Pensacola correspondent of the Savannah Republican writes (May 15) as follows:
Affairs at the forts appear to remain in
statu quo, though
Gen. Bragg continues ominously silent in regard to his plans.
Obstructions are being quietly and systematically thrown into the channel, and the
Navy-Yard dry-dock,a work said to have cost $1,000,000, is being put in a state of readiness to sink into the channel.
It is thought that the commander of
Fort Pickens is fully advised of all that is transpiring by spies in our midst.
Indeed, it is strongly suspected that a large number of persons, resident at
Pensacola, are inimical to the
Southern cause, and I learn that
General Bragg is so well assured of this, that he exercises a most rigid surveillance over all parties who attempt to visit either the
Navy-Yards or any of the forts.
There is a vague conjecture current that the dry-dock is very speedily to be removed to the channel, and that the attempt to do so will be the signal for
Commander Brown to begin the attack.
Whether there be any truth in the conjecture, I cannot say.
Notwithstanding the impatience of soldiers for a fight, and their murmuring at delay, I am disposed to think that
Gen. Bragg fully understands his business, and will proceed to act when all things shall have been matured for success.
The interest of the
Confederate States Government certainly demand that there should be no greater delay than is absolutely necessary to insure success; for the expense of retaining so large a body of men here, not to mention the risk to life from exposure to an uncongenial climate, and the use of bad water, is a consideration of vital moment.
I learn that the
Confederate States flag has not yet been raised upon the public flag-staff of Pensacola city; certainly it has not made its appearance there since I have been here.
Some considerable indignation is expressed by the soldiers upon this subject, and the Georgia volunteers only wait the proper authority to run up with their own hands the national emblem.
The weather is becoming uncomfortably warm during the day-time, though the night air is cool and bracing.