The National crisis.
Hon. Sherrard Clemens in the
House — the contemplated Seizure of the
Brooklyn Navy Yard — a battery Erected on the
Mississippi river--letter from
Ex-President Fillmore--salute for an
Ex-commander, &c.
Capt. Alfred Cumming, late
Governor of
Utah, a graduate of
West Point, and for sixteen years connected with the United States Army, was elected
Lieutenant-Colonel of the
Augusta (Ga.) Independent Volunteer Battalion on Saturday.
Col. Cumming will immediately resign his captaincy in the
Federal army.
The Chicago Zouaves have offered their services to the United States Government.
The Mulenburg Riflemen, of
Shenandoah county, Va., fired one hundred and fifty guns on the 21st instant, in honor of the workingmen of New York city, who lately adopted resolutions sympathizing with the
General Twiggs has declared his purpose to adhere to his gallant
State of Georgia, and to resign his position in the present army whenever
Georgia shall secede.--
Mobile Advertiser.
The New York Senate has adopted complimentary resolutions to
Gov. Hicks, of
Maryland, for his position.
Waynesboro (Ga.) News says that the ‘"Burke Sharpe Shooters"’ at a late meeting elected twenty-six ‘"unqualified secession and determined-on- resistance ladies"’ as honorary members of the company.
Eight of them are unmarried.
Byrd Douglas, of
Nashville, Tenn., has sent a donation of $1,000 to the
Governor of
South Carolina.
Florida, the ladies of the families of
Messrs. Robert Gamble and
Robert W. Williams have offered their services in any manner available for preparing the troops for the field of battle.
The following occurrence took place in the U. S. House of Representatives, on Tuesday:
Mr. Clemens, of
Virginia, said he spoke as a Southern man, identified by birth, education, and a residence in that section.
While many of those who inaugurated the pending revolution, cry out with uplifted hands, exclaiming, ‘"No effusion of blood,"’ it should be remembered that the inventor of the guillotine was its first victim; and the day was not distant when these men would rely on the magnanimity of the people they have outraged.
Before God, he believed that slavery would be crucified if this unhappy controversy shall end in the dissolution of the
If not crucified, it will carry the death rattle in its throat.
He might be a timid man, and not take up arms in his own defence; but it remained to be seen whether treason can be successfully carried on. There is a holy minority in the slave States.
Lazarus is not dead, but sleepeth; and when the stone is rolled away from the tomb, we may have all the glories of a new resurrection.
He alluded to the ultra men at the
Phillips, and others — and said they shook hands with kindred disunionists at the
Like the
Roman ox, all garlanded for the sacrifice, they would lead the
Union to death.
These rights of the new crusade make the
Constitution the sanctified
Jerusalem, against which the cohorts are rallied.
The Northern men wish to overthrow the
Constitution to get rid of slavery, while the
Southern men overthrow the
Constitution to preserve slavery.
And both parties are for State rights: He asked, on behalf of the
South, that justice which springs from honest magnanimity, and appealed to revolutionary memories for peace and compromise.
He spoke of the failure of the proposed Southern Confederacy; argued that one of the objects in establishing it was to re-open the African slave trade, that the irreversible law of population governs this question: that it is population and wealth, not territory, which the
South want; and that there will be an ‘"irrepressible conflict"’ in such a Confederacy, for a horned and strong hand would hold the political power.
Suppose the
Southern States do not there obtain the equality which they demand?
What then?
That was a problem to be ciphered out hereafter.
Having exhausted the hour to which each speaker is limited, several gentlemen moved that he have permission to conclude his speech.
Mr. Martin, of
Virginia, objected to the member going on with his ‘"treasonable remarks. "’
Much confusion prevailed in the
Hall, but it was soon quieted.
The contemplated "Seizure" in New York.
The ‘"excitement"’ in New York about the rumored intention to seize the
Navy- Yard at
Brooklyn, turns out to have been nothing.--The rumor got out, and the commandant of the
Navy-Yard applied for a police force to protect the
Government property.
This was furnished by both New York and
Brooklyn; and the Mayors, to create an additional furor, called on the Military.
The "World" says:
Major General H. B. Duryea and
Brigadier General P. S. Crooke were advised of the facts of the case, and promptly ordered out the fifth brigade of New York State militia.
The armory, a substantial new building on the corner of Henry and Cranberry streets, was a blaze of light, and was surrounded by a curious crowd, vainly attempting to enter, and meeting the response addressed to all, without distinction, that only gentlemen in uniform could be admitted.
The gentlemen in uniform rapidly assembled.
There were stationed here the Thirteenth Regiment,
Colonel Abel Smith; the Fourteenth,
Col. A. M. Wood, and the Twenty-eighth,
Col. Bennett.
The Seventieth Regiment,
Col. Samuel Graham, had been ordered to drill in the evening in the new arsenal, on Portland avenue, and were kept under arms.
Generals Duryea and
Crooke were at the armory, prepared to render such services as might be required of them.
A detachment of New York harbor police were on duty near the yard.
The officers at the yard apparently entertained little apprehension of an attack, but were perfectly prepared for any that might have been made.
Any fool-hardy mob that had ventured on an enterprise so reckless, must not only have withstood the fire of the receiving ship
North Carolina, but have encountered a body of one hundred thoroughly disciplined marines, and the entire police and military power of the city.
In that event, New York would have been relieved of a satisfactory score of ruffians.
The military arrangements were made as unostentatiously as possible.
Although, fortunately, their services were not required, convincing proof was afforded of the promptitude of the citizen soldiery to maintain the laws.
The following paragraph from the Memphis Appeal, shows that guns have been planted at
Vicksburg by order of the
Governor of
Mississippi, to intercept all passing steamboats:
The order of the
Governor of
Mississippi to place a battery of guns at
Vicksburg for the purpose of hailing steamers and causing them to land, has been complied with, as we learn from one of the clerks of the Simonds, who informs us that four guns are placed at the foot of the bluff, a quarter of a mile above the wharf-boat; that while the Simonds lay there on her trip up the river, blank cartridges were fired to bring to and cause to land the
Gladiator, the
Imperial, and the
A. O. Taylor, and that it was understood that if the summons were not attended to, the next gun fired would be shotted.
The object of the surveillance has not been made known.
The Argus says:
Cincinnati steamboat men have been thrown into a fever from the
Governor of
Mississippi ordering cannon and a military company to
Vicksburg to hall all steamboats passing.
The Abolition journals of
Cincinnati howl over it, and are greatly incensed.--We would like to see them help themselves.
The Hon. Millard Fillmore was, a few weeks ago, suggested by a Union meeting in New York as a suitable person to go to
South Carolina to tender the people of that State the assurances of the citizens of New York that the
North would respect and uphold the constitutional rights of the
This mission
Mr. Fillmore declined, and in his letter remarked:
What they want, and what I want, is some
assurance from the Republican party, now dominant at the
North, that they, or at least the conservative portion of them, are ready and willing to come forward and repeal all unconstitutional State laws; rise up to the compromises of the
Constitution, execute the laws of Congress honestly and faithfully, and treat our Southern brethren as friends.
When I can have any such
reliable assurance as this to give.
I will go most cheerfully and urge our Southern brethren to follow our example, and restore harmony and fraternal affection between the
North and the
At present, our labors should be hers.
Let us put ourselves right, and then we can with more confidence and justice appeal to them.
Salute for an Ex-commander.
The Mobile Tribune of the 18th inst. has the following items:
Commodore Armstrong arrived here yesterday morning, and started up the river last evening, on his way to
There was a desire among our citizens to express for him some honor as he passed through
Our people respect him for his gallantry and the services which he has rendered to what was recently a united country.
As soon as it was known that he was here, at the suggestion of some of the citizens,
Col. Ketchum ordered out the
Washington Light Infantry company, Cpt.
Gracie, and at half-past 3 o'clock, in a heavy rain, and in full uniform, with a band of music, they marched to perform their duty.--By some
contre temps --the fault of which lies entirely with the citizens — it was found that the
Commodore had left his hotel and gone to the boat, without having been notified of the honor which was intended for him.
Capt. Ketchum, of the State Artillery, had ordered a salute in respect to him. The squad for the purpose was formed at the wharf, and just before dark, as the steamboat
Selma left, fifteen guns were fired.
We understand that these demonstrations were not desired by the
Commodore, and that he wished to evade them; but the orders for them had been given, and our boys were not disposed to stand on ordinary etiquette when so gallant a soldier was to be honored.
The Secession News in Savannah.
The Savannah News, of Monday, says:
The dispatch announcing the passage of the Ordinance of Secession, was received here Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock. Immediately after the reception of the news a salute of one hundred guns was fired by a detachment of the Chatham Artillery.
The guns of the artillery being in use at the fort, the salute was fired with
Mr. William Hone's ‘"Baby Waker,"’ but the lateness of the hour prevented any extensive demonstration being made.
The Savannah Brass Band, Robert Low leader, composed of colored men, serenaded the
Col. Lawton, and several other citizens.
Several public and private buildings were illuminated.
A division of the Territory.
The New York Post makes up the following from the report of the
Commissioner of the Land Office for 1860:
Free States.
| Sq.
Miles. |
Maine | 35,000 |
New Hampshire | 9,200 |
Vermont | 10,212 |
Massachusetts | 7,800 |
Rhode Island | 1,306 |
Connecticut | 4,750 |
New York | 47,000 |
New Jersey | 8,300 |
Pennsylvania | 46,000 |
Ohio | 39,964 |
Indiana | 33,800 |
Illinois | 55,410 |
Michigan | 56,451 |
Wisconsin | 53,924 |
Iowa | 55,045 |
Minnesota | 83,591 |
Oregon | 95,274 |
California | 188,981 |
| 832,717 |
Free Territo's.
Kansas | 126,283 |
Nebraska | 342,488 |
Minnesota | 81,960 |
Wash'ton. | 193,071 |
Utah | 220,196 |
| 963,948 |
miles | 1,795,965 |
Population | 19,000,000 |
Slave States.
| Sq.
Miles. |
Delaware | 2,120 |
Maryland | 11,124 |
Virginia | 61,362 |
North Carolina | 50,704 |
South Carolina | 34,000 |
Georgia | 58,000 |
Alabama | 50,700 |
Florida | 59,268 |
Kentucky | 37,680 |
Missouri | 65,358 |
Arkansas | 52,16 |
Tennessee | 45,000 |
Mississippi | 47,152 |
Louisiana | 41,440 |
Texas | 274,356 |
| 890,382 |
Slave Territo's.
N. Mexico | 256,309 |
Indian | 67,020 |
| 313,329 |
miles | | 1,203,711 |
Population | 12,000,000 | |
The result shows that a division of the
Territories between the
North and the
South, by the line of 36 deg. 30 min., would give to each a
quantity very nearly in proportion to the respective populations of the free and slave States, viz: to the free States, 1,795,965 square miles for a population of 19,000,000, and to the slave States, 1,203,711 square miles for a population of 12,000,000.
These respective amounts, viz: 19,000,000 for the free States, and 12,000,000 for the slave States, will vary but very little from the true sums.
This division would involve no
sacrifice of principle on the part of the Republicans, inasmuch as
New Mexico and the
Indian Territory are in fact now slave Territories.