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An opinion at law.

--Mrs. Maden, the wife of an artist in Rochdale, Yorkshire, (Eng.) appeared at the Court in that town as plaintiff for the recovery of a valuable piano-forte, wrongfully, as she alleged, detained from her. She did not object to make oath, but before she was sworn, defendant's attorney interrogated Mrs. Maden as to her religious belief. She avowed her belief in the Bible, her conviction that a falsehood would be punished, but her disbelief in a future state; whereupon the Judge nonsuited her, gave costs to the defendant, and told Mrs. Maden that "it people would outrage public opinion, they must take the consequences."--His disposition of the case called forth much resentment. Public subscriptions have been entered into there and in neighboring towns to present Mrs. Maden with a new piano-forte, and to procure a new trail.

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