
Bibliographical note.

To the works mentioned at the end of the first volume as having been particularly consulted by the author it is proper to add the following for the second volume:

Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, by Colonel Chesney, London, 1863 and 1865, 2 vols.; War Pictures of the South, by Estvan, London, 1863, 2 vols.; A Rebel War-clerk's Diary, by Jones, Philadelphia, 1866, 2 vols.; Memoirs of the Confederate War, by Heros Von Borcke, London, 1866, 2 vols.; Medical Recollections of the Army of the Potomac, by Chief Surgeon Letterman, New York, 1866, 1 vol.; Four Years of Fighting, by Coffin, Boston, 1866, 1 vol.; Partisan Life with Mosby, by Scott, London, 1867, 1 vol.; General Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps, by Woodbury, Providence, 1867, 1 vol.; Three Years in the Sixth Corps, by Stevens, 2d edition, New York, 1870, 1 vol.; General Lee, by Edward Lee-Childe, Paris, 1874, 1 vol.; Narrative of Military Operations, by General J. E. Johnston, New York, 1874, 1 vol. This last-named work, which has just appeared, possesses an especial interest, being written by the principal survivor of the Confederate generals, nine years after the close of the war, with all the care and moderation to be expected from a writer who relates events in which he has himself played the most conspicuous part.

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