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The New York Tribune not to be believed.

--To show how low and contemptible that lying sheet, the New York Tribune, has become, even among its own class, we copy the following:

The Compromisers.--It is reported that Mr. Gideon J. Tucker, late Secretary of State of New York, Mr. Fitz William Birdsall, recently a clerk in the Naval office, one of the editors of the Day Book, and a half dozen others, met on Monday evening at the LaFarge House, to further the petition for a peaceable separation of the Union.--Tribune.

So far as any meeting of the above character relates to any editor of the Day Book, we pronounce it a wilful and calumnious falsehood, and we feel authorized to say the same for the other gentlemen named. It is about useless to deny the assertions of a paper that publishes forged letters, and whose statements are no longer credited even by its own party. To show the estimation in which it is now held, we quote.--N. Y. Day Book.

‘"Hereafter we shall require confirmation for what we see in the Tribune, before we rely upon its truth"’--Com. Adv, (Rep.)

A most mortifying explanation is made by the New York Tribune to day, that it was imposed upon yesterday by a bogus letter, purporting to be written by Mr. Rotts. The general course of that once powerful journal of the past week will do more to destroy its influence than could be accomplished by the combined action of all its foes. Never was there a plainer case of suicide. --Boston Trans. (strong Rep)

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