
From Camp Winslow.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Camp Winslow, Halifax, N. C., July 16, 1861.
A bright, sunny evening witnessed the departure of eight companies of this gallant and promising regiment, the 5th, for the scene of action in Virginia. Long before the whistle of the locomotive announced that the train was in waiting to conduct them hence, crowds had collected to bid them ‘"God speed"’ and cheer them on in the path of duty. Since their advent to this hospitable place they have experienced the kindest and most flattering attentions from the inhabitants of the town and county, and their sojourn here will remain a ‘"green spot in memory."’

The 5th seems to be looked to from all quarters as the regiment in which heroic deeds and daring acts are to be performed. The well known chivalry and comprehensive mind of its commander give it a ‘"prestige"’ second to none in the Southern Army, while the superior acquirements of its officers, the high qualifications of its surgeons, and the vigor and ingenuity displayed in both Quartermaster's and Commissary's departments, together with decided evidence of metal in the men, constitute all that is required for success in the field.

Halifax has been the theatre of interesting events, connected with our country's history, ever since, its existence as a corporation.--Cols. Tariston and Hamilton here made their abode — the latter in the headquarters now appropriated to the use of our Colonel by the generous hospitality of the owner, Dr. Wiley Eppes, of Buckingham, Va. Washington and Lafayette each visited this venerable mansion, and it is now to every Carolinian classic ground.

The camp was honored some ten days ago by a special visit from Gov. Winslow, our eminent Secretary of Military and Naval Affairs, who has from the beginning showed a deep interest in the 5th. He was received at the station by the Colonel and officers, conducted to a carriage which stood in waiting, and escorted by two companies of soldiers to headquarters. There beneath the green old trees, and on the verdant carpet of turf in front of the house, he delivered an impromptu address to the soldiery as stirring as it was felicitous. He called upon them to do battle for their country's honor, and said he doubted not but that when they returned it would be with banners having inscribed upon them the names, ‘"Washington, Baltimore,"’ or whatever point their commanding officer should require them to recover. Col. Martin, Adjutant General of North Carolina, came down on Saturday to inspect, muster in, and make final arrangements for the troops. To say that he is a fine officers would be but a meagre award to his merits. He is a finished scholar, man of business, and gentleman. Would that all the departments wore supplied with a head so able.

The sickness in this Regiment has been far less than in any other, and would have been a small item, bad not one of our companies contracted measles in Garysburg previous to its arrival here. This fact seems to corroborate the statement that the health of Halifax has undergone a manifest improvement within ten or fifteen years. We should be wanting in justice to the fairer portion of the inhabitants of this town, did we fail to notice in this connection their thoughtful care of the sick, by useful contributions of every sort, as well as personal attentions, they have been chiefly instrumental in ridding the hospital of its inmates.

In a few days our Colonel will proceed with the remainder of his command to Richmond. His eagle eye, penetrating the dim distance, saw in advance the calamities which were to befall our beloved country. His clarion voice sounded the warning, and though the cry was at first unheeded, and many mocked at the call, he unwaveringly pursued the course best calculated to encourage the authorities to act in behalf of Southern rights, and largely helped to shape the sentiments of the people on this important question. The State has shown her confidence in his patriotism by the loud call made from all directions for his appointment. The Confederacy marked its appreciation of his talents by a similar compliment prior to the first. That confidence will not be misplaced.

Officers of the Fifth Regiment N. C. State Troops. --Colonel Commanding, Duncan K McRae; Lieutenant Colonel, Joseph P. Jones; Major, John Badham, Surgeon, James McRae; Assistant Surgeon, John Ruffin; do.,--Savage; Quartermaster, John Kirkland; Commissary, George Wightman. * *

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