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A Northern Abolitionist named J. B. Lips, who defied public sentiment and fired into a crowd in St. Francis, Ark, was shot at by the party, and sixty balls entered his body.

Mexican news by the steamer arrived at Havana, confirms the report that Dorado had been beaten by those active partisans of the Church party, Mejia and Marquez.

The ‘"Jeff Davis Guard"’ was mustered into service at Lynchburg on Wednesday, making the sixth company which that gallant place has furnished.

A company of artillery went this week from Augusta to Harper's Ferry in command of Rev. Wm. N. Pendleton, of the Protestant Episcopal Church.

The elements of Farmville are providing for such of the families of about volunteers as may need assistance.

Mrs. Lincoln is said to be making extensive purchases of dry goods and jewelry in New York.

The report that two privateers have been to wed into New London is not correct.

The steamer Supership was destroyed by fire at Montreal, on the th inst.

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William N. Pendleton (1)
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Abraham Lincoln (1)
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