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House of Delegates.

Monday, March 25th, 1861.

The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, by Mr. Tomlin, of King William.

A communication was read from the Senate announcing the passage of a number of bills.

Senate bills were passed, for the relief of Wm. M. Hundley, Commissioner of the Revenue for Matthews county; releasing Schr. Virginia, of Alexandria, from the payment of certain fines for an alleged violation of the inspection laws, and changing the names of the Lunatic Asylums of the State.

Senate bill paying the Adjutant General, (Wm. H. Richardson,) "on account of his services in reorganizing the Militia of the State in the years 1858-59," which passed the Senate unanimously, was called up by Mr. Kemper, and, being discussed, was put on its passage and carried in the affirmative — ayes 81; noes 25.

Bills were reported for the relief of Joseph Guseman, and for releasing to the personal representatives of A. C. Layne the rent due under his lease for a portion of the Public Armory.

The bill to amend the 1st section of chapter 149 of the Code of Virginia, relative to the limitation to the suits of equity, so as to limit the right to make an entry or bring an action to recover lands west of the Alleghany mountains, was laid on the table on motion of Mr. Phelps.

The appropriation bill was discussed.

The House adjourned at 2 P. M.

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