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House of Delegates.

Monday, Jan. 21, 1861.
The House was called to order at 12 o'clock, by Speaker Crutchfield.

Federal Relations.--The adoption by the Senate of the following resolution was communicated to the House, with a request that it concur therein:

Resolved, by the General Assembly of Virginia. That if all efforts to reconcile the unhappy differences existing between the two sections of the country shall prove to be abortive, then, in the opinion of the General Assembly, every consideration of honor and interest demands that Virginia should unite her destiny with the slaveholding States of the South.

Mr. Hackley moved to lay on the table and print.

Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, sustained the motion.

Mr. Anderson advocated the immediate adoption of the resolution. He spoke of the wrongs inflicted on the South, and alluded to the fact that the whole North were now arming for her further subjugation.

Mr. Myers, called for the reading of the resolution, and remarked that he would vote against laying it on the table, and in favor of its adoption. On Saturday last he voted against the resolution which was adopted, containing somewhat similar principles. He voted against it in a small minority, and was satisfied with the propriety of his vote. A minority had no terrors for him. If it had, as he (Mr. M.) had been in that category the greater part of his life, he would have been long since frightened to death. Had he been the only one in the House who did so, he would have been content. He voted against the resolution of Saturday because it announced a proposition the truth of which he denied. The interests of Virginia were not as the language of that resolution purported to declare — thoroughly identified upon every question with the South. Suppose a portion of that South should conceive it to their interest to re-open the slave trade. A trade which Mr. Myers declared he abhorred and detested morally; and he asked whether any man in his senses was prepared to declare that the interests of Virginia could be promoted by such a policy?

Gentlemen in private conversation informed him, that such was not intended by the resolution of last Saturday. Then why not say so in the resolution itself? Mr. Myers was opposed to voting for generalities, when he might afterwards be told that his vote covered a specific proposition to which he never would have given his sanction. He was now prepared to vote for the resolution before the House, because it was free from the objectionable feature of that adopted by the House on Saturday.

Mr. Martin, of Henry, thought that the adoption of the resolutions would remove from the House all cause of disagreement, and, therefore, favored the adoption of the resolution.

Mr. Hackley had voted on a similar proposition on Saturday. He did not think the interest of Virginia identified with the South in many things. He thought a reaction was already taking place, which would render all such resolves out of place — the people of the great Northwest were already rising in their might and would cut out the politicians, when all matters of difference between the sections could be amicably and fairly adjusted.

The motion to lay on the table was withdrawn, and the yeas and nays being called, the resolution was adopted unanimously — Yeas 108.

Resolutions, &c.--The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency was read and referred; By Mr. D. Gibson, of affecting the act authorizing the Bank of the Valley to establish a branch in the city of Richmond; by Mr. Martin, resolved, that when this House adjourns on Saturday next, it will with the consent of the Senate, adjourn to meet again on the 11th day of February next; by Mr. Christian, of incorporating the Southern Express Company with power to transport packages, &c., throughout the Southern States; by Mr. Bass, of providing by law for releasing sheriffs, &c., from payment of damages on failure to pay State dues, provided sheriffs' securities shall, within ninety days of such default, pay principal, interest and costs of collection of said amount; by Mr. Frederick, of passing a law requiring property sold under execution to bring three-fourths of its value; by Mr. Duckwall, of authorizing the trustees of ‘"Easter's Meeting-House,"’ in Morgan county, to sell and convey the same.

Bills Reported.--For the relief of the securities of Joshua A. Staats, the Sheriff of Jackson county; amending chapters 108 and 38 of the Code; incorporating the Virginia Lumber Company; transferring the Cacaphan and North Branch Turnpike to the county of Hampshire; to incorporate the Elk River Railroad Company; incorporating the Grassy Lick Turnpike Company; amending the charter of the Brown's Gap Turnpike Company; amending the charter of the Clarksburg and Wheeling Turnpike Company; making a subscription on the part of the State to the Roanoke Valley Railroad; authorizing the voluntary enslavement of Clara and her children; to raise a Provisional State Guard.

Laid on the Table.--The bill authorizing the Central Railroad Company to construct a branch from Lexington to some eligible point on said load was debated and laid on the table.

Adverse Report.--The Committee on Claims reported adversely to the petition of Thomas C. Bunting and others, to be released from a forfeited recognizance.

Petitions, &c.--The following petitions, &c., were presented and referred; By Mr. Adams, the petition of John L. Morllet and others, to change one of the county lines of Webster county; by Mr. McGruder, the remonstrance of sixty-four citizens of Henrico against extending the corporation limits of Richmond; by Mr. Christian, the petition of the Council of the town of Danville, for authority to establish a chain-gang; by Mr. Porter, the petition of J. H. Cochran, late Sheriff of Hancock county; by Mr. Witten, the petition of Moses Davis, praying that the sum of $69,76 erroneously charged on his lands, be refunded to him; by Mr. Brown, the petition of J. L. Campbell, author of ‘"a manual of scientific and practical agriculture,"’ asking remission of license tax; by Mr. Smith, the petition of citizens of the Valley, asking the authorization of the extension of the Winchester and Potomac Railroad; by Mr. Knotts, the proceedings of a meeting of the people of Gilmer county; on the state of the country.

Secession of Alabama and Georgia.--The Speaker laid before the House a message from the Governor, in which he says:

‘ "I communicate herewith a letter from Wm. M. Brooks, Esq., President of the Alabama State Convention, enclosing a copy of the Ordinance of Secession, adopted on the 11th inst.

"I communicate also a telegraphic dispatch received from His Excellency Joseph E. Brown, Governor of the State of Georgia, announcing the passage by the Convention of that State of the Ordinance for immediate secession."

’ The Ordinance adopted by the Alabama Convention, January 11th, is:

‘"To dissolve the union between the State of Alabama land the other States, under the compact styled the United States of America."’

The Governor's Message and the documents accompanying it were, on motion, laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

Reply of Virginia to the Alabama Commissioners.--The following joint resolution was offered, and after explanation, was unanimously agreed to, and the same ordered to be sent to the Senate for ratification:

The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia having heard with pleasure the views presented by the honorable Commissioners from the State of Alabama, upon the present condition of National and State affairs, respectfully request the Commissioners to inform the authorities of the State of Alabama that the General Assembly of Virginia have passed an act for the election of members of a State Convention, and to convene the same on the 13th day of February next; and that they have also adopted joint resolutions for the appointment of Commissioners to meet Commissioners from all the States on the 4th day of February next, in the city of Washington, and the General Assembly is not able to make any definite response to the State of Alabama until the action of the State Convention.

Resolved, That the Governor communicate this resolution, forthwith, to the Commissioners from the State of Alabama.

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