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The War movement.
Sailing of the first of the fleet.

Description of the Scenes Attending their Departure — No Cheers — A Silent Leave-Taking — The Cargoes — Speculations on their Destination, &c., &c., &c.

The New York papers give further details of the military movement taking place there. At Governor's Island all day Friday men were engaged in loading lighters with provisions, clothing, and large quantities of shell.--On the dock, besides a large quantity of mortar shells were piles of the smaller but more destructive balls, with which Columbiad guns are loaded. Two of these guns, weighing 15,000 pounds each, were on an adjacent wharf, at which lay the schooner John N. Genin, which, it is conjectured, is to be laden with munitions of war. Within a month past two other schooners have been thus laden at the same pier, and have departed for parts unknown. In the vicinity of the wharves were 37,000 shells, a large number of gun-carriages, each of which are directed to "Capt."--Vogdel, United States Army, Fort Pickens, Fla."--The Herald, of Sunday, thus describes the departure of the two first vessels of the fleet:

Sailing of the Powhatan.

The steam sloop-of-war Powhatan did not haul out into the stream on Friday night, as was rumored, but remained alongside the dock at the Navy-Yard throughout the night. Yesterday there was another large influx of visitors to the yard, but as everything had been taken on board, there was not the same bustle that prevailed on the previous day.--Much anxiety was manifested by the visitors to ascertain whither the Powhatan was bound, and whether she was going to take troops on board. One man was observed to button-hole a watchman, and ask him ‘"whether it was true that sogers were to be embarked?"’ to which the watchman replied that he did not know, which, in turn, was followed by a rejoinder from the querist, that ‘"it was no use denying it, no how the watchman could fix it, for if troops were not to be taken on board, what the — was the use of all that fuss?"’ To which cogent, but rather profane reasoning, the watchman vouchsafed no reply. This incident serves to illustrate the curiosity that prevailed among the spectators as they watched the progress of the preparations for departure.

It would seem that the Powhatan was merely awaiting orders, for during the day two sealed packets were received by the commanding officer, and immediately upon the receipt steam was got up. At two o'clock the moorings were unfastened, and, aided by the steamtug Ceres, the Powhatan moved slowly out, and reaching a point of the stream free from obstruction, sailed down the river. --There was no cheering or outward demonstration by the spectators, as would undoubtedly have been the case had she been bound on a cruise to sustain the honor of the American flag against any foreign foe.

The steamtug parted from her in the East river, and the Powhatan, rounding the Battery, where her movements were observed by a number of spectators, who, however, exhibited no further interest apparently than that conveyed by a gloomy look, passed out into the bay, but no salute greeted her from the forts in the harbor, nor was there any demonstration by the surrounding shipping. She steamed seawards, and after anchoring at quarantine for a short time, resumed her voyage.

The following is a revised list of the officers of the Powhatan: CaptainSamuel Mercer, Maryland. LieutenantsEgbert Thompson, New York; M. C. Perry, New York; W. B. Whiting, New York; W. H. Gamble, Pennsylvania. Marine LieutenantJ. L. Broome, New York. Surgeon — Joseph Wilson Jr.--Passed Assistant Surgeon--Jas. Laws. PaymasterJ. J. Gulick, N. J. Chief Engineer--Harman Newell. MidshipmenGeo. Dewey, Joshua Bishop, M. S. Stuyvesant, and Chas. W. Read. BoatswainF. McLoud. GunnerBarnard Duycker. SailmakerJacob Stephens.

Sailing of the Atlantic.

A number of mysterious boats were put on board the Atlantic yesterday afternoon. The Atlantic, as we stated in our third edition yesterday, has been purchased or chartered by the Government, and cleared for Brazos.--The boats alluded to are lighter and smaller than the ship's boats, longer, much narrower, and clinker built, after the manner of the Whitehall boats, with four pairs of oars.--These boats were evidently built for speed.--There is a rumor that they are intended to be used in reinforcement of Fort Sumter.

However this may be, it is hardly probable that the Atlantic is really bound for the Brazos, as there are now very few troops and an abundance of provisions at that station. The Atlantic, it should be borne in mind, carried out a large supply of provisions, and is believed to have taken soldiers on board from Fort Hamilton under cover of night.

Orders have been received in this city for immense quantities of sand bags, and 40,000 are now preparing, destined for Tortugas.

The soldiers.

A portion of the soldiers that were to accompany the expedition arrived at the foot of Canal street at eleven o'clock, and were at once surrounded by a large crowd, and plied with all sorts of questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How many men are going? Will there be a fight? But the queries were useless, the men turning a deaf ear to all questions, of-no matter what character, for fear that they might be made to say something that was not right, although, in reality, they knew nothing, and therefore had nothing to communicate. The company that arrived was Company A. Second Regiment, United States Flying Artillery, Capt. Barry, numbering sixty men. Owing to the crowded state of the dock, and the fact that the stalls were not ready for the reception of the horses, the men were obliged to remain in the street for two or three hours, after which time they were permitted to go upon the dock. They had with them four guns, two of them being brass six-pounders, and the other two brass howitzers, of twelve pounds calibre.

The men were all fine looking fellows, and looked as if a slight brush with an enemy would not affect their spirits in the least.--They were totally indifferent as to where they were going, and laughed and joked at the prospect before them as if it was an excursion of pleasure. It was said that the horses belonging to the artillery were very valuable animals and highly trained, and that that was the reason of their being taken such extra care of. Company M, of the Second Artillery, commanded by Major Hunt, accompanied the others. They had no horses, being obliged to leave them behind them when they left Texas. They will be freshly supplied at whatever point they may land. The balance of the soldiers were taken on board from a steaming later in the day. There were some companies from the Second and Third regiments, in all about seven. Companies H, Captain Brooks, and C, Captain Allen, of the Second regiment light infantry, are also on board. A company of sappers and miners, from West Point, and a few persons belonging to the Ordnance Department, under the charge of Lieut. Balch, complete the whole. The total number of men is about five hundred, although many think that it is much larger. She may, however, receive a fresh supply before she leaves the city from either Fort Hamilton or Governor's Island, as she has accommodations for fully two thousand men.

The embarkation

Of the troops and armament was conducted in the usual military style. Some curiosity was manifested as to how so many horses (seventy-eight) were to be got on board, as the steamer was lying several feet from the dock, but the presence of two strongly built stalls soon explained that. The horse was quietly placed in one of the stalls, and almost before he had time to know where he was, the steam hoisting apparatus had placed him with his companions on board the ship. The time employed in putting all the animals in their quarters was incredibly short, only a few moments being given to each. The guns and their heavy carriages were stowed away carefully, and the baggage next received the proper attention.

The steamtug R. L. Maby at five o'clock came along-side; her deck was densely crowded with soldiers from Fort Hamilton, and there was some little delay in getting them on board the larger vessel. They presented a strange sight, with their knapsacks, water bottles, cans, and other accoutrements. They are nearly all young men — fine, healthy young fellows, and full of animal spirit; many of them expressed a wish for action of some kind, and would evidently not turn their back on danger.

Scenes, Incidents, Etc.

The scene outside the gate of the pier was intensely exciting; the people gathered there, as the embarkation of the artillery took place, became highly excited, and the gatekeeper and the policemen had to be vigilant to keep those out whose business did not bring them within At the moment of the arrival of the artillery there was a rush made to meet them, and there was barely time given them to halt, before they were surrounded and plied with all manner of questions. The crowd having satisfied themselves with looking at the cannon, and wondering what Forts Sumter or Pickens wanted with flying artillery, returned to their posts on the docks and vessels, and watched with the utmost patience the operations going on on board the vessel, expecting each moment to see the ponderous wheels begin to revolve; but they waited until five or six o'clock, and their patience was not rewarded, and one by one they left, until the large space was completely empty, and a person would not perceive, without going to the gate, that anything unusual was going on.

Her departure.

It was seven o'clock before the Atlantic left her dock, owing to the immense amount of freight to be put on board. During the afternoon she was visited by a great many of the friends of the officers and others who are about going with her on her mysterious mission. They were permitted to remain on board up to the last moment, but when the word was once given to go on shore, the last parting had to take place, and several ladies left the vessel with the terrible uncertainty over them as to the safety of their friends, brothers and husbands. One of them said that if she only knew where they were going she would be satisfied.

At seven o'clock the last man was on board, the last bundle stowed away, and at the word of the Captain the single cable was cast loose, and the noble vessel began to move into the stream. Having gone into the middle of the river, immediately opposite Canal street, she there dropped her anchor for the night. It is singular that, although many watched her departure, not a voice was raised to bid her God speed. She left in silence, and without one to wave her an adieu.

Other news.

Recruiting for the United States Navy commenced this morning. The Cherry street rendezvous, which was closed by authority for months, opened to-day, and all applicants are to be accepted ‘"until over five thousand men are enrolled."’ This is the story told by the officers, who are doubtless commissioned to ship five or six hundred men. Neither the Secretary of the Navy nor the President could authorize the recruiting of more than a few ships' crews, without the consent of Congress, when the stipulated eight thousand sailors are in service.

The feeling at the South.

Wilmington, N. C., April 6.
--The news has had but little effect, and caused no excitement here as yet.

Charleston, April 6.

--We are by no means disappointed at the news, and are now ready to receive our enemies, come as they may.--Affairs, however, are culminating. All points here have been strengthened, and we are now ready for any emergency. The ball will probably soon open. If the authorities do not soon act, the people may take the matter in their own hands.

Montgomery, April 6.

--The people here are pleased at the prospect of a brush, but are afraid President Lincoln will evade a conflict. The firing into the schooner at Charleston brightens all faces.

New Orleans, April 6.

--The news from Washington and New York produced an unwonted excitement. The report that war vessels are to visit the mouth of the Mississippi aroused the whole city.

Dispatches from Washington.

The conversation and speculation with regard to the destination of the ships and troops leaving New York under sealed orders varies according to the views of the spokesmen.--There is no doubt of the fact that the President assured Mr. Baldwin, and other distinguished Union men of Virginia, on Friday evening, that he had no intention of blockading the Southern ports or collecting the revenue, and that he contemplated no act of coercion against any of the seceded States, for the reason that he has no authority or legal power to do either. It may, therefore, be regarded as certain that these movements are not coercive, but merely to place the Government in a position to act as future events may require. I therefore give you the following as the most likely version of the movement:

First--It is asserted that on Thursday last, immediately preceding the issue of the orders for Navy and Army movements, a messenger from Governor Houston arrived in Washington, and had a prolonged interview with the President, delivering a letter from the Governor, which rumor says was a requisition for troops and munitions of war, to enable him to repel the Mexicans and Indians, who were threatening to invade the Texan frontier. It is therefore probable that instead of for coercion they go at the call of the Governor of one or the seceded States, who, although deposed by the Convention, repudiates their action, and still claims to exercise all the powers and functions of the position to which he was elected by the people.

Second--The Powhatan and other vessels of war are probably intended to land forces and military equipments at the Tortugas, which is being made a military depot, from whence troops can be removed promptly if future events shall require them.

These surmises may be or may not be correct, but in view of the declarations of the President that no act of coercion or irritation is intended, are most likely to prove the true version.

Fort Sumter.

It appears that there is serious trouble at Fort Sumter, and that much of the military and naval movement now in rapid progress on the part of the Government here is destined for that quarter. An officer of the army stated to me this afternoon that the first collision would, in all probability, occur in Charleston harbor. The Government, he says, having decided some days ago to evacuate Fort Sumter, were about sending an order detailing how it should-be done, but General Beauregard, who is in command, in conjunction with Gov. Pickens, refused to accept their plan of evacuation. What the order or plan proposed by the Government here was is not fully known, but it is understood that they wanted to leave a small force to protect the property of the United States. This the Carolinians peremptorily refused to agree to. They demanded an unconditional surrender. These facts were laid before the President, who at once decided that unless they accepted the plan or order proposed by the Government, that the fort should not be evacuated, thus compelling them to take it by force.

The Southern Commissioners' views.

In conversation last night, Crawford, one of the Commissioners from the Southern Confederacy, said he anticipated only peace, and declared that he spoke advisedly in saying that the Confederate States desired nothing else. But, if Lincoln did not desire peace, they were prepared to accept whatever was in store for them. That they would open civil war rather than submit to coercive execution of any law of this Government, and should maintain their independence at all hazards.--He claims that the Confederate States Government is growing daily in strength, and can afford to wait peaceably for the development of Lincoln's policy. To-day he again declared his conviction that there was nothing in the rumors of warlike movements by the Administration.

The sloop-of-war Pawnee, which sailed this morning with sealed orders, is in complete fighting trim. She carries ten heavy guns and two hundred men. A large quantity of shells and grape-shot were shipped to New York, to-day, from here.

The peace mission of the Virginia Union leaders, who had an interview with the President and members of the Cabinet last evening, for the purpose of urging the continuation of the present military status at Fort Pickens and the foregoing of the collection of the revenue, has proved a failure. Mr. Segar, one of the parties, declared openly this morning that nothing could be done with the Administration.

Lieut. Talbot's mission.

Lieut. Talbot arrived here from Fort Sumter this morning, and reported immediately to the War Department, with dispatches from Major Anderson. The purport of them, of course, is a profound secret with the Administration. Lieut. Talbott was with the Cabinet for several hours, being introduced by the Secretary of War. Immediate action was taken on the subject of Major Anderson's dispatch.

This afternoon the Secretary of War placed in the hands of Lieut. Talbot sealed instructions to Major Anderson, and he left on his return trip to Fort Sumter.

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