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[for the Richmond Dispatch.]
John Taliaferro, Esq., the Volunteer here citizen of Orange.

The subject of this well deserved eulogy is between 55 and 60 years of age; always noted for social qualities, an active, vigorous mind, a high sense of honor, an unswerving patriotism, great physical power and activity, and a courage unsurpassed, if equalled. A day or two before the great battle of the 21st ultimo, Mr. Taliaferro was admitted within the lines of General Beauregard. On that ever memorable Sunday, Mr. T. took his position, gun in hand, with, I believe, an Alabama regiment. If ever a man's whole soul was bent on a purpose, his undoubtedly was at that time. ‘"Do or die, victory or death,"’ was his motto. --Throughout the day, in the thickest of the fight, he was foremost in the fray; fighting like a lion and encouraging all around to stand firm and never surrender an inch to the foe. I understand from good authority that this brave man was all the time some paces in advance of his companions; and when occasionally all were commanded to fall to avoid the shots of the enemy, he would stand erect and deliver his fire, exclaiming, ‘"I never yet dodged from a Yankee, and so help me God I never will !"’ Beat that, Beauregard, if you can. Who can tell the amount of good resulting from such conspicuous, gallant action in a trying hour? The fire that burns so brightly and openly in such a bosom on such momentous occasions spreads its glare all around, and thousands feeling the inspiring flame dash with dauntless hearts against the foe and seize the chaplet of victory from the enemy's rigid grasp Long live the hero citizen of Orange, to receive the gratitude of his numerous friends and all true patriots, for his matchless gallantry on the fields of Manassas.

Buckle Neck.

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