
Progress of the Revolution.

public sentiment in Virginia — the Northwest-movements of the of the war, &c.


Our correspondence continues very heavy, and we are compelled to omit everything except actual news. The accounts from all directions are encouraging.

A letter from the University of Virginia suggests the establishment of a camp at that place, where the students may see something of military life, and says:

‘ We all feel that it is our duty to enlist soon in actual service, and we are determined to do so. Most of us have fair prospects of getting offices in volunteer companies in our respective counties, and yet we feel the need of more thorough and vigorous preparation. We have now three companies here, viz: "The Southern Guard," "The Sons of Liberty," and "The Jeff. Davis Guard," (just organized;) and unless they can be kept together and endowed in some manner or other with greater power of accomplishing the purposes of their organization, I do not believe that in three weeks there will be fifty students at the University of Virginia.

’ From Orange county we have the following narrative of the antecedents of Commander Thornton A. Jenkins, one of the volunteers in the work of destroying the Navy-Yard at Gosport:

He is a native of Orange county, and of the most obscure origin, his grandfather having been whipped for stealing, and his father guilty of a social crime of too gross a nature to mention. Thornton being an only child, and a sprightly boy, his teacher took an interest in him, and encouraged him to learn, and as he grew up he withdrew himself from his family, and the neighbors, in connection with the influence of Mr. Madison, obtained a Midshipman's commission for him, and sent him forth in the hope that in despite of his early disadvantages he might do honor to his native place. His recent incendiary exploit proves that first principles are most durable, and doubtless he would be willing to demolish the whole State, provided he could by so doing obliterate all recollections of his early history.

In honorable contrast to him is the gallant Spotswood, a native of Orange also. He (a great nephew of the immortal Jenkins,) resigned his commission in the Federal Navy, assisted in extinguishing the flames kindled by the parricide Jenkins, and was the first to plant our glorious Southern banner where had before waved the now dishonored Stars and Stripes.

The rebellion in Northwestern Virginia has not assumed formidable proportions, although the Wheeling Intelligencer, Morgantown Star, and some other tory papers, are doing their almost to inflame the minds of the people against their own State. The following, from the Wheeling Union, is a calm view of the matter.

It is conceded on all hands that the Ordinance of Secession enacted by the Virginia Convention will be ratified by the people, and that by such a majority as was never before given in Virginia for any man or measure. The vote in the East, the Valley, the Southwest and the Central West will be nearly unanimous. There will be no contest except in the Northwest, and even in this section there will be a majority for the ordinance outside of the Pan Handle. We have already sufficient information to justify the expectation of decided majorities in favor of the ordinance in the counties of Wetzel, Tyler, Pleasants, Hitchie, Lewis, Bourbon and Marion. In Wood, Taylor and Monongahela, it is believed that the majorities will be the other way.--From the other counties of the Northwest, outside of the Pan Handle, our information is not yet sufficient to determine with confidence to which side the majorities will incline; but in all of them many votes will be cast for the ordinance.

Along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad we learn that the Western counties of Jefferson, Berkeley, Morgan and Hampshire are not only for secession, but are supplying volunteers to the State with great enthusiasm.

In view of the certainty that the Ordinance of Secession will be ratified, some persons in the Pan Handle are beginning to organize a rebellion against the State. Citizens of more wisdom and loyalty will rather infer that a different course will become the people of the Pan Handle. They will not conspire to embarrass the noble old Commonwealth when she is pressed by her enemies.

The following is from the Parkersburg Gazette, of Thursday last:

The people of Northwestern Virginia, heretofore firm, honest Union men, after the exposure of the treachery of Lincoln will indignantly repudiate Unionism. He and his supporters have villainously imposed upon the honesty of a large portion of our people by professing to pursue a course of peace toward the South, while at the same time he was preparing the engines of destruction which were to devastate the country. No people are more patriotic than ours; but when Black Republicanism looks for encouragement and support in its crusade against the South, it will look in vain in Northwestern Virginia. When Lincoln assails the South, an almost unanimous cry will go up from our people of resistance to the death.

We learn from the Lynchburg Republican that the Langhorne Foundry, in that city, owned by F. B. Deane, Jr., & Son, are daily turning out large quantities of ammunition, in the shape of cannon ball and shell, for the Southern Confederacy, which cannot be excelled in quality by those of any other foundry.

The Grayson "Dare Devils" have been ordered to rendezvous at Wytheville, at which place they will be furnished with arms in a few days. It will be recollected that they started for Richmond from Lynchburg, notwithstanding the order to return, but upon arriving at Pamplin's Depot, the privates determined to go no farther without orders.--The officers, however, proceeded on to Richmond and, after an interview with the proper officials, were assured that arms should be speedily furnished, and the "Dare Devils," as soon as possible, be mustered into service.

The twelve members of the Lynchburg Rifle Grays, who were sent home, are organizing a new company, to share with their old comrades in the defence of their country.

The gallantry of Western Virginia is worthy of all praise. The following, from the Greenbrier Era, is another evidence of the spirit that animates the people of the mountains:

The County Court on Wednesday last appropriated ten thousand dollars towards arming and equipping the volunteer companies of the county. This is a noble and generous act, and, if necessary, it will appropriate ten or fifteen thousand more. The counties adjoining should at once organize volunteer companies, and follow in the footsteps of old Greenbrier. War is upon us — let Western Virginia respond to the call promptly, so that we may help our brethren of Eastern Virginia to defend the honor and dignity of the ancient Commonwealth, and protect the lives and property of her citizens.

Fortress Monroe.

The Baltimore American has the following news by the steamer Louisiana, from Norfolk:

Dr. Johns, for many years a surgeon in the United States Army, came up in the boat. The Doctor was on duty at Old Point, and strongly affiliating with the South, forwarded his resignation to the commandant, but that officer did not feel at liberty under the circumstances even to notice it. Dr. Johns is determined not to serve any longer in the United States Army. Mrs. Commodore Pendergrast, whose husband is in command of the frigate Cumberland, left in the Louisiana for the fortress, and returned in the boat yesterday. All the women and children within the fortress — and the number was considerable — as well as the citizens residing outside of the works, in the houses and cottages, have also been required to remove therefrom. They were carried away in a steamer chartered for that purpose, and the most of them appeared to have retired to Virginia. Several vessels which have been detained at the fortress are still there. One was a steamer of the Parker Vein fine. At Norfolk the troops were all under arms, and in sufficient numbers to defend the place.

The New York Seventh Regiment.

A soldier in the New York Seventh Regiment writes to the Annapolis correspondent of the Baltimore press as follows:

‘ "If you are a lover of peace, and at the same time a friend of the South, determined but wise, you will, I hope, give some consideration to the facts and deductions that I here present you."

"The New York Seventh Regiment is famed over the country — you know what for. They are here now in obedience to a call which summons them to the defence of the Capital: They deprecate the necessity which brought them upon the soil of Maryland. As individuals and true gentlemen they appreciate, and I might almost say sympathize with, their Southern brothers. They have created upon the minds of all who see them an unmistakably favorable impression. Go among them and see if this is not true of this regiment of gentlemen. Now, remember that many of the officers and soldiers of this corps are intimately connected with members of the next Congress, and will no doubt, exercise some influence upon that body."

"In view of all that I have stated, will the leaders of secession deem it a politic act, a wise act, to obstruct the passage of this regiment to Washington, to kill some of their number, and by such means convert the regiment into enemies? I can't regard the method, or even grammatical arrangement of words here written, but I hope you will understand me, nevertheless. [I am not a writer by profession.] Lastly, call to mind that Seward's Congress, followed by a Northern or National Convention, will have the power to end the war, if they will only have the disposition, and here the influence of the Seventh Regiment becomes of importance.

"Please consider the suggestions I have now to make: It is, instead of fighting the Seventh Regiment back to the bay, they be granted by the Maryland irregulars, gathering between here and Washington, a free passage, in compliment to the qualities which adorn them individually."

"As to the ungainly troops from Massachusetts, I have nothing to say respecting them. "

From Annapolis.

A letter from Annapolis, April 29 says:

‘ Yesterday (Sunday) presented a spectacle in the ancient city which has not been witnessed for years. Some two hundred soldiers attended worship at St. Mary's (Catholic) Church, while others were busily engaged in carting supplies from the Naval Academy to the depot for transportation to Washington. The laborers in the yard were also busily engaged in unloading ships which came in during the morning, while others were erecting plank quarters, &c.

But the most novel scene, in this quiet, religious city, was the departure of a portion of the Eighth Regiment (New York) for Washington, having the clatter of a full drum corps in deadening blast as they passed through the principal streets. However, just as this body had passed through the city an April shower came down in its fullest severity, and the troops returned to the yard and took quarters at the hospital, where they remained until this morning and then departed for the capital.

Four of the Atlantic steamers left for Philadelphia in the evening, and will return this evening with troops and supplies.

Notwithstanding the rain yesterday, citizens were carting their furniture to the wharf for shipment.

A private in the Sixth Regiment from New York, on Friday, fell prostrate under the severity of the heat, and was conveyed to the hospital, where he was properly cared for, and has now recovered.

Among the numerous strangers from the North now sojourning in the city, are Thurlow Weed and John Sherman.

Affairs in Philadelphia.

Deputy Marshal Jenkins on Friday seized 250 barrels of flour, at the Baltimore depot intended for Baltimore; and on Saturday two kegs of powder and six revolvers were found among the effects of a citizen of Cecil county, Md., which were overhauled at the Broad and Prime street depot.

Captain Albert L. Magilton, late of the United States Army, has accepted the command of a volunteer regiment of Philadelphia, which is nearly full and ready for service. Captain Magilton served in the 4th artillery, United States Army, for a number of years.

On Saturday evening a meeting of the natives of Maryland residing in Philadelphia was held at the American Hotel, for the purpose of devising some means for the support of the exiles from Baltimore.

On the same evening speeches were made by the "exiles" from Baltimore at the Continental Hotel, J. B. Shoemaker, Edward Rawlings and T. Joseph Rogers.

Hessians Committing suicide.

A letter from Annapolis, dated April 27, says:

‘ To day a recruit from Pennsylvania was punished for some misdemeanor on board one of the steamers, and after being released jumped overboard and was drowned. Another from the same State, and said to be a recruit from Norristown, attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. The effort, however, was unsuccessful, and his wounds were properly dressed by one of the surgeons at the hospital, where he now lies in a dangerous condition.

Gen. Butler to Gov. Hicks.

In the correspondence which passed between Gen. B. F. Butler, of Massachusetts, and Gov. Hicks, at Annapolis, occurs the following:

I have understood within the last hour that some apprehensions were entertained of an insurrection of the negro population of this neighborhood. I am anxious to convince all classes of persons that the forces under my command are not here in any way to interfere with or countenance any interference with the laws of the State. I am, therefore, ready to co-operate with your Excellency in suppressing most promptly and effectively any insurrection against the laws of Maryland.

I beg, therefore, that you announce publicly that any portion of the forces under my command is at your Excellency's disposal, to act immediately for the preservation and quietness of the peace of this community.

Gov. Hicks replied:

I thank you most sincerely for the tender of your men; but I had, before the receipt of your letter, directed the sheriff of the county to act in the matter, and am confident that the citizens of the county are fully able to suppress any insurrection of our slave population.

The "fighting Zouaves."

The New York Journal of Commerce remarks as follows:

‘ In connection with George Law's letter to President Lincoln, advising the clearance of a path through Baltimore at all hazards, it is a significant fact that that gentleman presented Wilson's Fighting Zouaves with a pair of revolvers each. It is the unanimous wish of that regiment — expressed on repeated occasions — to force a passage through the Monumental city. The same desire is expressed by the Fire Department Zouaves, and, in fact, is universally cherished by the soldiers of New York. The petition to the President urging that the Baltimore route be held by the Government at any cost, is receiving numerous signatures of influential citizens throughout the city. Col. Learned is organizing a"Pathfinders' Association," the avowed object of which is to cleave a road to the capital through Baltimore. ‘"Our route is through Baltimore,"’ is printed in large letters at the foot of a poster, stuck about town, asking for recruits for the Fifth Regiment of New York volunteers.

’ The New York papers complain that although there are 20,000 men now in that city ready to go to Washington, or anywhere else, they cannot procure fire-arms, especially Minnie rifles.

The Capitol Buildings, &c.

Alluding to the present condition of the Federal Capitol, a writer says:

‘ Its costly and elaborately finished apartments were already so greatly defaced and abused that the arrival of a Southern army for its destruction will be scarcely necessary. It seems probable that Mr. Lincoln will have sufficiently done the work before he gets through. In the frescoed wall of the Capitol nails are driven for the hanging of accoutrements, sides of bacon, &c, and the places occupied by some of the troops are said to appear not only very dirty, but to smell so.

The latest arrivals of recruits from Pennsylvania were from the vicinity of Pittsburgh, and it is stated they presented a most sorry appearance, many half shod, half dressed and decidedly unclean. All our Northern friends on the march through Maryland complain that they find the climate very hot.. If this be the case thus early in the season, what will be the effect in July?


The Baltimore American, of Tuesday, says:

‘ With the continued absence of any new cause of excitement public sentiment is now every day more strongly manifesting itself.--The revolution of last week has been followed by a counter-revolution, and the real position of the people of Baltimore is developing itself.

It is stated that orders have been received from Washington to have the Star Spangled Banner displayed to-morrow from all the National buildings, including the Custom-House and Post-Office in this city.

Firing on a tug.

On Saturday as the steam tug Ajax was going up the Bay to Baltimore, a large Government transport steamer fired a gun across her bows. The tug paid no attention, and a round shot followed. Still no attention was paid and the steamer started in pursuit, yawning and firing at intervals at the tug Owing to the steamer being light and the Bay rough, most of the shots went over the tug. Finally in getting in smoother water the practice became better, and the Captain of the tug ran into Bodkin creek, where the large steamer could not follow, and thus escaped.

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