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The markets.

--The following prices ruled in the Richmond meat and vegetable markets yesterday for the articles named, viz: Choice beef per pound, 12½c.; veal, 10 a 12; shoat and pork, 12; corned beef, 10; mutton, 10 a 12; fish were scarce, and pan fish held at 25 cents per bunch; shad, 16 a 37 cents a piece; eggs, 14 a 16 cents per dozen; dunghill fowls $1 per pair; no turkeys in market; butter, 25 a 30 per pound, and fresh very scarce; sturgeon, 15 cents per pound, (used to sell from 1 to 5 cents;) salad, 20 a 25 cents per peck; spinach, 25 cents per peck; cabbage, 3 to 10 cents per head; sweet potatoes, $1.25 cents per bushel; Irish potatoes, 25 a 31 cents per peck. The vegetable market has not been very fully supplied for some weeks. It is too late in the season for winter vegetables, and too early for those of summer.

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