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The Convention — Correspondence.

Amelia county, Jan. 9th, 1861.
to L. E. Harvie, Esq.: we, your friends, earnestly desire you to proclaim yourself a candidate to represent this Electoral District in the ensuing State Convention.

Messrs. Wm. H. Harrison, E. W. Eggleston, P. Wilkinson, Ed. Green, and others.

Your letter of the 9th instant, in which you earnestly desire me to proclaim myself a candidate to represent this Electoral District in the ensuing State Convention, was handed to me on yesterday.

In the present state of the country, I consider myself bound to yield to your wishes, and those of other friends by whom I have heretofore been solicited to become a candidate.

The time between this and the day of election is so short that the people of the district cannot meet in Convention, and select a candidate whose sentiments could be generally made known to them. Otherwise, I should prefer to wait, to learn and defer to their ascertained preference. As it is, I shall endeavor to inform the voters of my opinions upon all subjects likely to be considered in Convention.

I shall attend the public meetings in the district, and use all means in my power to acquaint them with my views.

I tender you my warm thanks for your kind appreciation of my capacity to represent you in this critical and alarming condition of public affairs.--If elected, I shall discharge my duty faithfully and fearlessly to my State, to whom I owe allegiance.

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