At a meeting of the
Caroline Light Dragoons, at Caroline Court-House, on the 1st inst.--
Capt. Henry H. George presiding, and
E. C. Moncure,
Esq., acting as
Secretary — a check for $250 was presented the company from
Mr. Geo. Taylor, of King William; whereupon the following resolutions of thanks and compliment to the liberal and patriotic donor were unanimously adopted:
- 1. Resolved, That in acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Taylor's check, we tender him our sincere and heartfelt thanks for his kind and generous consideration of our company, the substantial evidence of which proclaims the sincerity of his devotion to the cause of our mother State; and that we recognize in Mr. Taylor a man of eminent public spirit and true patriotism--one worthy to be a bright exemplar to the fathers of the land.
- 2. Resolved, That Mr. Taylor be elected an honorary member of this company.
As a further instance of
Mr. Taylor's liberality, we may mention that he has also given $950 to
Capt. Wm. R. Aylett, of the ‘"
Taylor Grays,"’
King William county, for the use of that company.
Wytheville papers chronicle the following evidences of individual patriotism:
Mr. Jos. Cloyd, of
Pulaski, has authorized the
Governor to draw on him for $10,000, and says his whole fortune is at the service of the
Governor it required.
Capt. Robt. Gibbony, of
Wytheville, has agreed to uniform the ‘ "Davis Chargers"’ himself, and furnish two horses for the use of the company.
He also gave to the Grays upwards of $100, and proposes to give each company now in the county and which may be hereafter formed the sum of $50. In addition to these liberal bequests, he, too, reposes to give his entire estate for the defence of
Virginia if necessary.
Mr. Gordon C. Kent is another praise worthy example of liberality.
He gave upwards of $150 towards uniforming the Grays, furnished three fine horses to the Cavalry company, and gave assurance to a number of married men that their families should be provided for during their absence.
He expresses his willingness to sacrifice his all for the common defence against the fanatic horde of
Abe Lincoln.
What Wythe county is doing will be seen from the following:
The ‘"
Grays,"’ one of the first companies called into service, numbers upwards of 90 men; the ‘"Davis Chargers"’ 54, the Mt. Airy Company 80, the
Wythe Minute Men about 60, the Wytheville Rifles 42--making in all upwards of 300 men. The portion of the county now included in the county of
Bland will also give a good account of itself.
The Valley Sentinel gives a cheering account of the military ardor prevailing in
Botetourt county.
The 48th Regiment made a fine parade at
Fincastle last Saturday.
Says the
The turn-out is said by old men to have been the largest seen for many a long year.
Well done for the old 48th.
We will back it against any regiment in the
Already it has a band of soldiers in the field.
Four more have the full complement of men, and are eager for the fray.
Three in addition are in progress, and when five hundred are mustered in the field, who will not say the 48th has done its duty?
The ladies of
Fluvanna lately presented a Confederate flag to the military of the county, at
Chapel Hill.
A correspondent informs us that.
‘"When the signal is given to march to
Fortress Monroe, or anywhere else, Old Flu. will have as many gallant soldiers in the field as any county in the
State, comparatively speaking.
The cry is 'To arms!' and the language of all is 'Give me liberty or give me death!'"’
An immense meeting of the true men of
Harrison county was held at their last Court, at which resolutions were adopted pledging the county to the cause of
Virginia in the present crisis of her fortunes.
Ex-Gov. Johnson presided.
Brigadier General Cocke, in his address to the people of the Potomac Department, uses the following language:
"At this moment hosts of armed men profane by their insolent presence the city, the grave, and the memory of
Washington, whilst an unbroken stream of thousands in arms violate the soil of
Maryland, and murder her citizens in their march, to reinforce and occupy the
"And for what?
The Capital has never been threatened; it is not now threatened; it is beyond, and outside, the limits of the free and sovereign
State of Virginia.
North has not openly and according to the usage of civilized nations, declared war on us. We make no war on them; but should
Virginia soil or the grave of
Washington be polluted by the tread of a single man in arms from the
North of the
Potomac, it will cause open war. Men of the
Potomac border; men of the
Potomac Military Department; to arms!
Your country calls you to her defence, already you have in spirit responded.--You await but the order to march, to rendezvous, to organize, to defend your State, your liberties, and your homes!
"Women of
Virginia, cast from your arms all cowards; and breathe the pure and holy, the high and glowing inspirations of your nature, into the hearts and souls of lover, husband, brother,
father, friend!
‘"Almighty God!
Author and Governor of the world; Thou source of all light, life, truth, justice and power, be thou our God!--be thou with us!
Then shall we fear not a world against us."’
Charles S. Lewis, formerly a member of Congress from the Harrison district, was lately appointed a delegate to the
Convention called to meet in
Mr. Lewis comes out in a card and says he is not of that party, but a Virginian, ready to stand or fall under her flag.
The Alexandria Gazette, of yesterday, says:
Bremen barque
Admiral Brommy,
Capt. Mayer, from this port, laden with grain, and bound to New York, was stopped at
Fort Washington yesterday, and not permitted to proceed on her voyage.
She leaves this morning.
A correspondent of the Lynchburg Republican, writes from
Craig county, May 3d, as follows:
A passenger in the stage from the
West this evening, informs us that
Lincoln has
four thousand troops at
Gallipolis, Ohio, which is, you know, only three miles from
Point Pleasant, on the
Virginia side.
The people of
Kanawha and the other border counties are said to be greatly excited.
The news this evening will put this whole section to moving, and we will endeavor to show
Lincoln and his hirelings and unprincipled mercenaries, that we will meet them at all points, and dispute their passage.
They must fall in these mountains if they attempt to invade us. Our motto is Liberty or Death!
This sentiment is stamped upon our hearts, emblazoned upon our banners, and is the war-cry of our hosts.
Several hundred troops from
Alabama arrived in
Lynchburg Sunday night, and proceeded to the encampment near the city.
They were well armed and equipped.
With regard to the 1,000
Tennessee troops which arrived on Sunday, the
Virginian says:
They are mostly from the counties of
Franklin and
Lincoln, on the
Southern border of the
State, and are under the command of
Col. Turney, a son of the former
United States Senator from
They are without arms or uniforms, having come at the call of their country, without a moment's preparation — but will be armed and equipped by the proper authorities, and marched into service as speedily as possible.
They are stout, hale, hardy men, and will make excellent soldiers.
We hail their arrival with unfeigned pleasure.
Since writing the above there has been another arrival of
Tennessee troops, consisting of several hundred.
Tennessee is responding nobly to the call of the country.