
Facts and rumors from Washington.

The New York Express has the following by telegraph from Washington:

Washington city is a key position, with Baltimore for one base of operations in this direction, and Carlisle or Harper's Ferry for mother. Military reconnaissances have been made by officers of the seceded States of the heights across the Potomac, which command this city. Those heights will be at once occupied and entrenched by Government troops, if Virginia enters upon hostilities.

Another key point is Cairo, in Illinois, where an immense force will be massed to go down the Mississippi. The mouths of that river will be blockaded, and all seceded ports at the South. Across the Potomac into Virginia, the war and secession spirit is by no means uppermost as yet, but Virginians think that she will go out, though the Western part of the State may secede from the slaveholding portion.

Col. Huger, stationed at Baltimore, (Fort McHenry,) for the defence of the Harbor, and one of the best U. S. Ordnance officers, has resigned his commission in the army.

A dispatch just received from Richmond, states that a body of twenty-five hundred men will leave this evening for the purpose of seizing Harper's Ferry.

The Republican officials here are greatly exasperated at the alleged bad conduct of Major Anderson, and are inclined to endorse the Courier article.

Gen. Scott, it is said, and re-said, will resign, if Virginia leaves the Union; but the report is without the least foundation. He is daily at his post, and hard at work.

George Ashmun, it is reported here, is about to be sent to Canada as a confidential agent of the Administration.

No orders have as yet been issued for the blockade of Southern ports, or to stop the mails in the revolutionary States.

Fort Monroe, as well as Fort Washington, Va. are to receive an increase of Garrison.

Harper's Ferry is to be garrisoned as soon as troops can be raised to send there; but the Virginians, it is feared, will capture the Arsenal first.

Three regiments will be ordered to rendezvous at Washington, one to go to Fort Monroe with the New York regiment, a comfortable rendezvous for soldiers.

A Baltimore regiment has tendered his services to the Government.

Governor Hicks, of Maryland, has just had an interview with the President, and it is said that he conveyed assurances of support from that State.

Gen. Lane, the new Senator from Kansas, has accepted the command of one thousand men here.

The New Bedford Guards, a fine military company, have just telegraphed, tendering their services.

North Carolina Forts.

The Newbern (N. C.) Progress, of the 17th inst., says:

‘ The committee, of which we were a member, having performed the commission they were sent to do, returned by a special train last night. There are now about 150 to 200 men under arms at Fort Macon, and everything is being put in order. Should a Government vessel attempt to enter the harbor they will receive a warm reception, certain.

The ladies of Newbern were busily engaged yesterday making bedding and other things necessary for the comfort of our military companies who went down to Fort Macon last night.

Yesterday, when our military companies were beating up for recruits, about sixty free negroes volunteered and went down to Fort Macon to do battle for their country, while another gave twenty-five dollars cash to help support the war; and still another, who is a poor man, having just arrived at our wharf with a load of wood for sale, delivered it up to the town auctioneer, with a request to sell it and appropriate it in the same way.

’ The Wilmington Journal of Wednesday says:

‘ On Monday and yesterday (Tuesday) our whole community was deeply excited on the subject of the forts at the mouth of our harbor, and it was finally decided to occupy them in pursuance of orders. The flag of North Carolina now waves over Johnson and Caswell. It was desirable that the action of our community should be as quietly taken as possible, and therefore no reference was made to the matter in yesterday's or Monday's issue of the town papers, nor did any dispatches go off on the subject — none, at least, to the North.

As, however, the matter has got into the Charleston papers, and further, as we now learn, that Col. Gardner, former commander at Charleston, but who has been staying here during the winter on furlough, posted from here to Washington City on yesterday's afternoon train, having indicated a determination to report to the Lincoln Administration all that had been done, and no doubt all that it is proposed to do, so far as he could ascertain it, we feel that there is no longer any reason for further reticence on our part. It was only after Col. G. left that the fact of his indicated intention became known.

’ Federal Operations at New York.

Recruiting landsmen for the navy commenced yesterday morning at seven o'clock.--The Cherry street rendezvous was filled, and before noon fifty men had been shipped. Seamen and ordinary seamen have been added to the North Carolina, from the city offices during the week, and if applicants continue to apply as they do now, the ship will be filled in a month or so.

Recruiting for the army was comparatively brisk, considering the weather. Men are now being enlisted at the rate of 30 men-per day or 840 per month. It is thought the figures can be run up to 1,000, without modifying the necessary restrictions. A bounty would increase it to 2,000. But four weeks enlistments at this rate would overflow the regiments, which could not be done without a special act of Congress. The figures published by special reporters daily, are purely chimerical.

The rain did not stop work at the Navy-Yard; caulkers, carpenters, and others were busily employed all day on the vessels preparing for sea.

The Wabash is rapidly approaching readiness. Her masts are nearly all right, and her machinery will be in like manner in a few days. The coal and other necessaries are speedily going in.

The Savannah, although still in dock, is going ahead with extraordinary rapidity. Her sides are nearly caulked. The armament of the ship will be ready in a few days. The Perry was not touched yesterday, except by riggers. She has had her hull and battery put in service trim.

The North Carolina begins to fill up. After the departure of the Powhatan she had very few hands on board, but the activity of the recruiting business has considerably augmented her crew. She may have a ship's company for a frigate on board before two weeks. Her marine guard consists of 44 men, all efficient. The battery of the North Carolina is in fair order, and is exercised three or four times a week by the sailors and landsmen.

Proclamation of the Mayor of Baltimore.

Mayor Brown, of Baltimore, issued the following proclamation on Wednesday:

‘ Whereas, in the present excited state of the public mind, and in the great division of opinion which exists in relation to the subjects of the gravest political importance, apprehensions have arisen in the minds of many citizens that violations of the peace may occur; and, whereas, our character and welfare as a community are deeply involved in the absolute preservation, at all times and under all circumstances, of public order, which can be maintained by the public authorities only through the aid of the people themselves, I hereby earnestly invoke all good citizens to refrain from every act which could lead to any outbreak or violence of any kind; to refrain from harshness of speech, and to render in all cases prompt and efficiency aid, as by law they are required to do, to the public authorities, whose constant efforts will be exerted to maintain unbroken the peace and order of the city, and to administer the laws with fidelity and impartiality.

the Maryland Queta.

’ The Baltimore American of yesterday says:

‘ The variety of rumors afloat throughout the day yesterday, in relation to the call made by the General Government on the State of Maryland for four regiments of military, received some show of plausibility from an announcement in the National Intelligencer that Gov Hicks had responded affirmatively to the requisition. The facts are, as we stated yesterday morning, that Gov. Hicks has as yet taken no final action on the subject, and probably will not for some days to come. If the military are called out in Maryland, it will be under the written pledge of the Government at Washington, that they are to be held for the special preservation of the peace and quiet of the State of Maryland, and are not in any event to be employed beyond its borders, except in defence of the National Capital, which is part and parcel of the original territory of the State, If they are taken into the service of the Government, under this agreement, they will remain on duty in Baltimore, and not be removed hence unless their services are imperatively required at Washington, whither they can be transported in a few hours. We have reason to believe that this is the extent of the action as yet taken by the Governor, he reserving for future consideration the decision of the question as to whether he will give a favorable or unfavorable response to the requisition of the War Department.

’ the Massachusetts quota.

The quota of Massachusetts volunteers has been doubled in view of the probable delays in some of the Border States. Three regiments from that State will come to Washington, and one will be sent to increase the garrison of Fort Monroe, at Norfolk, Va.--Gen. B. F. Butler will probably be Brigadier-General of these regiments, Co. A, flying artillery, of Boston, which is understood to be the best company in New England, are ordered to report at Washington.

the New York troops.

Volunteers are said to be rapidly coming forward in New York city to support the Government of the United States. The Seventy-ninth regiment, Col. Thomas B. Maclay, has volunteered its, services to the Federal Government, whenever and wherever required. The Scott Life Guard (Sixth regiment) have also tendered their services. On Tuesday night the Zouave Guard held a drill, as did various other volunteer associations.--The right wing of the Seventh regiment, and a battalion of the Seventy-first, and others, held public drills, which were largely attended. Col. Vosburg volunteered to lead his regiment if it desired to go South. An officer of the Seventh regiment returned from Washington on Tuesday with orders, which will be issued to the Seventh during the next twenty-four hours. It is said the Seventh will be sent to Fort McHenry. One or two regiments in Brooklyn have tendered their services.

Superintendent Kennedy has determined to exercise all the power at his command to prevent aid being furnished the South, and to this end will seize all arms or munitions of war destined for seceding States.

Major Anderson.

Charleston,April 17.--Previous to Major Anderson's departure in the Baltic for New York, courtesies were exchanged between him and the principal officers of the Southern army. Major A. was received on board the Baltic in a most enthusiastic manner. Hearty cheers were given by the crew, every officer uncovered as he went up the side, and when the American flag, which, with the Confederate flag was hoisted on the Isabel in compliment to Major Anderson's bravery, was hauled down, and the flag of Fort Sumter run up to the masthead of the Baltic, amid the smoke of cannon, Major Anderson bowed his head and wept. After the salute, the Harriet Lane led off, followed in line by the Pocahontas, Pawnee and Baltic. The scene was impressive and beautiful. The Baltic had been slightly injured by a collision with the Pawnee. The steamtug Yankee, of New York, appeared on the bar and hailed the Isabel for information, and then put to sea, with loss of smoke-stack, to prevent seizure.

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