
From Montgomery.
[Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Montgomery, Monday, April 22d, 1861.
The noble band of Virginia secessionists, who, Mazeppa like, had been lashed to the dead brute of Black Republicanism until they had well nigh despaired of bursting the cords that bound them to the putrid remains, must have felt, when the day of their deliverance came, a thrill of joy like those alone can feel who subside from a supposed death into the happy enjoyment of a delicious life. Such, indeed, seemed the feelings of the Hon. Roger A. Pryor on last Friday night, whilst addressing the dense mass of human beings in this city who turned out to welcome him to their midst. During his speech, which was made from the rotunda of the Exchange Hotel, he thanked his God that he was no longer in a Government presided over by "a vulgar excrescence of Northwestern black-guardism," who, he trusted, would be accommodated with a continuation of the wicked war he had brought upon the country, until his black heart should sink and sicken with its horrors. In concluding, he paid a glowing tribute to the talents and patriotism of Wm. L. Yancey — styling him the Patrick Henry of Southern Independence, and, discarding forever from his mind the lingering recollection of their ancient feud, begged to lay at his feet the homage of his admiration.

Mr. McClusky, one of the editors of the Avalanche, a paper published in Memphis, Tenn., responded most happily for that State, defending with much warmth the people against the charge of sympathizing with the Lincoln Administration, and pledging them to an immediate and unconditional separation from the "old wreck."

Montgomery being the seat of the Government, its citizens, as you may suppose, watch with deep interest the political and warlike developments that are daily occurring, and are easily excited to the exhibition of much feeling by anathemas against the Lincoln Administration, or by encomiums on this. But nowhere is there a particle of treason to be snuffed in the tamed breeze. All are ready, if it were necessary, to throw their last dollar into the Treasury to support the Government in its brave course, and maintain the gigantic preparations that are rapidly progressing, to afford an entertainment to our enemies that shall fully deserve the application of Tom Corwin's infamous idea of a Mexican reception.

Private information received by me from several of the interior counties of Virginia, heretofore opposed to secession, discloses the fact that certain politicians of the Submission breed are representing to the masses that the people of the seven States forming the Southern Confederation, in consequence of the great excitement and disquietude attending their secession, have been converted into a condition of the most slavish subjection and distress, and that their prosperous fields and cities are fast becoming a

"Melancholy waste of putrid marshes."

Nothing could be more wickedly and maliciously false! They are indeed loathsome, viperous slanders, that foam with the poison and gall of a black malignant hatred of the noble Southern people, whose authors can not be deterred from their perpetration by even the shame of convicted falsehood. The people are not only happy and contented, but rejoice and exult over their new condition.--Even the mothers prepare with their own hands the military clothing worn by their sons, and exhort them to bear bravely the hardships of the field. The business of the whole country is being prosecuted with an almost redoubled energy.

The agriculturists are tending with the utmost diligence the heavy crops of grain that were planted in anticipation of a necessity for extra supplies, and the most unselfish devotion to the interests of the Government and common country are shown by all classes.

A system, too, of rigid economy is practiced by the inhabitants of all professions, and prevails in all the departments of the Government. No sinecures are to be found within its walls. None but the most indispensable expenditures of the peoples' money are permitted. I heard the Chief of an important Bureau in the Treasury Department, whose duties as Comptroller of the Treasury here were divided at Washington among four large Bureaus, complain at the purchase of an ordinary hat-rack for his room, worth $10. And the proprietor of a large Cabinet warehouse, with whom the Government deals, assured me that the furniture in the two Executive rooms of the President cost very little more than that purchased to furnish the apartments of the most ordinary clerks.

The people of the Confederate States, like the Sumters and Marions of the first Revolution will breakfast on roots and dine on sweet potatoes sooner than abandon their noble struggle for Southern independence.

Intelligence reached the War Department last night (Sunday) from Virginia in relation to the destruction of the Gosport Navy-Yard. The President was sent for, and was engaged in consultation with Gen. Walker until a late hour of the night. Great indignation is expressed at the malicious act, which shows how cold-blooded and atrocious is the hate of the enraged beast against a people for whom he recently expressed his partiality and admiration.

J. R. P.

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