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A Molasses Dodge.
--In Troy, N. Y., on Saturday evening last, a man entered a grocery store in that city and made a purchase of some molasses, which he told the keeper to put in his cap. In explanation of this, he said that he had a bet with a man that he dare fill his cap with molasses, and as the bet was of more consequence than the cap, he would fulfill the conditions of the wager and take the money. The grocery keeper filled the cap as desired, when the man remarked to him that the molasses was musty. The store-keeper bent over to smell of the molasses, when the fellow dashed it in his face, filling his face and eyes with the saccharine substance. He then run behind the counter, robbed the money drawer of six dollars in change and made off.

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Troy, N. Y. (New York, United States) (1)
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