
General Assembly of Virginia.
[Extra session.]

Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 5th, 1861.
Called to order at 12 o'clock, President Montague in the chair, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Seeley, of the Second Baptist Church.

A communication from the House was read, announcing the passage of a bill to incorporate the Berkeley Border Guards' Armory Company. Referred.

Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported: A bill providing for the location of the Court-House, Jail, and other public buildings in the county of McDowell: a bill authorizing the sale of a portion of the Armory Grounds, and out of the proceeds thereof to purchase a site for an arsenal and quarters for the Public Guard, and to erect buildings for that purpose; a bill to distribute Mayo's Guide to coroners; a bill for the protection of the fisheries in the waters of the Potomac and Chesapeake Bays; a bill incorporating the Chesterfield Car, Locomotive, and Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company; and a bill to incorporate the James River Shoe and Leather Manufacturing Company.

Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted and referred: By Mr. French, of incorporating the Marion Magnetic Iron Company, in the county of Smyth; by Mr. Armstrong, of amending the charter of the Piedmont Coal and Iron Company.

The bills on their second reading were taken up, and a number of them read a third time and ordered to be engrossed.

The bill for the payment of the printing of the Revised Code coming up on its engrossment.

Mr. Brannon moved to amend, by substituting $2.50 for $2.00.

Mr. Isbell advocated the amendment, and proposed also to amend, by giving the revisor of the Code (Col. Munford,) $2,500, instead of $2,000.

The amendment was rejected, and the bill, as it was first called, was ordered to be engrossed.

After several ineffectual motions to adjourn, and for a temporary recess, the Senate finally agreed to take a recess until Saturday next, 9th February, 1861, at 12 o'clock.

On motion, the Senate adjourned.

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