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Horrible Affair.

--The burning of a dwelling in New York, Thursday morning, by which Henry Wood, his wife, and four little children, were burned to death, has been noticed. The flames spread with such rapidity that the victims were unable to escape from the second story in which they were sleeping. The Express says:

‘ The flames spread with frightful rapidity, and in a few moments the stairs up which Mr. Wood had just ascended for the purpose of rescuing his wife and children, were all in a blaze, and hence all means of escape, except by jumping from the windows, was cut off.--At this time the screams and cries for help of the burning people were heard, but the firemen or police there congregated were unable to render any assistance. The high wind which prevailed at the time fanned the flames, and in a few minutes after the fire occurred every part of the house was on fire, and Mr. and Mrs. Wood, together with their two sons and three daughters, perished in the flames, and in the presence of the thousands there assembled, who were ready and willing to save them from an awful death, had there been any means of doing it. Another family, who occupied the lower part of the house, escaped with their lives, but not until one or two of them had been badly burned.--The servant girl of the unfortunate family also escaped uninjured. The policemen and Fire-Marshal Baker were quickly on the ground, and rendered every aid in their power. After the fire was quite subdued, the charred and unrecognizable remains of Mr.Wood and Mrs. Wood, and their four children, were removed from the ruins and conveyed to the Station-House.

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