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Affairs in Utah.

--The resignation of Gov. Cumming, of Utah, and his departure for Georgia, has been noticed. The duties of the office then devolved upon Francis H. Wootton, Secretary of the Territory; but this gentleman could not stand Lincoln any better than the Governor, and therefore, on the 5th of June, addressed his Airship the following letter:

Having been appointed by President Buchanan Secretary of the Territory of Utah, I accepted the trust, and have endeavored to discharge my duty. Since then Gov. Alfred Cumming, under leave obtained, has left for the States. In accordance with the provision contained in the third section of an act of Congress, entitled ‘"An Act to establish a Territorial Government for the Territory of Utah,"’ I am now the Acting Governor of Utah. The recent course of your Administration makes it inconsistent with my sense of duty to longer hold office under you, and I accordingly tender you my resignation.

As I am the only Executive officer in the Territory, I will remain until relieved by my successor, whose arrival I hope will occur speedily.

I am, sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Francis H. Wootton.
Acting Governor of Utah. Gov. Wootton, we believe, is a native of Maryland.

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