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A New Phase of the Canada Extradition Case.--According to the Montreal Commercial Advertiser of the 2d instant, there will be some difficulty in conveying the fugitive slave Anderson to England. The Advertiser says: ‘"It is understood that the next steamer will bring an officer of the Court of Queen's Bench charged with the service of the writ of habeas corpus in this case. And it is to be presumed that the administrator of the Government will at once cause the surrender of Anderson to the bearer. But in that case how is he to be taken out of the country at this season? He cannot go through the United States without certainty of capture, and the land route to Halifax is utterly impracticable. If he is, however, brought to Montreal in the meantime, to await the opening of navigation, the friends of freedom here will have an opportunity of bringing him on a writ of habeas corpus before the Superior Court of the district, and its decision will render his remission to England unnecessary, and vindicate the character of our Judges from the reproach brought on it by their brethren at Toronto."’

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