
Virginia State Convention.
Fourteenth day.--[second session.]

Richmond, June 28, 1861.
The Convention was called to order at the mal hour, prayer being offered by Rev. Mr. doddridge of the Episcopal Church.

Mr. Chambliss submitted a resolution, which as ordered to be printed, in reference to the Ferry machinery.

Mr. James Barbour, chairman of the Commission, on Confederate Relations, presented a , which was ordered to be printed. Mr. Bouldin submitted an ordinance prescribing the mode of electing a President and Vice-President of the Confederate States.

Mr. Barbour also submitted a petition of Messrs. Blacklock, Dent & Co., of Alexandria which was referred to the Committee of Finance.

On motion of Mr. Scott, the ordinance providing for the re-apportionment of the Confessional Districts was recommitted.

On motion of Mr. Conrad. the Convention went into secret session. After half an hour's session, the doors were again opened.

Several ordinances were then submitted, and appropriately referred, when the hour of adjournment arrived.

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