The secession of Virginia.
The Southern newspapers continue to bring accounts of the enthusiastic reception of the news of Virginia's secession. The Atlanta (Ga.) Confederacy, of the 19th inst., says: ‘ For a short time, every one that met his neighbor hurriedly and anxiously asked, "Is it true?" Soon, however, all doubts were removed from the minds of the most skeptical, and all over the city cheers and shouts of excitation went up. Friends and neighbors met each other with faces beaming with smites and radiant with joy. The bells all over town were set to ringing, and kept up a joyous din of long and loud peals. Our Superior Court was in session, but Judge Bull, on receiving the news, promptly adjourned the Court.--Soon the loud-mouthed cannon was brought out, and a salute of eight guns were fired in honor of the event — His Honor Judge Bull firing off the first one! Everybody was filled with rejoicing that no one tried to conceal.--Even those who lately were "indifferent" about the admission of the border States--or, perhaps, opposed to it --soon caught the uncontrollable fire of joyous delight at the event, and joined as heartily as any one in the demonstrations of enthusiasm. ’ The greatest outbursts of enthusiasm, however, occurred at night. The streets were illumined with the lurid light of numerous rockets. The boys well night exhausted the supply of torpedoes in the city. Fireworks and pistols were discharged on every hand.--Bonfires were built. Processions with music paraded our streets. A large number of houses were illuminated. The enterprising proprietress of the Trout House had every window of the building--" from ground to garret"--brilliantly lighted up. The negroes joined in the general manifestations of joy at the event, and hurrahs quite enthusiastically for "Ole Virginny." Altogether, our people were more generally enthused than they have been for many years; and the demonstrations were kept up to a late hour. The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist says: ‘ This auspicious event was not unexpected by our citizens. How could it be otherwise, in view of the great emergency, and of the alternative upon which our patriots and statesmen were called to decide? The question with her was, shall she adhere to an anti-slavery government, and aid in the slaughter of her friends and brothers, kindred in blood, sympathies and institutions; or will she scornfully break loose from the contaminating embrace of abolition miscreants and demons, and seek under the banner of the Confederate States safety and honor? Her patriotic and sagacious sons have decided for her wisely and well. They have resolved to sustain the prestige of the Old Dominion for wisdom in council. They will not fail to vindicate her fame for courage in the field. Henceforth the star of Virginia, that shone so brightly in the old galaxy of the United States, will glitter with undimmed lustre in the Southern constellation. ’ The delight of our citizens at this noble accession to the Southern Confederacy is unbounded and irrepressible. The event sheds a roseate light of hope and promise on the future path of the young Republic. The example of Virginia will be conclusive on the other border States, and will give the Southern Confederacy a material, moral and intellectual power before the world that will extort respect and compel an honorable peace. The Montgomery Confederation, of the 19th, says: ‘ The native Virginians residing in this city, appreciating the noble response of the Old Dominion to the cause of Southern independence and equality, fired one hundred guns on yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, in honor of her secession. Several ladies participated in the enjoyment, and fired two or three of the guns. The crowd assembled was very large, and the enthusiasm existing made us feel proud of the place of our nativity. Among the many Virginians present, we observed John Tyler, Jr., son of Ex-President Tyler. Mr. Tyler had the pleasure of firing a gun in honor of the noble act of his State. ’ The demonstration on last night was well worthy of the people of Montgomery. At 8 o'clock a large crowd gathered in front of the Central Bank, and in the midst of large bonfires and the display of fireworks, were entertained with speeches by Alex. B. Clitherall, Col. Finnie, of Memphis, John Tyler, Jr., Mr. Bullock, of Kentucky, Jas. Hodgson, S. Harris, D. Workman, Mr. Chilton, John Pollard, and others. The Mobile Tribune, of the 19th inst., thus describes the scene in that city, on the reception of the news: ‘ We have never seen so much excitement and so general an exhibition or joy as there was yesterday, after the reception of the news that Virginia had joined our Confederate States. Houses were illuminated, bells were rung in all directions, and especially on our steamboats. Crowds were gathered together, and speeches were made. Guns and pistols were shot off in all directions, and there was a general disposition to make a noise. The Cadets and the Rifles turned out and fired volleys. In the evening, the excitement increased, and a meeting was held at the corner of St. Francis and Royal Streets, where the enthusiasm seemed to culminate. ’ Our good friends, the negroes, partook of the excitement; and especially those who take a pride in "Old Virginny." They were delighted, and on the steamboats rang the bells with a vim which would have astonished Old Abe and persons down-east of his kidney. The news was received at Columbus, Miss. with every demonstration of joy. The Democrat says: ‘ The announcement that Virginia has seceded, will produce a thrill of joy in the hearts of all true patriots. It will revive the weak and timid; strengthen and encourage the brave; and it will make the success of the South brilliant and complete. The withdrawal of Virginia is the crowning event of the secession movement — it unites the South. But how could it have been otherwise? The noble old mother never faltered yet in the performance of a duty; it is too late for her to do so now. Rich as she is in deeds that are writ upon the brightest pages of history, this last work of duty and patriotism surpasses them all. ’ A lady of New Orleans thus amend the song of "Virginia and the Confederate Wagon":‘ Hurrah! for Old Virginia,
She's slow but very sure--
Her Wise men urged her on, and now
She's knocking at the door
Of the brave Secession wagon--
Then set it open wide,
We've kept a cozy corner for
Her dear old self inside.
Chorus.--Room in the wagon!
Room in the wagon!
In the strong Confederate wagon,
For our darling and our pride!
The New Orleans Picayune of the 19th instant says: ‘ The reception, yesterday, by telegraph, of the glad tidings of Virginia's determination to join the Confederate States, produced in our city the most enthusiastic excitement. We have never witnessed anything comparable with it. The accession of the "Mother of States" to the Confederacy was universally looked upon as an event of happiest omen, and as the news spread electrically from man to man, the interest felt in it manifested itself in every possible mode of joyous expressions. Salvos of artillery were beard from several parts of the city, and every "cologne of vantage," from which the Louisiana and Confederate States flags could be displayed, was improved for that purpose. Cheers and shouts rent the air, hands were clasped in exultant congratulation, while health and long life to Old Virginia was the ruling toast in many a social circle. The city presented the appearance of day of jubilee-- of universal holiday. ’ A large and enthusiastic meeting of native Virginians was held at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, last Friday night. It was called to order by Col. D. A. Wilson, who nominated the following gentlemen for officers of the meeting: President.--P. E. Bonford. Vice Presidents.--A. D. Kelly, W. H. Paxton, Chas. M. Massie, W. C. Lipscomb, Hon. Gerard Stith, Charles R. Wheat, Charles McMurdo, J. D. Denegre, T. L. Macon, Marshall Smith, George McMurdo, D. B. Bridges, Robert B. Scott, Waiter Cox, Judge Eagan, John R. McMurdo, C. D. Yancey, Col. J. B. Walton. Secretaries.--Wm. M. Semple, L. M. Montgomery. Mr. Bonford, on taking the chair, addressed the meeting for a few minutes in an eloquent and patriotic strain, congratulating those present on the proud attitude of Virginia. The following resolutions were adopted, amid vociferous cheered: Resolved, That, white, as natives of the Old Dominion, we have received the news of her secession with unbounded joy. Resolved, That we send her our heartfelt greetings, and will hail the advert of her new star in the galaxy of our glorious Southern Confederation with pride and pleasure. Resolved, That while as citizens of Louisiana by adoption, our first allegiance is to her, yet we pledge ourselves, now as ever, to be true to Virginia's reliving say, "Sic Semper Tyrannis." Resolved, That the action of the Governors of North Carolina. Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, indicating one unanimous fouling of resistance among the Southern people fills our hearts and serves our arms.