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S. H. Titcomb, a respectable citizen, was shot and killed at Nashville, Tenn., on the night of the 7th inst. by Leotard Simms, who mistook him for a burglar.

Joshua M. Washington, editor and proprietor of The Bermudine, died at Hamilton, Bermun, on the 25th ult., aged 42.

George O born and Patrick Elgan were executed in New Orleans on Friday last, both for the murder of their wives.

Hon. Mr. Jenkins, of Virginia, did not vote for the Congressional resolutions in honor of Major Anderson.

Senator Trumbull, of Illinois, was on Wednesday re-elected Senator by a vote of 54 to 46 on joint ballot.

J. C. Middleton has been elected Mayor of Lexington, Va.

Lieut. Thomas B. Huger, U. S. N., of South Carolina, has resigned his commission.

A schooner arrived at Savannah, Ga., on the 9th inst., with 279 barrels of powder.

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