton Centre, Mass., 58.

Newton, Joanna, 45.

Newton, Mass., 22.

Nineteenth Army Corps, 65.

Nineteenth Army Corps, History of the, 64.

Ninetieth Pennsylvania, 32.

Noble, Mary Ann, 10.

North Star, Transport, 65.

North Street, 45.

Norton North Precinct, 53.

Norton, Mass., 53.

Norwich, Conn., 22.

Nutting, John, 53.

Oasis Lodge, I. O. O. F., 23.

Oglethorpe Guard House, 38.

Oliver, F. J., 32.

Oliver, Judson W., 32, 33, 34.

Old Powder House, 5, 26, 41, 49, 51, 52, 60.

‘Old Roads,’ 61.

‘Old Royal House, Medford, The,’ 62.

Old South Church, 9.

Old South Meeting-house, 30.

Oliver Tufts House, 82.

Opelousas, La., 66.

Oxford Street, 59.

Paige, Rev. Lucius R., 47.

Park Street, 71.

Paul Revere's Ride and the March to Concord,’ 61.

Pemberton's Factory, 32.

Perkins, Joseph P., 24.

Perkins, Rebecca M., 24.

Perkins, Sarah P., 24.

Perry, James, 48.

Perry, John, 48.

Perry, Jason Bigelow, 48.

Perry, Colonel J. P., 48.

Perry, Lydia, 48.

Perry, Sarah, 43.

Perry, William A., 50.

Pierce, —, 16.

Pierce, Almira L., 17.

Pierce, Augusta L., 18.

Pierce, Jacob, 42.

Pierce, Oliver, 47.

Pitt, William, 53.

Pleasant Street, Boston, 9.

‘Pollution of the Water Supply,’ 61.

Pope School, 20.

Port Hudson,’ 62, 65, 67.

Port Hudson, The Siege of,’ 64.

Portland, Me., 46.

Powder House Boulevard, 60.

Prescott, Edwin R., 44.

Prescott, Mary M., 44.

Prescott School, 22.

Prospect Hill, 6, 26, 48, 49, 59.

Prospect Hill School, 9, 46, 56.

Prospect Hill Tower, 62.

Prospect Street, 8, 16.

Professors' Row, 34.

‘Proposed Charles River Dam and the [89] Commerce and Industries of Cambridge,’ 61.

Province of Massachusetts Bay, 51.

Pundita Ramabai, The, 26.

Pythian Block, 7, 11, 59.

Quincy Street, 14.

Ramsdell, Eliza, 46.

Randolph Academy, 55.

Rand, Sarah, 11.

Rand, Thomas, 11.

Rapidan River, 32.

Raymond, Edward B., 27.

Red River, La., 66, 67, 68.

Reed, Joseph, 52.

Registry of Deeds, 11.

Rehoboth, Mass., 53.

‘Request for a Wide and Deep Lock in Charles River Dam,’ 61.

Revere, Mass., 17, 18.

‘Revolutionary Landmarks,’ 61.

Rice, Mary, 13.

Richard Coeur de Lion, 56.

Richardson, George L., 57.

Richmond, 80.

Richmond Hospital, 34.

Richmond, N. H. 11.

Richmond, Va., 33.

Riley, Colonel, 66.

Rindge, N. H., 48.

Ring, David, Jr., 82.

Rockland, Me., 58.

Rogers, Rev., Nathaniel, 53.

Roulston, John, 29, 30.

Runey, George, 16.

Runey, Horace, 16.

Runey, John, 14, 18.

Russ, Rev. Mr., 13.

Russell District, 48.

Russell, James, 43.

Russell, Levi, 42, 46, 47.

Russell, Philemon, 42.

Russell, Philemon R., Jr., 42, 44, 45.

Russell, Rebecca, 47.

Russell's’ School, The, 42.

Russell Street, 44.

Russell, Kezia, 45.

Russell, Kezia Teel, 45.

Sabine Pass, 67.

Sabine River, 81.

Sakaski, Lizzie, 82.

Sanborn, Albert L., 12, 15.

Sanborn Avenue, 14.

Sanborn, Daniel, 15.

Sanborn, Daniel A., 57.

Sanborn, David A., 12, 14, 15, 18.

Sanborn, George A., 12.

Sanborn, Hannah Adams (Stone), 18.

Sanborn Insurance Map Co., 57.

Sanborn, Martha, 14.

Sanborn, Robert, 11, 12, 14.

Sanborn, Martha Maria, 12.

Sanborn, Mary Jane, 12.

Sargent, Aaron, 20.

Sargent, Rev., John, 6.

Saugus, Mass., 45.

Saunders, Hon., Charles Hicks, 62,

Savannah, Ga., 38,

Sawyer, Mary E., 25, 26.

Sawyer, William Brewster, 27, 28.

Saxe, John G., 26.

Schofield, General, 39.

School Street, 6, 7.

Scituate, Mass., 13.

Scoville, Sarah, 10.

Scripture, Samuel, 53.

Seal, Our, 49-52.

Sharon, Mass., 23.

Shed, Samuel, 7.

Sherman, General, 35.

Sherman, T. W., 65.

Shrewsbury, Mass., 4, 22, 45.

Smith, Alfred, 24.

Snow, Lemuel H., 20, 22.

Soley Lodge, 24.

Somerville Avenue, 7, 11, 71.

Somerville Avenue, Widening of, 59.

Somerville Board of Trade, 60, 62, 64, 70.

Somerville City Hall, 56.

Somerville's Development and Progress,’ 62.

Somerville High School, 56, 82.

Somerville Historical Society, 23, 24, 60, 62. 63, 64, 72, 82.

Somerville Journal, The, 59, 83, 84.

Somerville Light Infantry, 19.

Somerville in the Revolution,’ 61.

Somerville, Mass., 22.

Somerville National Bank, 17.

Somerville, No. 1, 15.

‘Somerville Past and Present,’ 61.

Somerville Public Library, 17.

Somerville Royal Arch Chapter, 24.

Somerville Savings Bank, 19.

Somerville in War Times,’ 61.

Somerville Woman's Relief Corps, 64.

Sons of American Revolution, 62.

Sons of the Revolution, Massachusetts Society of, 51.

Southern Prison Life, Reminiscences of, 32-41.

South Sea Island, 77.

Southworth, Gordon A., 22.

Spear Place, Boston, 9.

Spencer, John, Jr., 82.

Spencer, Mary, 82.

Spencer, Mary (Urann), 82.

Squire, John P., 43.

St. Andrew, Cross of, 52.

State Constitutional Convention, 80.

State House, 60.

Stearns, —, 74.

Stearns, Rebecca Russell, 45.

Stearns & Sandborn, 57.

Stearns & Stevenson, 57.

Stearns, William B., 57.

St. George, Cross of, 52.

Sterling, Mass., 25, 26.

Stevenson, C. L., 57.

‘Stinted Common, The,’ 62.

St. Louis, Mo., 80.

Ston, Mary, 7.

Stone Avenue, 14.

Stone, Bettsy, 7, 9.

Stone, Charles Henry, 11.

Stone, Chary, 2.

Stone, Chary Adams, 4. [90]

Stone, Daniel, 8, 13, 14.

Stone, David, 1, 8.

Stone, Eliza, 8.

Stone Family Association, 1.

Stone, Gregory, 1, 2, 4.

Stone, Gregory, and Some of His Descendants,’ 1.

Stone, Hannah, 8, 14.

Stone, Hannah Adams, 8, 12, 14.

Stone, John, and His Descendants in Somerville,

’ 1-19.

Stone, John Cutter, 8.

Stone, John Tufts, 8.

Stone, Jonathan, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 18.

Stone, Lucy, 7, 10.

Stone, Lydia, 8, 12, 13.

Stone, Martha, 8, 11.

Stone, Mary, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14.

Stone, Nathaniel, 7.

Stone, Nathaniel Tufts, 11, 14, 18.

Stone, Samuel, 2, 4.

Stone, Sarah (Rand), 18.

Stone, Seth, 4, 5.

Stone, Simon, 1.

Stone, Susanna, 5.

Stone, Symond, 1.

Stone, Thomas Jefferson, 8, 13.

Storer, Rev., Seth, 2.

Story, Hon., Isaac, 62.

Stoughton, Mass., 23, 45.

Sturtevant, Richard H., 12.

Suffolk, The, 81.

Summer Street, 6, 25.

Sumner, Me., 82.

Sutton, Mass., 22.

Swan, George, 46.

Swan, James, 44, 45.

Swan, Reuben, 44, 45.

Swan, Samuel, 23.

Swan, Samuel (or Richard), 46.

Swansea, Mass., 53.

Sycamore Street, 82.

Taunton, Mass., 53.

Taunton North Purchase, 53.

Taylor, —, 66.

Teel, Emeline, 46.

Teel, Horatio, 46.

Teel, Louisa, 46.

Teel, Ruth, 45.

Teel, Samuel P., 43.

Teel, Thomas E., 46.

‘Ten Hills Farm,’ 50, 51.

Texas, 81.

Townsend, Mass., 2, 3, 4.

Townsend, Vt., 25.

Trumpet, The, 55.

Tucker, Abigail (Newell), 55.

Tucker, Sibil (Laurence), 55.

Tucker, Captain, Stephen, 55.

Tucker, Stephen, Jr., 55, 56.

Tucker, Zenora, 55.

Tufts, Ann Adams, 5.

Tufts, Benjamin, 5.

Tufts, Charles, 17, 62, 63.

Tufts College, 15, 17, 73.

Tufts, Elizabeth Perry, 6.

Tufts, John, 5.

Tufts, Mary, 6.

Tufts, Mary Pierce, 6.

Tufts, Nathan, 14, 51.

Tufts, Nathaniel, 6.

Tufts, Peter, 5, 6.

Tufts, Captain, Peter, 6.

Tufts, Samuel, 7.

Tufts, Timothy, 7.

Turner, Rev., Edward, 43.

Turner, Captain, William, 53.

Tyler, Mary E., 26, 30, 31.

Tyler, Columbus, 25, 27.

Underwood, James, 42, 48.

Union Flag Unfurled, 52.

Union Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, 82.

Union, Rock County, Wis., 82.

Union Square, 7, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 74.

‘Union Square Before the War,’ 62.

‘Union Square and Its Neighborhood About the Year 1846,’ 62.

Unitarian Church, 27.

Unitarian Parsonage, 18.

United Colonies, 52.

Unity, N. H., 44.

Upham, John, 49.

Upham, William Henry, 49.

Urann, Captain, Thomas, 77.

Veteran Firemen's Association, 18.

Vicksburg, 65.

Victoria, 72.

Vinal, Alfred E., 14, 18.

Vinal Avenue, 6, 14.

Vinal, Edward E., 14.

Vinal, Emmeline A., 14.

Vinal, John W., 14,--18.

Vinal, Lucy A., 14.

Vinal, Lydia, 14.

Vinal, Lydia M., 13, 18.

Vinal, Lydia (Stone), 17.

Vinal, Margaret F., 14.

Vinal, Martha A., 14.

Vinal, Mary Elizabeth, 13.

Vinal, Quincy Adams, 14, 15, 17, 62

Vinal, Robert, 13, 17.

Vinal, Robert Aldersey, 13, 14, 15, 17.

Wade, Captain, Jonathan, 53.

Wakefield, Mass., 22.

Walker, Leonard, 57.

Walnut Hill, 15.

Walnut Hill School, The, 41-48.

Walnut Street, 6, 11, 14, 16, 17, 56.

Waltham, Mass., 2, 3.

War Department, 64.

Warren Avenue, 13, 14.

Warren, Mary, 46.

Warren School, Charlestown, Mass., 24.

Washington, D. C., 41.

Washington, George, 26, 52, 54, 69, 77.

Washington Street, 5, 6, 14, 16, 20.

Waters, Elizabeth A., 20, 21.

Watertown, Mass., 1, 2, 4, 56.

Wayland, Mass., 46.

Weitzel, —, 65, 66.

Welch, Abram, 14.

Wellington Bridge, 50.

Wellington, Chary, 3.

Wellington, Thomas, 3.

Westboro, Mass., 45.

West Cambridge Road School, 44.

West Cambridge, Mass., 18, 19, 43, 45, 46, 48. [91]

Western Electric Company of Chicago, 21.

West Medford, Mass., 60.

Webster Avenue, 15.

Weymouth, Mass., 49.

‘what Somerville Needs,’ 61.

Wheeler, —, 16.

White, Hannah, 53.

White, John, 53.

White, Mercy, 53.

White, Lieutenant, Nicholas, 53.

Whitman, Edmund B., 56.

Whitman, Ensign, John, 53.

Whitridge, Elizabeth, 6.

Whittemore, Amos, Jr., 47.

Whittemore, Clara D., 47, 48.

Whittemore, James Russell, 47.

Whittemore, Jonathan, 43.

Whittemore, J. W., 32.

Whitemore, Miranda, 43, 44, 45.

Whittemore, Rev., Thomas, 55.

Whittemore, William, 41.

Wilkins, Mary, 44.

Willard C. Kinsley (Independent) Relief Corps, 32.

Willard C. Kinsley Post, No. 139, 64.

Williams, Charles, Jr., 20, 21.

Williams, Herbert Farmer Coe, 21.

Williams, Lester Holmes, 21.

Willow Avenue, 60.

Wilmington, N. C., 39, 40.

Wilson, Sally, 48.

Wilson, Sally (Scripture), 48.

Wilson, Major, Supply, 48.

Winchester, Mass., 21, 60.

Winnik, Louisa H., 46.

Winnisimmet Square, Chelsea, Mass., 57.

Winship, Dr., 73.

Winter Hill, 47.

Winter Hill Congregational Church, 24.

Winter Hill Improvement Association, 62, 64.

Winter Hill Universalist Church, 63.

Winthrop, John,’ 62.

Winthrop, Governor, John, 49.

Wirtz, General, 35, 36, 37.

Wisconsin Territory, 80.

Woburn Road School, 45.

Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 27.

Woman's Relief Corps, 27.

Wonohaquaham Tribe of Red Men, 23.

Wood, James A., 11.

Wood, James Freeman, 11.

Woodlawn, 63.

Wood, Sarah Bolles, 11.

Worcester, George P., 46.

Worcester High School, 22.

Worcester, Mass., 22.

Wrentham, Mass., 55, 56.

Wyatt's Field, 10.

Wyman, Luke, 48.

Wyman, Thomas B., 44, 46.

Wyman, Dr., Morrill, 25.

Wyman, Ruth, 48.

Yorktown, Va., 57, 64.

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Menotomy (Massachusetts, United States) (4)
Winter Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (3)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (3)
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (3)
Boston (Massachusetts, United States) (3)
Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (2)
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (2)
Massachusetts Bay (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Lynn (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Charlestown, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (1)
Wrentham (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (1)
Winchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Weymouth (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Westborough (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Wayland (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Watertown (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Washington (United States) (1)
Waltham (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Unity, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Union (Wisconsin, United States) (1)
Troy (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
The Common (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Taunton (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Swansea (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Sutton, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Sumner (Maine, United States) (1)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Stoughton (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Sterling, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) (1)
St. George, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Somerville (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Somerville (Indiana, United States) (1)
Shrewsbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Sharon (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Scituate (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (1)
Sabine (United States) (1)
Rockland, Me. (Maine, United States) (1)
Rindge (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (1)
Richmond (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Rehoboth (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (1)
Portland (Maine, United States) (1)
Oxford (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Opelousas (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Norwich (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Norton (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
North Chelsea (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
New Ipswich, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
New England (United States) (1)
Natchitoches (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Nahant (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Mystick River (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Mystic Valley (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Mount Holly (Vermont, United States) (1)
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (1)
Milton, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Millers (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Medford (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Mankato (Minnesota, United States) (1)
Maiden (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Madisonville (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Lynnfield (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Lunenburg, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Lowell (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Littleton (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Lexington (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Ipswich, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Foxborough (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Fort Independence (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Florence, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Fitchburg (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Essex County (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Eastham (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Dedham (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Dartmouth, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Concord, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Claremont, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Chilmark (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Chelsea (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Chelmsford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Charles (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Centreville (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Cape Cod Canal (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Canaan, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Cambridgeport (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Cambridge (United Kingdom) (1)
Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Buras (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Brookline (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Bristol (United Kingdom) (1)
Bridgewater (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Brashear City (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Boston Harbor (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Berwick City (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Belle Isle, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Bedford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Bangor (Maine, United States) (1)
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (1)
Avon (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Austin (Texas, United States) (1)
Atchafalaya River (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Ashby (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Arlington Heights (Utah, United States) (1)
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (1)
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Alewife Brook (Rhode Island, United States) (1)
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Stephen Tucker (5)
Rebecca Russell Stearns (4)
Charles Darwin Elliot (4)
John Winthrop (3)
Timothy Flagg (3)
Jeremiah Caverno (3)
Luke Wyman (2)
Sally Wilson (2)
Lydia M. Vinal (2)
Thomas Urann (2)
Peter Tufts (2)
Samuel Swan (2)
Thomas Jefferson Stone (2)
Samuel Stone (2)
Hannah Adams Stone (2)
Gregory Stone (2)
Bettsy Stone (2)
C. L. Stevenson (2)
Mary Spencer (2)
T. W. Sherman (2)
George A. Sanborn (2)
Rebecca Russell (2)
Thomas Rand (2)
Oliver Pierce (2)
Broadway Park (2)
Edwin Munroe (2)
Joanna Morse (2)
Libby (2)
Sibil Lawrence (2)
Eleazer Lawrence (2)
Willard C. Kinsley (2)
Somerville Journal (2)
David C. Houston (2)
Early History (2)
John Hicks (2)
Charles Henry (2)
Nahum R. Hapgood (2)
Elizabeth Grover (2)
Francis A. Gray (2)
Timothy Elliot (2)
Mary Joanna Elliot (2)
Thomas Eliot (2)
Nehemiah Eliot (2)
Joseph Eliot (2)
J. G. Chase (2)
Arthur Caverno (2)
Abigail Bigelow (2)
William Graham Bell (2)
John F. Ayer (2)
Thomas B. Wyman (1)
Ruth Wyman (1)
Morrill Wyman (1)
George P. Worcester (1)
Sarah Bolles Wood (1)
James Freeman Wood (1)
James A. Wood (1)
Witt (1)
Wirtz (1)
A. E. Winship (1)
Louisa H. Winnik (1)
Supply Wilson (1)
Lester Holmes Williams (1)
Herbert Farmer Coe Williams (1)
Charles Williams (1)
Mary Wilkins (1)
William Whittemore (1)
Thomas Whittemore (1)
Jonathan Whittemore (1)
James Russell Whittemore (1)
J. W. Whittemore (1)
Clara Davis Whittemore (1)
Amos Whittemore (1)
Elizabeth Whitridge (1)
John Whitman (1)
Edmund B. Whitman (1)
Miranda Whitemore (1)
Nicholas White (1)
Mercy White (1)
John White (1)
Hannah White (1)
— Wheeler (1)
Thomas Wellington (1)
Chary Wellington (1)
Abram Welch (1)
— Weitzel (1)
Elizabeth A. Waters (1)
George Washington (1)
Mary Warren (1)
Leonard Walker (1)
Jonathan Wade (1)
Robert Aldersey Vinal (1)
Robert Vinal (1)
Quincy Adams Vinal (1)
Mary Elizabeth Vinal (1)
Martha A. Vinal (1)
Margaret F. Vinal (1)
Lydia Vinal (1)
Lucy A. Vinal (1)
John W. Vinal (1)
Emmeline A. Vinal (1)
Edward E. Vinal (1)
Alfred E. Vinal (1)
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William Henry Upham (1)
John Upham (1)
James Underwood (1)
Mary E. Tyler (1)
Columbus Tyler (1)
William Turner (1)
Edward Turner (1)
Timothy Tufts (1)
Samuel Tufts (1)
Nathaniel Tufts (1)
Nathan Tufts (1)
Mary Pierce Tufts (1)
Mary Tufts (1)
John Tufts (1)
Elizabeth Perry Tufts (1)
Charles Tufts (1)
Benjamin Tufts (1)
Ann Adams Tufts (1)
Zenora Tucker (1)
Townsend (1)
Thomas E. Teel (1)
Samuel P. Teel (1)
Ruth Teel (1)
Louisa Teel (1)
Horatio Teel (1)
Emeline Teel (1)
— Taylor (1)
Reuben Swan (1)
James Swan (1)
George Swan (1)
Richard H. Sturtevant (1)
Isaac Story (1)
Seth Storer (1)
Symond Stone (1)
Susanna Stone (1)
Simon Stone (1)
Seth Stone (1)
Nathaniel Tufts Stone (1)
Nathaniel Stone (1)
Mary Stone (1)
Martha Stone (1)
Lydia Stone (1)
Lucy Stone (1)
Jonathan Stone (1)
John Tufts Stone (1)
John Cutter Stone (1)
Hannah Stone (1)
Eliza Stone (1)
David Stone (1)
Daniel Stone (1)
Chary Adams Stone (1)
Chary Stone (1)
Charles Henry Stone (1)
Mary Ston (1)
William B. Stearns (1)
Myles Standish (1)
John P. Squire (1)
John Spencer (1)
Gordon A. Southworth (1)
Lemuel H. Snow (1)
Alfred Smith (1)
Samuel Shed (1)
Samuel Scripture (1)
Sarah Scoville (1)
Schofield (1)
John G. Saxe (1)
William Brewster Sawyer (1)
Mary E. Sawyer (1)
Charles Hicks Saunders (1)
John Sargent (1)
Aaron Sargent (1)
Sandborn (1)
Robert Sanborn (1)
Mary Jane Sanborn (1)
Martha Maria Sanborn (1)
Martha Sanborn (1)
David A. Sanborn (1)
Daniel A. Sanborn (1)
Daniel Sanborn (1)
Albert L. Sanborn (1)
Lizzie Sakaski (1)
Susanna Russell (1)
Philemon Robbins Russell (1)
Philemon Russell (1)
Levi Russell (1)
Kezia Teel Russell (1)
Kezia Russell (1)
James Russell (1)
Russ (1)
John Runey (1)
Horace Runey (1)
George Runey (1)
John Roulston (1)
Nathaniel Rogers (1)
Robbins (1)
David Ring (1)
Riley (1)
George L. Richardson (1)
Mary Rice (1)
Paul Revere (1)
Joseph Reed (1)
Edward B. Raymond (1)
Sarah Rand (1)
Eliza Ramsdell (1)
Mary M. Prescott (1)
Edwin R. Prescott (1)
William Pitt (1)
Jacob Pierce (1)
Augusta L. Pierce (1)
Almira L. Pierce (1)
William A. Perry (1)
Sarah Perry (1)
Lydia Perry (1)
John Perry (1)
Jason Bigelow Perry (1)
James Perry (1)
J. P. Perry (1)
Sarah P. Perkins (1)
Rebecca M. Perkins (1)
Joseph P. Perkins (1)
Pemberton (1)
Nathan Tufts Park (1)
Paige (1)
Judson W. Oliver (1)
F. J. Oliver (1)
John Nutting (1)
Taunton North Purchase (1)
Norton North Precinct (1)
Mary Ann Noble (1)
Joanna Newton (1)
Newell (1)
Nathaniel (1)
Napoleon (1)
John Myles (1)
Mary Murray (1)
Henry Munroe (1)
Elisha Morse (1)
Edward Mitchelson (1)
Meade (1)
Martha McKoun (1)
Abigail McKoun (1)
David L. Maulsby (1)
Jairus Mann (1)
Isaac Mallett (1)
John Mallet (1)
John A. Magoun (1)
Ann Sarah Magoun (1)
Luther (1)
Lucius (1)
W. Lovett (1)
Benson J. Lossing (1)
— Loring (1)
Henry W. Longfellow (1)
Benjamin Lock (1)
Austin Littlefield (1)
Coeur Lion (1)
Rollin T. Lincoln (1)
Simon Lawrence (1)
Robert Lawrence (1)
John Lawrence (1)
Laurence (1)
James Lane (1)
Hersina Knight (1)
F. R. Kinsley (1)
Harriet Kimball (1)
Mary Williams Kidder (1)
Samuel Kent (1)
Sarah Josepa (1)
John (1)
Jedediah Jewett (1)
Henry James Jewett (1)
John Jacob (1)
Nathaniel F. Hyer (1)
Emily Jane Hyer (1)
F. J. Hyde (1)
H. Howe (1)
James R. Hopkins (1)
Edward Hopkins (1)
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1)
John Albert Holmes (1)
Silas Holland (1)
Augustus Hitchings (1)
— Hitchcock (1)
James Hill (1)
Ira Hill (1)
Zachariah Hicks (1)
Nathaniel H. Henchman (1)
William Heath (1)
J. Haywood (1)
Henry S. Hayward (1)
Grace H. Hayward (1)
Susan E. Haynes (1)
Amos Haynes (1)
John S. Hayes (1)
Nathaniel Hawkins (1)
Guy C. Hawkins (1)
Levi L. Hawes (1)
Frank M. Hawes (1)
Lucy Hastings (1)
Joseph Southgate Hastings (1)
Jonas Hastings (1)
Mary A. Haley (1)
Hale (1)
William Hague (1)
Benjamin Grover (1)
Gregory (1)
John Green (1)
Eliza Goodhue (1)
Thomas Goddard (1)
Elizabeth Gerrish (1)
Adelaide Genevi (1)
Geddis (1)
Gates (1)
Thomas Gardner (1)
Miles Gardner (1)
Mary B. Gardner (1)
Gage (1)
J. F. Fuller (1)
Rebecca Frost (1)
Elisha Frost (1)
Franklin (1)
Francis (1)
F. E. Fowle (1)
Sam Walter Foss (1)
Pilgrim Fathers (1)
Farragut (1)
Edward Everett (1)
John J. Enneking (1)
— Emory (1)
Sarah Elizabeth Elliot (1)
Nancy Maria Elliot (1)
Mary Elvira Elliot (1)
Joseph Elliot (1)
Joel Augustus Elliot (1)
Joel Elliot (1)
Hannah Elliot (1)
Ella Florence Elliot (1)
Clara Lenora Elliot (1)
Charles Joseph Elliot (1)
Charles Edwin Elliot (1)
Charles D. Elliot (1)
Caroline Elliot (1)
Alfred Lawrence Elliot (1)
Mary Elizabeth (1)
Samuel Eliot (1)
Mercy Eliot (1)
John Eliot (1)
Joel Eliot (1)
Jane Eliot (1)
Jacob Eliot (1)
Hannah Eliot (1)
Elizabeth Eliot (1)
Ebenezer Eliot (1)
Benjamin Eliot (1)
Abigaile Eliot (1)
Abigail Eliot (1)
Benjamin Edgell (1)
Margaret Eames (1)
— Dodge (1)
Aaron P. Dickson (1)
Frank E. Dickerman (1)
Quincy E. Dickermaan (1)
Rebecca Derby (1)
Ship Defence (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
David (1)
Davenport (1)
Norwood P. Damon (1)
David Damon (1)
Martha Cutler (1)
Cushing (1)
Hiram Keith Curtis (1)
Martha E. Cotting (1)
S. N. Cooke (1)
Erastus E. Cole (1)
Caroline Adelaide Cole (1)
Joshua O. Colburn (1)
James M. Coburn (1)
F. E. R. Chubbuck (1)
Ebenezer Chenny (1)
Edmund Chapman (1)
Samuel Champney (1)
Richard Champney (1)
Lucretia Russell Carr (1)
Sara A. S. Carpenter (1)
Samuel Capen (1)
Samuel Butterfield (1)
B. F. Butler (1)
Sarah M. Burnham (1)
Burgoyne (1)
William A. Burbank (1)
David Bull (1)
Buell (1)
Wallace Bryant (1)
George Hay Brown (1)
Ann Brown (1)
Phillips Brooks (1)
Broadway (1)
Brewster (1)
George O. Brastow (1)
Chauncy Booth (1)
Simeon Booker (1)
William Bonner (1)
Philip Bonner (1)
Mary Bonner (1)
Jonathan Bonner (1)
John Bonner (1)
George Washington Bonner (1)
George Bonner (1)
Emily Bonner (1)
Eliza Bonner (1)
David Bonner (1)
William Bond (1)
Lucy Stone Bolles (1)
David Bolles (1)
Jason Bigelow (1)
Robert Bickford (1)
George Washington Bean (1)
Bartlett (1)
William S. Barbour (1)
Banks (1)
Loammi Baldwin (1)
Vashti Eunice Ayer (1)
John C. Ayer (1)
— Augur (1)
Asboth (1)
William H. Armstrong (1)
T. Edward Ames (1)
Allston (1)
Ethan Allen (1)
Alfred Allen (1)
William Adams (1)
Henry Adams (1)
Hannah Adams (1)
Georgiana Adams (1)
Cheree Adams (1)
Abbott (1)
Henry L. Abbot (1)
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