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Raccoon Ford, Va.,

II., 346.

Raccoon Mountain, Tenn.:

II., 177, 291; gorge at, II., 310.

Rachel Seam, U. S. S.,

VI., 316.

Radford, W.,

VI., 162.

Ragged Point, Va.,

VI., 322.

Raham, F.,

IV., 166.

Raiders: Confederate, capture of telegraph operators by, IV., 174, 176.

Raids: first great Confederate under General Stuart, June 13-15, 1862, IV., 85; a distinct product of the Civil War, IV., 120; expeditions, Federal, in the East, IV., 12-131; a most brilliant and sensational one, and results of, in May, 1864, IV., 124, 125, 126, 127; in the West, IV., 129-140; famous Union, in the West, April, 1863, IV., 132, 133, 134; and expeditions, federal, in the West, IV., 132-140; Union, in the West, and South, objects of, IV., 132; under Grierson, the most successful during the Civil War, results of, IV., 134; by Federal cavalry in March and April, 1865, in the West, gave the death blow to the Southern Confederacy, IV., 136, 138, 140: of Union cavalry in the West on the whole more successful than those in the East, IV., 137; Confederate, in the West, IV., 141-164; under Morgan, object of, IV., 144; under Morgan, results of, IV., 156.

Railroads: Richmond-Chattanooga Railroad. I., 116; Richmond & York River Railroad, Va.

, I., 299; bridge over Richmond & York River Railroad, I., 319; a factor in warfare, II., 34; work trains of military, II., 35; frequent destruction of, by armies of North and South, II., 175; guarding of, importance of in the strategy of war, II., 316; ‘the most complete destruction of, ever beheld,’ II., 341; destruction by Union wreckers, III., 133; and the armies, V., 271; military, and roads, V., 274; part played in war, VIII., 46, 48; building on the marsh, VIII., 34; mileage in 1861, VIII., 46; transportation problems, VIII., 46; value in the prosecution of campaigns, VIII., 46; rates on, 48; Baltimore and Washington R. R., 74; Massachusetts Eighth, en route to Washington, D. C., 74; New York Seventh an route to Washington, D. C., 74.

Rains, J. E.,

II., 330; X., 151.

Rains, G. J.,

V., 163.

Rains, G. W.:

V., 157, 161, 162, 168, 170, 183.

Rains', J. S.,

brigade, I., 290, 356, 368.

Raleigh, N. C.,

VIII., 220.

Raleigh,, C. S. S.:

I., 356; VI., 146, 158, 168, 273.

Rampart, I.,


Rams: river steamers fitted as, by Charles Ellet, Jr., VI., :35, 87; Confederate destruction of, VI., 87, 89; first employment by Confederates, VI., 140; opinion of Mallory on, VI., 146; use of, on the Mississippi, VI., 150; in first battle of ironclads, VI., 160, 162, 166; first attempts to use, VI., 178; in Confederate defense of New Orleans, VI., 189, 191, 194, 198,200; in Confederate defense of Carolina waters, VI., 199; in Confederate defense of the, Mississippi, VI., 224, 226; in Confederate defense of Mobile, VI., 249), 250, 251, 252, 254, 256; Federal use of VI., 251; in Confederate defense of Charleston, VI., 272; Confederate cruiser, VI., 297, 299.

Ramsay, F. M.,

VI., 207.

Ramseur, S. D.:

II., 334; III., 70, 152, 330; X., 145, 278.

Ramseur, surgeon, VII., 222.

Ramsey, A.,

VI., 154.

Randall, J. R.:

IX., 19, 20, 81, 82, 83, 84, 158, 161.

Randol, A. M.,

battery, II., 334.

Randolph, D. W.:

organizer of the ‘Richmond Howitzers,’ V., 58; VII., 100, 195; X., 319.

Randolph, Mrs. G. W.,

VII., 296.

Randolph, N.,

IV., 166.

Randolph, Fort, Tenn.

(see also Fort Randolph, Tenn.), I., 236, 240, 249.

Randolph's battery, Confederate, I., 348.

Rankin, W. A.,

I., 97, 201.

Ranson, G. M.,

VI., 190.

Ransom, M. W.:

II., 324; VIII., 103.

Ransom, R., Jr.

II., 324; X., 279.

Ransom, T. E. G.:

II., 352; X., 199, 218,222.

Rapidan River, Va.:

II., 26, 40, 42, 105, 124, 267; Germania ford, III., 24, 25; V., 32 seq., 214, 216, 234; VIII., 329., 351.

Rappahannock bridge, Va.:

II., 226; VI., 294.

Rappahannock River: I., 36; Federal troops crossing the, II., 16, 19, 24, 33, 39, 40 seq., 42, 44, 80, 83; Franklin crossing on, II., 91, 97, 105, 106, 109, 113, 124, 128, skirmish on, II., :320; IV., 84, 89, 91, 92, 190, 192, 203, 228; V., 21, 34 seq., 38; pontoniers on the, V., 219, 232, 244, 280, 290; VI., 314, 318, 320; VII., 41, 42, 268; VIII., 160, 323; at Fredericksburg, Va., IX., 193.

Rappahannock Station, Va.:

II., 342,346; IV., 89, 193; V., 233.

Rappahannock,, C. S. S.,

VI., 296.

Raritann,, U. S. S.,

VI., 54.

Rasier, F. W.,

IX., 345.

Rassieur, L.,

X., 296.

Rations: ‘On the hoof,’ VIII., 50; serving out of, VIII., 213.

Rattler,, U. S. S.,

VI., 208.

Rawlins, J. A.:

I., 181; III., 81; IV., 210; horse of, IV., 303; IX., 113; X., 31, 47, 49.

Raymond, Miss

Ii., 189, 218, 334, 340.

Rea, J. P.,

X., 296.

Read, C. W.:

VI., 292, 318; VII., 139.

Read, J.,

VII., 18.

Read, T.,

X., 141.

Read, T. R.:

IV., 297, 310; Sheridan's ride, IX., 70.

Reagan, J. II., X., 13.

Reams Station, Va.,

III., 197, 201, 208, 330.


Ii., VI., 166.

Reconstruction: IX., 18, 298, 305, 308, 310, 313, 324, 325.

Records of the War between the States

I., 102-111.

Recruits: Southern, better marksmen and horsemen, VIII., 148.

Rectortown, Va.:

McClellan relieved of command of army at, II., 57, 348.

Red Hill, Georgetown, D. C.

: signal camp of instruction at, VIII., 306, 307; United States Signal Service Corps, VIII., 308, 309, 313, 322; signal camp at, VIII., 339.

‘Redhot Battery,’

McCarthy's battery, Company C, First Pennsylvania artillery, I., 291.

Red House Landing, Va.,

VIII., 259.

‘Red-legged Fifty-fifth,’

VIII., 72.

‘Red men who Suffered in Silence,’

VII., 254.

Red Mound, Tenn.,

II., 328.

Red River: I., 72; Col. Bailey's wonderful dam on, I., 78, 79; II., 206, 209, 225; VI., 147, 148,207, 217, 225, 227, 232, 318, 320, 322; VII., 96.

Red River dam

I., 74, 78, 79.

Red River expedition: I., 77 seq.; VI., 64, 234; VIII., 251.


Red River fleet,, U. S. S.,

VI., 320.

Red Rover,

U. S. hospital boat: I., 225; II., 193; VI., 218, at Vicksburg, Miss., VII., 307; 318; medial staff of, VII., 318, 319, 320.

Redway, G. W.:

quoted, X., 134.

Redwood, Allen C.

VIII., 9, 138; quoted, VIII., 151, 158, 173, 177; X., 7, 27,28; ‘Stonewall Jackson—a memory’ X., 98 seq.

Reed, H. B.,

I., 209.

Reed, W. H.,

quoted, VII., 185.

Reelfoot Lake, Tenn.,

I., 220.

Rees, H.,

III., 200.

Rees, photographer, VII., 57.

Reeve, I. V. D.,

VII., 30.

‘Refugee’: natives and ‘intelligent contrabands,’

VIII., 18.


troops, number of, Union in ‘61, VIII., 222.

Reid's battery, Confederate, I., 350.

R. E. Lee,, C. S. S.,

VI., 109.

Relief afforded the army by sanitary commission

Vii., 334.


U. S. S., VI., 50.

Reliance,, C. S. S.,

VI., 316.

Reliance,, U. S. S.,

VI., 308, 320.

Religious services on the field

Viii., 100, 256.

‘Reminiscences of the Civil War,’

J. B. Gordon, II., 294.


Julia Ward Howe, IX., 154.

‘Remount depot,’

Giesboro, D. C., IV., 68. Reno, J. L.,: II., 40, 50, 51, 66, 322, 324; X., 131, 208.

Renshaw, F. B.,

VI., 192.

Renshaw, W. B.,

VI., 316.

Republic,, U. S. S.,

III., 342.

Republic Port, Va.,

IV., 102.

Repair shops in army

Viii., 40.

Resaca, Ga.:

III., 108, 109, 218, 224, 248, 320; entrenchments at, IX., 167.

Resaca de la Palma, Mexico,

IV., 24.


C S. S., VI., 192.


U. S. S.: VI., 96, 97, 99, 308.

Restoration of 1660,

IX., 128.

‘Reunion, spirit of,’

X., 138.

Reveillie,, U. S. S.,

Il, 163.

Revere, E. H. R.,

VII., 217.

Revere, J. W.,

X., 219.

Revere, P. J.,

VII, 47.

‘Review at Washington, D. C.’:

III., 345; of Twentieth army corps, III, 347.

Review stands, Washington D. C., IX., 259.

Reynolds, A. W.,

IV., 274. X., 321.

Reynolds, C. W.,

quoted, VII., 75.

Reynolds, D. H.,

X., 259.

Reynolds, J. F.:

L., 75; spot where killed, I., 75; Il, 40, 88, 91, 108, 177, 241 seq., 259, 282, 322, 328, 334; VIII., 232; death of, IX., 223; X., 129, 188.

Reynolds, J. J.,

X., 160, 185, 204.

Reynolds, W.,

VI., 127.

Rhind, A. C.,

VI., 121, 315.

Rhode Island: population in 1860, VIII., 59; number troops lost from, VIII., 59; number troops furnished by, VIII., 59.

Rhode Island troops: Artillery: At Bull Run, Va., V., 20; First, II., 65; V., 47; Third, I., 366; II., 350; colored, III., 340; V., 147. Cavalry: First, I., 364; II., 25, 336; IV., 88, 233; Second, Dragoons, L, 350; Third, II., 352; Seventh, II., 324. Infantry: First, I., 44, 141, 348; II., 332; leaving Providence, R. I., VIII., 60; Burnside and staff, VIII., 61; IX., 69: Second, L, 348; Third, L, 360, 366; Il, 326; Fourth, I., 356, 358; Fifth, I., 356, 358; IX., 68, 71.

Rhode Island,, U. S. S.:

III., 342; VI., 105; officers on deck of, VI., 113.

Rhodes, C. D.:

IV., 46, 120, 132, 168, 186, 220, 322.

Rhodes, J. F.:

VII, 24, 50; opinion of, regarding the food and clothing of U. S. army, VIII., 56.

Rice, A. V.,

X., 231.

Rice. E. W.

X., 205.

Rice, J. C.:

II, 253; III, 58; X., 139.

Rice, S. A.,

X., 139.

Rice, W.,

IX., 328, 329.

Rich Mountain, Va.:

I., 348; VII., 30.

Richardson, A. D.,

VII., 146.

Richardson, I. B.:

I., 280, 325; II., 67, 72, 324, X., 131.

Richardson, R. V.,

X., 297.

Richardson, war correspondent, New York Tribune, General Sherman's reference to, VIII., 29.

Richardson, Fort, Va.

(see Fort Richardson near Savage Station, Va., and Fort Richardson, Arlington Heights, Va.).

Richmond, Ky.:

II., 322; losses at, X., 142, 156.

Richmond, La.,

VI., 316.

Richmond, Va.:

I., 51, 94, 124, 126 seq., 127, 144, 145, 283, 301, 366; in ruins, I., 123; Confederate capitol, I., 283; II., 22, 39, 66, 104, 105, 111, 350; III., 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 188, 214, 221, 224, 288; ruins of, III., 298 seq.; capital of the Confederacy fallen, III., 298, 299; desolation and ruin in, April, 1865; III., 298, 299, 300, 302; riot, explosion, fires in, April 2d, and 3d, 1865, III., 302, 304, 305; arsenal at, III., 317. 339 seq., 335; some scenes of destruction at, III., 339, 341; Exchange Bank, III., 341; ruins of Gallego Flour Mills, III., 341; views of, III., 341, 343 seq.; Union cavalrymen in, IV., 121, 122; Dahlgren's raid on, IV., 123, 124, smoking ruins of, 255 seq.,V., 12; Tredegar Mills, V., 56, 104, 156, 157, 158, 164,166; arsenal at, V., 166; Tredegar Iron Works, V., 166, 191; arsenal, V., 168; arsenal, ordnance issued from, V., 168; arsenal, V., 170; laboratory for small ammunition, V., 182; grape shot in, V., 191; mortar shells, V., 191; solid shot, V., 191; ruins in, V., 181, 216, 234, 248, 264; Ardund map, Confederate, V., 264; defense of, V., 303: capitol at, V., 303, 304; arsenal, after fire, V., 307; Tredegar Iron Works, V., 307; defenses of, V., 313; fortifications of, V., 314, 316; the fall of, V., 318; negro refugees in, V., 319; map of defenses of, V., 322; VI, 59; Tredegar Iron Works, VI., 76, 90, 114, 132, 139, 162, 165, 265, 289, 314, 317; Libby Prison, VII., 19, 25 seq., 36 seq., 38, 45, 55, 57 seq.; Belle Isle Prison, VII., 61; capitol at, VII., 61; prison in, VII., 78; Libby Prison, VII., 91; Libby Prison after the war, VII., 93; Libby Prison, 1865, when used as prison for Confederates, VII., 94,121; Libby Prison, 1865, VII., 121; prisons in, VII., 136; Libby Prison, VII., 143, 160, 164 seq.; ‘Castle Thunder’ prison at, VII., 199; ruins in, VII, 237, 238, 239 seq.; Chiniborazo Hospital, VII., 243; City Hospital, VII., 243, 349; VIII., 46, 51,109,127; ruins of Tredegar Iron Works at, VIII., 133, 150 seq., 158 seq., 198; Libby Prison, Iowa Fourteenth Infantry, VIII., 251, 252; fall of, VIII., 254, 288 seq., 324 seq., 343 seq., 352 seq.; U. S. military telegraph operators in, VIII., 363; U. S. telegraph construction train in, VII., 367; Richmond Paper Mill and railroad rebuilt, IX., 325; statue of George Washington at, IX., 228; Washington's headquarters in, IX., 228; St. John's Church at, IX., 229; ruins, 1865, IX., 231; Hollywood cemetery at, IX., 283; Henry Clay monument in, IX., 285; Gallego Flour Mills at, IX., 306; Southern express office, IX., 306; mill on James River and Kanawha Canal, IX., 306; Richmond and Petersburg railroad station at, IX., 306; remains of cars near the station, IX., 306; residences in ruins, IX., 307; ruins of paper mill (1865), IX., 324; ruins in, IX., 324; residence of Robert E. Lee, X., 51.; visited by Massachusetts troops, X., 138.

Richmond,, C. S. S., formerly the George Page,, C. S. S.,

VI., 84, 89, 175, 265.

Richmond,, U. S. S.:

I., 227, 229 seq.; II., 219; V., 57; VI., 48, 189, 190; 217, 251, 252; VIII., 157, 303.


horse of R. E., Lee, IV., 301.

Richmond-Chattanooga Railroad, L, 116.

Richmond Enquirer, the,

Richmond Va., V., 15, 170.

Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, Va.

: II., 85; bridge.

V., 273.

‘Richmond Howitzers,’

of Richmond, Va., V., 58.

Richmond and Petersburg Railroad

Iii., 320; station of, IX., 306; bridge, ruins of, IX., 301.

Richmond and York River Railroad: I., 288, 299, 325; bridge, I., 319.

Richmond Railroad, Va.,

III., 298.

Ricketts, J. B.:

I., 151, 159, 162; II., 32, 46, 63; field batteries, V., 18 seq.; 19, 20 seq.; battery of, VIII., 78; IX., 266.

‘Ride around McClellan,’

Stuart's first great raid, June 13-15, 1862, IV., 85.

Ridgely, D. B.,

VI., 123.

Rienzi, Miss.,

II., 340.


horse of P. H. Sheridan, IV., 308 seq.

Rifles: Springfield and Enfield models, V., 129; caliber of, V., 130; muzzle-loader, V., 130; breech-loading and repeating, V., 132; Spencer model, V., 132, 134; Spencer, compared with Springfield model, V., 134; James model, V., 135; brooks model, V., 143; Parrott model, V., 143, 154; Springfield model, V., 148, 160; magazine, V., 174; breech-loading, V., 194; replacing muskets, VIII., 186.

Rinaldo, H. M. S.,

reception of Confederate Commission on, VI., 312.

Ringgold, C.,

VI., 19.

Ringgold, C. W.,

VII., 133.

Ringgold, Ga.:

W. P. Carlin and staff at, II., 169, 276, 309, 346; headquarters of General Thomas at, III., 107; camp at, IX., 170.

Ringgold's Penn. Cavalry, I., 354; II., 348.

Rio Grande River, Tex.,

VI., 39, 110.

Ripley, E. H.,

X., 307.

Ripley, J.,

V., 126.

Ripley, it. S.:

II., 67, 320, 324; V., 134, 183, 261; X., 109.

Ripley, Miss.,

II., 346.

River Defense Fleet: Confederate, I., 240, 362; destruction of, VI., 35, 83, 85, 222; organization of, VI., 83, 85; failure of, VI., 85, 192; on the Mississippi, VI., 220, 314.

‘River of death,’ meaning of Indian word ‘Chickamauga,’

II., 270.

River steamers: importance of, in military operations in the West, II., 162, 163.

Rivers' bridge, S. C.,

III, 342.

Rives' cavalry, Confederate, I., 350.

R. J. Breckenridqe,, C. S. S.,

VI, 192.

Roads: during the Civil War, VIII., 21; condition of, VIII., 34, 36.

Roane, J. S.,

X., 257.

Roanoke,, C. S. S.,

VI, 181.

Roanoke,, U. S. S.,

VI., 48, 156 seq.

Roanoke Island, N. C.:

I., 356; VI., 268; IX., 69.

Roanoke River, N. C.:

III., 318; VI., 199, 261, 322.

poem by Julia Ward Howe, IX., 122.

Robert E. Lee, , C. S. S.,

VI., 108, 124.

Robert Morris,, U. S. S.,

I., 273.

Roberts, B. S.,

X., 307.

Roberts, D. J.:

VII., 9, 238, 256, 278, 349; X., 27.

Roberts, G. W.,

VI., 312.

Roberts, W. P.,

X., 281.

Robertson, B. H.,

IV., 72, 104.

Robertson, F. H.,

X., 315.

Robertson, J. B.,

X., 315.

Robertson, J. M.,

V., 15, 35, 37.

Robertson, J. P.,

VI., 127.

Robertson Hospital, Richmond, Va.

, VII, 290.

Robertson River, Va.,

II., 26.

Robertson Tavern, Va.,

II, 346.

Robertson's Battery, I., 281.

Robertson's Ford, Va.,

III., 36.

Robinson, J. C.:

III., 54; X., 225, 296.

Robinson, J. S.,

X., 233.

Robinson, W.,

VI., 301.

Robinson House, Bull Run, Va.

, I., 157.

Roche, J. J.,

IX., 204 seq.

Roche, T. G.,

I., 42.

‘Rock of Chickamauga,’

name given to General Thomas, II., 288; X., 122.

Rock Creek, D. C.,

V., 94; VIII., 98.

Rock Creek, Pa.,

II., 238.

Rock Hill, Va.,

IV., 243.

Rock Island, Ill.:

arsenal at, V., l46; prison, VII, 44, 66, 82, 168.

Rock Spring, Ga.,

VI., 147.

‘Rockbridge Artillery,’

of Virginia, V., 713.

Rockville, Md.

II., 344.

Rockwood, G. G.,

I. 46, 48 seq.

Rocky face, Ga.,

II, 350.

Rocky face Gap, Ga.,

III., 108.

Rocky face Ridge, Ga.,

III., 108, 318.

Rocky Gap, Ky.,

II., 336, 342.

Roddey, P. S.,

X., 253.

Rodenbough, T. F.:

quoted, III., 100; IV., 7, 16; quoted, IV., 109, 262, 292; X., 25.

Rodes, R. E.:

II., 324; III., 152, 326, 330, 332; quoted, VIII., 120; IX., 201; X., 145, 282.

Rodgers, C. R. P.:

II, 347, 351; IV., 47, 127, 270; VIII., 335.

Rodgers, G. W.,

VI., 44, 173.

Rodgers, J.:

I., 189, 333; V., :312; VI., 139, 171, 182, 212, 272, 312.

Rodgers, L.,

IV., 113.

Rodgers Battery, Va.:

V., 85, 87.

Rodman, I. P.:

Il, 74, 75, 76, 324; V., 87; X., 133.

Rodman, T.,

V., 137.

Rodman guns: smooth bore, V., 87, 89.


Ii. C., X., 229.

Rogers, W. P.:

II., 141, 156, 160; dead body of, II., 145.

Rogersville, Tenn.,

II., 346.

Roll call,

N. G. Shepherd, IX., 136, 137.

Rolling Fork, Ky.,

IV., 150, 154.

Rolling Fork River, Ky.,

IV., 150.

Roman, Arthur

Viii., 169.

Roman Catholic sisterhood, hospital work of, VII., 296.

Rome, Ga.:

II., 276, 3:32; III., 112, 216, 220, 320; VII, 145.

Romeo,, U. S. S.,

VI., 28.

Romney, W. Va.,

I., 348, 352, 354.

Rontzohn's photograph gallery, Winchester, Va.

, General Jackson at, X., 101.

Rood, F. M.,

I., 50.

Rood's Hill, Va.,

III., 338.

Rooney, J. J.,

IX., 322.

Roosevelt. Theodore

Viii., 112; X., 138.

Root, E.,

I., 104.

Root, G. F.,

IX., 342, 350.

Roper Hospital, Charleston, S. C.

, VII, 161.

Ropes, J. C.:

I., 282; II., 38; V., 34 seq.; IX., 56.

Rorty, J.,

IX., 217.

Rose, T. E.:

VII., 60, 137 seq., 145, 152.

Rosecrans, W. S.:

I., 132, 136; II., 9, 140 seq., 142 seq., 148 seq., 150, 160, 166 seq., 178, 270 seq., 272 seq 288, 294 324, 328, 340, 344; IV., 34, 144, 147, 151; destruction of wagon train by, IV., 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 214, 254; V., 135, 206, 208, 292, 296; VI., 230; VII., 233; IX., 101; with staff, X., 19, 122, 172, 173; X., 172. 173.

Rosencranz, Lieut.

Swedish officer on McClellan's staff, I., 113.

Roseville, Ark.,

II., 352.

Ross, C.,

I., 223.

Ross, E. W.,

VII, 57.

Ross, J.,

home of, II., 287.

Ross, L. F.:

dead body of, II., 145; X., 201.

Ross, L. S.,

II, 330; X., 31.

Ross, Texas rangers, Confederates, I., 358.

Rosser, T. L.:

II., 348; III., 160, 164, 332, 344; IV., 73, 87, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 171, 251, 252.

Rosser's Battery, Confederate, I., 350.

Rossiter, C.,

VII., 125.


Rossville Gap, Tenn.:

headquarters of General Gordon Granger, II., 287; Union army crosses, IX., 101.

Roster of general officers, Union and Confederate, X., 301; Union army, X., 302-317; Confederate army, X., 318-321.

‘Rough surgery in the field,’

VII., 252, 253.

Round Hill, Ark.,

I., 368.

Round Top, Gettysburg, Pa.

, II., 231.

Rousseau, L. I.:

II., 174; III., 326, 330, 340; IV., 254, 287 suq.; VII., 215.

Routh, I. W.,

surgeon, X., 292.

Rover, Tenn.,

11., 330.

Rowan, S. C.:

VI., 93, 94, 95, 98, 270.

Rowlett, P. R.,

VIII., 113.

Rowlett's Station, Ny., I., 354.

Rowley, T. H.,

X., 293.

Royal yacht,, C. S. S.,

I., 354; VI., 45; VI., 268.

Royall, W. B.,

IV., 85.

Roziene, F. A.,

I., 14.

Ruby,, C. S. S.,

VI., 107.

Ruckstuhl, F. W.,

IX., 311.

Ruger, T. H.:

II., 256,258; III., 344; X., 87.

Ruggles, D.:

I., 358, 362; VII., 40; X., 317.


I. II., IV., 25, 75.

‘Rush Hawkins

Zouaves, VIII., 229.

Rush's Lancers (See also Sixth Cavalry, Pa.

), IV., 56, 74.

Rusk, J. M.,

X., 309.

Russel, A.,

VIII., 169.

Russel, J. H.,

VI., 51, 190, 268, 310.

Russell, A. A.,

IV., 160.

Russell, A. J.:

I., 42; III., 145; V., 16, 273; IX., 193, 195, 197.

Russell, D. A.:

III., 152, 154, 332; X., 133.

Russell, T.,

VIII., 169.

Russell, W. H., author of ‘Bull Run,’ I., 36.

Russia, Czar of, messenger from, VI., 31.

Rust, A.,

I., 368; X., 257.

Rutledge, A. M.,

V., 65.

Rutledge, W. J.,

X., 292.

Rutledge's Battery, Tenn.,

V., 65.

Ryan, Father

Ix., 240, 245.

Ryan, M. B.,

X., 47.

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Washington (United States) (4)
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (3)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (3)
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (3)
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (2)
Rienzi (Mississippi, United States) (2)
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Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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St. John's church (United Kingdom) (1)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Russia (Russia) (1)
Rover, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Round Hill, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Roseville (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Rose River (Virginia, United States) (1)
Romney (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Rome, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Rolling Fork (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Rolling Fork (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Rodgersville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Rockville, Md. (Maryland, United States) (1)
Rock Spring, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Rock Island, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (1)
Rock Hill (Virginia, United States) (1)
Rock Creek, Menard County, Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
Rock Creek (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Roanoke Island (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Ripley (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Rio Ometepec (Mexico) (1)
Richmond, La. (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Richmond, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Rich Mountain (Virginia, United States) (1)
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (1)
Reelfoot Lake (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Rectortown (Virginia, United States) (1)
Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) (1)
Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (1)
Randolphs (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Ragged Point, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Raccoon Mountains (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Raccoon Ford (Virginia, United States) (1)
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (1)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Paper Mill (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (1)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
George-Town (United States) (1)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Carolina City (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (1)

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G. B. McClellan (3)
Robert E. Lee (3)
G. H. Thomas (2)
J. E. B. Stuart (2)
J. P. Spencer (2)
P. H. Sheridan (2)
M. B. Ryan (2)
W. J. Rutledge (2)
T. Russell (2)
T. L. Rosser (2)
L. S. Ross (2)
W. P. Rogers (2)
T. Rodman (2)
J. P. Robertson (2)
R. V. Richardson (2)
A. V. Rice (2)
H. Rees (2)
N. Randolph (2)
S. D. Ramseur (2)
R. C. Morgan (2)
Stonewall Jackson (2)
Julia Ward Howe (2)
George Washington (1)
W. T. Sherman (1)
N. G. Shepherd (1)
A. M. Rutledge (1)
A. Rust (1)
D. A. Russell (1)
A. J. Russell (1)
A. A. Russell (1)
J. H. Russel (1)
A. Russel (1)
J. M. Rusk (1)
D. Ruggles (1)
T. H. Ruger (1)
F. W. Ruckstuhl (1)
F. A. Roziene (1)
W. B. Royall (1)
T. H. Rowley (1)
P. R. Rowlett (1)
S. C. Rowan (1)
I. W. Routh (1)
L. I. Rousseau (1)
C. Rossiter (1)
L. F. Ross (1)
J. Ross (1)
E. W. Ross (1)
C. Ross (1)
Rosencranz (1)
W. S. Rosecrans (1)
T. E. Rose (1)
J. Rorty (1)
John C. Ropes (1)
G. F. Root (1)
E. Root (1)
Roosevelt (1)
J. J. Rooney (1)
F. M. Rood (1)
Arthur Roman (1)
I. P. Rodman (1)
L. Rodgers (1)
J. Rodgers (1)
G. W. Rodgers (1)
C. R. P. Rodgers (1)
R. E. Rodes (1)
T. F. Rodenbough (1)
P. S. Roddey (1)
G. G. Rockwood (1)
T. G. Roche (1)
J. J. Roche (1)
W. Robinson (1)
J. S. Robinson (1)
J. C. Robinson (1)
J. M. Robertson (1)
J. B. Robertson (1)
F. H. Robertson (1)
B. H. Robertson (1)
W. P. Roberts (1)
G. W. Roberts (1)
D. J. Roberts (1)
B. S. Roberts (1)
J. S. Roane (1)
Rives (1)
J. Ripley (1)
It. S. Ripley (1)
E. H. Ripley (1)
C. W. Ringgold (1)
C. Ringgold (1)
D. B. Ridgely (1)
J. B. Ricketts (1)
I. B. Richardson (1)
A. D. Richardson (1)
W. Rice (1)
S. A. Rice (1)
J. C. Rice (1)
J. F. Rhodes (1)
C. D. Rhodes (1)
A. C. Rhind (1)
W. Reynolds (1)
J. J. Reynolds (1)
J. F. Reynolds (1)
D. H. Reynolds (1)
C. W. Reynolds (1)
A. W. Reynolds (1)
P. J. Revere (1)
J. W. Revere (1)
E. H. R. Revere (1)
W. B. Renshaw (1)
F. B. Renshaw (1)
Reno (1)
Reid (1)
I. V. D. Reeve (1)
W. H. Reed (1)
H. B. Reed (1)
Allen C. Redwood (1)
G. W. Redway (1)
Reaney (1)
Reagan (1)
T. R. Read (1)
T. Read (1)
J. Read (1)
C. W. Read (1)
J. P. Rea (1)
Raymond (1)
J. A. Rawlins (1)
L. Rassieur (1)
F. W. Rasier (1)
G. M. Ranson (1)
T. E. G. Ransom (1)
R. Ransom (1)
M. W. Ransom (1)
W. A. Rankin (1)
G. W. Randolph (1)
D. W. Randolph (1)
A. M. Randol (1)
J. R. Randall (1)
A. Ramsey (1)
F. M. Ramsay (1)
I. Rampart (1)
N. C. Raleigh (1)
J. E. Rains (1)
G. W. Rains (1)
G. J. Rains (1)
J. S. Rains' (1)
F. Raham (1)
W. Radford (1)
E. G. Parrott (1)
Resaca De la Palma (1)
McCarthy (1)
S. R. Mallory (1)
James (1)
R. C. Hawkins (1)
B. H. Grierson (1)
Gordon Granger (1)
James Gordon (1)
Enfield (1)
Charles Ellet (1)
J. A. Dahlgren (1)
Henry Clay (1)
Roman Catholic (1)
W. P. Carlin (1)
A. E. Burnside (1)
G. T. Bailey (1)
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