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A fast-day hymn.

[Dea. Benjamin Willis' diary, Medford, 1764.]

Wake up my Soule wake up my Eyes
Wake up my Drowsy facquel Tyes
o Lord Thy Prayes I'll Ever Sing
prayes is A Very pleasant Thing.

[p. 65]


Joseph Wyman begs leave to inform his friends, and the public, that he has good accommodations at Medford, 5 miles from Boston, in a healthly fituation, (which is to be confidered in a fickly feason) for about 15 fcholars, whom he will board and inftruct in any of the following branches of ufeful and ornamental knowledge, viz. Englifh Grammar, Compofition, Reading and Speaking, either on public occafions, or private entertainment— The Art of Penmanfhip in a modern, ufeful and ornamental manner; Arithmetic, thofe parts of it which are moftly ufed in bufinefs. A general knowledge in Geography; and the rudiments of Geomety and Drawing. The Miffes will be put under the immediate care of Mifs Haskel, who, if requefted, will inftruct them in the ufe of the Sewing-Needle, and attend to their behavior. All of the above, or any part thereof, for the moderate price of 15f. per week. Wafhing, the use of reading books, a full fupply of writing books and paper, pens and ink, included,

Those who should please to honor him with fo much confidence as to place their Children under his care; may rely that a due attention will be paid to their Inftruction, Morals, Health, and a humane treatment. ——N. B. A line directed to faid Wyman, will be attended to.

Columbian Centinel, Sept. 5, 1795.

note.—Mr. Wyman was the predecessor of Mrs. Susanna Rowson. See Medford Historical Register, Vol. VII, p. 25.


Vol. VII, No. 2, Page 38, Line 14, read Mrs. Edward N. Hallowell instead of Mrs. Edwin N. Hallowell.

[p. 66]

Strangers in Medford, (continued from Vol. 7, no. 2).

Names.From. Date.Warned out.Remarks.
Holt, HannahJan. 30, 1791
Holt, PollyJan. 30, 1791
Honey, ElizabethBoston, June 2, 1760March Court,Maid in family of Maj. Benj.
Hovey, BenjaminAug. 31, 1797
Hovey, EbenezerNewton, July 4, 1763In family of Timothy Tufts.
Hovey, JamesJan. 30, 1791
Howard, DavidMaiden, Jan., 1764June 14, 1764
  Martha (wife)
  Elizabeth (child)
Howard, SarahMalden, Jan., 1764June 14, 1764In family of David Howard.
  Mary (daughter)
Howard, SarahWoburn, Apr. 10, 1765In family of Simon Tufts.
Hunt, JeremiahJuly 10, 1751Tenant of John Willis.
  (wife and family)
Huss, MaryJan. 30, 1791
Hutchins, SusannaMaiden, Mar. 15, 1763Nov. 30, 1763In family of Jonathan
Sprague (about loyrs.old).
Inglesbe, BethiahChelsea, May 3, 1754In family of Timothy Hall.
Single woman.
Ingols, EuniceNewbury, July i, 1771Daughter of James and
Bathshua Peirson.
Ingolls, LucyJan. 30, 1791

[p. 67]

Ingraham, Duncan, Esq.Aug. 31, 1797(Signed) Richard Hall.
Isebester, ChristianWatertown, Sept., 1768In family of Ebenezer Hall, Jr.
Charlestown, abt. Oct. 15, 1770
Jackson, CharlesStoneham, Apr. 8, 1763Tenant of John Bishop.
  Elizabeth (wife)
  Anna (child)
Jackson, CharlesChildren of Mrs. Jos. Stan-
  Hannahyan. See Joseph Stanyan.
  HannahStoneham, May, 1764Mar. 1, 1765Dau. of Hannah Stanyan.
Jenkins, AbigailMaiden, Apr. 21, 1760In family of Hezikiah
Jenks, RichardLynn, Apr. 2, 1764Journeyman. In family of
Samuel Tilton.
Jenks, Samuel, Capt.Chelsea, Feb. 1, 1762Jan. 1, 1763
  Mary (wife)
Johnson, ElizabethWoburnNov. 27, 1756Maid servant. See Jacob
Johnson, HannahWoburn, June 16, 1758Nov. 27, 1758Dau. of Giles Johnson. Age
10 yrs. In family of Benj.
Johnson, MaryAug. 31, 1797Widow of Henry Johnson.
Johnson, ThomasBoston, Oct. 27, 1762Boarder in house of Samuel
Jones, JohnConcord, Mar. 26, 1765Feb. 24, 1766Single. Husbandman. In
employ of Isaac Royall.
Jones, JonasAug. 31, 1797
Jones, JosephActon, Jan. 20, 1772In family of Isaac Hall.

[p. 68]

The Petition of Belinda, servant of Isaac Royall, Esq.

[Read before Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R., June 6, 1904.]

Commonweath of Massachusetts.
To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled.
The Petition of Belinda an Affrican, humbly shews:

That seventy years have rolled away, since she on the banks of the Rio da Valta, received her existance—the mountains Covered with spicy forests, the valleys loaded with the richest fruits, spontaneously produced; joined to that happy temperature of air to exclude excess; would have yielded her the most compleat felicity, had not her mind received early impressions of the cruelty of men, whose faces were like the moon, and whose Bows and Arrows were like the thunder and the lightning of the Clouds.—The idea of these, the most dreadful of all Enemies, filled her infant slumbers with horror, and her noontide moments with evil apprehensions! But her affrighted imagination, in its most alarming extension, never represented distresses equal to what she hath since really experienced—for before she had Twelve years enjoyed the fragrance of her native groves, and e'er she realized, that Europeans placed their happiness in the yellow dust which she carelesly marked with her infant footsteps,—even when she, in a sacred grove, with each hand in that of a tender Parent, was paying her devotions to the great Orisa who made all things-an armed band of white men, driving many of her Countrymen in Chains, ran into the hallowed shade!—could the

Tears, the sighs, and supplications, bursting from Tortured Parental affection, have blunted the keen edge of Avarice, she might have been rescued from Agony, which many of her Country's Children have felt, but which none hath ever described,—in vain she lifted her supplicating voice to an insulted father, and her guiltless hands to a dishonoured Deity! She was ravished from [p. 69] the bosom of her Country, from the arms of her friends, —while the advanced age of her Parents, rendering them unfit for servitude, cruelly seperated her from them forever!

Scenes which her imagination had never conceived of,—a floating World—the sporting Monsters of the deep—and the familiar meetings of Billows and clouds, strove, but in vain to divert her melancholly attention, from three hundred Affricans in chains, suffering the most excruciating torments; and some of them rejoicing, that the pangs of death came like a balm to their wounds.

Once more her eyes were blest with a Continent— but alas! how unlike the Land where she received her being! here all thing appeared unpropitious-she learned to catch the Ideas, marked by the sounds of language, only to know that her doom was Slavery, from which death alone was to emancipate her.—What did it avail her, that the walls of her Lord were hung with Splendor, and that the dust troden underfoot in her native Country, crowded his Gates with sordid worshipers— the Laws had rendered her incapable of receiving property—and though she was a free moral agent, accountable for her actions, yet she never had a moment at her own disposal!—

Fifty years her faithful hands have been compelled to ignoble servitude for the benefit of an Isaac Royall, untill, as if Nations must be agitated, and the world convulsed for the preservation of that freedom, which the Almighty Father intended for all the human Race, the present war was Commenced—The terror of men armed in the Cause of freedom, compelled her master to fly—and to breathe away his Life in a Land, where, Lawless domination sits enthroned—pouring bloody outrage and cruelty on all who dare to be free.

The face of your Petitioner, is now marked with the furrows of time, and her frame feebly bending under the oppression of years, while she, by the Laws of the Land, [p. 70] is denied the enjoyment of one morsel of that immense wealth, apart whereof hath been accumilated by her own industry, and the whole augmented by her servitude. Wherefore, casting herself at the feet of your honours, as to a body of men, formed for the extirpation of vassalage, for the reward of Virtue, and the just return of honest industry—she prays, that such allowance may be made her out of the Estate of Colonel Royall, as will prevent her, and her more infirm daughter, from misery in the greatest extreme, and scatter comfort over the short and downward path of their Lives. And she will every pray. of the × mark

Boston 14th February 1783

On the petition of Belinda, an African:

Resolved, That there be paid out of the treasury of this Commonwealth, out of the rents and profits arising from the estate of the late Isaac Royal, Esq; an absentee, fifteen pounds twelve shillings, per annum, to Belinda, an aged servant of the late Isaac Royal, Esq; an absentee, until the further order of the General Court, for reasons set forth in said Belinda's petition.

February 22, 1783.

Jonathan and Nathaniel Wade.

Jonathan and Nathaniel Wade, sons of Jonathan Wade of Ipswich, were the fathers of town government in Medford. Jonathan was the first recorded town clerk. The first entry in the town records shows that Nathaniel was chosen constable in 1674. The office in those days was one of the most important in the gift of the town.

In 1676, both brothers were on the board of selectmen, and held the positions for long terms. On the first county tax list, their names are at the head; the entire amount assessed was £ 1, 13s. 9d., of which [p. 71] amount, Jonathan paid 6s. 4d., and Nathaniel, 4s. 3d. Both bore the title of Major. Jonathan was captain of the ‘Three county troop.’

Jonathan Wade married first, Deborah Dudley, daughter of Hon. Thomas Dudley, by whom he had children, Dudley, Prudence, Katharine, Deborah and Susanna, who outlived him.1 He married second, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Dunster, president of Harvard College. She had two children, Dorothy and Elizabeth, both of whom died unmarried. Jonathan Wade died November 24, 1689, and his widow married Col. Nathaniel Thomas of Marshfield, who was judge of the Superior Court about 1714. He died in 1718; his widow returned to Medford, where she died in 1729. She is often referred to in old records and deeds as Madam Thomas. Her brother Jonathan married Jonathan Wade's daughter Deborah.

Nathaniel Wade married Mercy Bradstreet, October 31, 1672, and died November 28, 1707. His wife survived him seven years. She was the daughter of Gov. Simon and Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, the poetess, one of the most famous American women of her day. She was a half sister of Deborah, wife of Jonathan Wade, the former born about 1612, the latter in 1645. The births of seven children of Nathaniel and Mercy are recorded; Nathaniel, Mercy, Jonathan, Samuel, Anne, Dorothy and Dudley. The only son of Jonathan Wade died leaving no issue; the sons and grandsons of Nathaniel form a long line of prominent citizens of Medford.

1 See Medford Historical Register, Vol. IV, p. 48.

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