
Further from South America.

American Affairs at Peru----Terrible Accident----The Revolution in Bolivia, &c.

The steamship Northern Light, which sailed from Aspinwall on the 25th ult., arrived at New York Friday morning, with $1,241,939 in gold.

Peru — Awful Accident.

‘ The ultimatum (says the correspondent of the Panama Star) of the Cabinet at Washington has been at last presented, and on Saturday evening, the Peruvian Government answered it, refusing to settle the following claims:--The Lizzie Thompson, Georgiana and Sartoria claim. This last claim is one which no sensible person ever thought that the United States Government would even listen to, much less try and urge its payment; there can be but one term applied to it, and that is "infamous" The Peruvian Government have in its possession proofs against this claim of a most damning character, with some curious facts as to how such claims are made, but they are urged, and then the division of spoils. The refusal to settle upon the terms demanded by the United States, necessarily compels Mr. Clay to demand his passport, haul down his flag and go home.

On Friday morning last the American ship Lucy M. Hale was discovered to be on fire.--The boats from the American vessels of war were immediately sent to her assistance, and it was by their praise worthy exertions that the vessel and cargo were saved. To Captain Rudd, of the Lancaster, who, by his promptness on the occasion, too much praise cannot be awarded.

Yesterday a most frightful accident occurred in the Dry Dock at San Lorenzo, involving the entire loss of the Peruvian frigate Callao, (Apurimac) and almost the entire destruction of the dock, and a fearful loss of life. The particulars of this lamentable affair are, as far as I can gather, as follows: It having been deemed advisable to dock the ship in order to examine her copper and other trifling things, the Engineer of the dock was asked if she could be taken on with her battery, provisions and crew on board: his opinion was that the dock could not raise her with that weight, consequently her guns were landed, yards sent down and top-gallant masts struck, retaining her provisions, magazine and crew on board, and in this state she entered the dock at 10 ½ A.M. There was a very large concourse of persons went over to witness the operation.--The Government steamer Ucayah conveyed the President, Minister of War, and a large number of invited guests.

Upon the arrival of the President the vessel began to enter the dock, and was soon placed in her proper position, the pumps were set to work — everything up to the present moment went well. The keel of the frigate took the chocks of the platform, and she began to ascend out of the water. Owing to her great depth of keel the chocks did not act as any support whatever on her bilge, therefore the ship was simply balanced upon her keel, and so long as she could be kept steady in that position she was safe, but her crew were on board, constantly moving from one side to the other, the ship being already top-heavy, this caused her to give one or two slight rolls, and then she pitched over on the starboard beam; at the second surge the three masts snapped about half-way up from the deck, her starboard ports being open, she rapidly filled with water, and here began a scene of horror impossible to describe. The water was filled with men and women, wounded, dying, all screaming for help; boats were promptly sent to their assistance, or the loss of life would have been still more fearful.

Of the number that were below at the time very few escaped, and their cries for help were terrible, but that which was most heart-rending was the poor sick in the hospital, who, helpless with disease, could do naught but scream for that help that none could render them. Up to the present time of writing it is not known how many have been lost, but it cannot fall short of one hundred and fifty.

The wounded that could be removed who did not require amputation were brought over to Callao, the rest remaining on the Island.--The number of broken heads, arms and legs is great. Capt. Keer, of the English ship Golconda lowered his boats, and did good service in saving some thirty or forty lives.

The Callao was a fine 44-gun frigate. She is about six years old — the vessel is a total loss, being entirely under water; the dock may also be considered as done for, it having failed as a commercial speculation, and the present disaster may be considered as the last of the Callao Dry Dock.


An official question has arisen between the United States and British naval forces in Panama, which is of considerable interest. It has been occasioned by the order given to the guards from H. B. M.'s ship Clio, stationed at the British and French Consulates since the late riot, to hail all persons passing those houses. Several foreigners have been stopped by the sentry, and on Saturday an American officer, and subsequently an American citizen, have been arrested for refusing to respond to the sentry, whilst passing through the public street. The matter was brought before Flag officer Montgomery, in command of the U. S. naval forces, who at once addressed a communication to Capt. Miller, of H. B. M.'s ship Clio, on the subject, the result of which we have not yet heard, and until we do, we shall refrain from making any comments upon the proceeding.

Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is reported to be tranquil since the revolution.

From the other Central American States there is no news of interest.



--The people of Guayaquil having taken the strange step of making a kind of conditional "pronunciamento," in which document they stipulate for what they term Equality of Representation.

The Jefe Superior has banished from the public offices the paper money of the house of Luzarraga, to which Franco gave a forced circulation.

The recent destruction by fire of the residence of the Senoritas Carmanas, has drawn forth a decree calling for a small contribution for the purpose of purchasing two steam fire engines, for the purpose of protecting against these fires, from which Guayaquil is perpetually suffering.

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