Medford Historical Society.
Officers for the year 1921.
Herbert N. Ackerman. Telephone, Mystic 1827-W. 10 Adams Street, Medford Hillside.Vice-Presidents.
Rosewell B. Lawrence. George H. Remele. Miss Lily B. Atherton. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln.Recording secretary.
Frederic H. Dole. Telephone Connection. Chestnut Street.Financial secretary and Treasurer.
Gegrge S. T. Fuller. Telephone, Mystic 2208-W. George Street.Librarian and Curator.
Moses Whitcher Mann. Telephone, Arlington 545-M. 138 Boston Avenue, West Medford.Directors.
William Leavens. John A. C. Emerson. Melvin W. Pierce.The above constitute the Board of Directors which meets at the call of the President.
The Society's Honorary members are
Walter H. Cushing. George S. Delano. Benjamin P. Hollis. Charles N. Jones.[p. 69]