Lincoln's Administration and the attack on Fort Sumter
We have a response from Mr. Harvey, at Lisbon, relative to the charge of his being in communication with the leaders of the South Carolina forces, just before the attack on Fort Sumter. As we supposed, he was acting in this matter under the direction of the Administration, and the epithets which were launched at Mr. Harvey, without stint or measure, were in reality due to his superiors in the councils of the party to which he belonged. We may smile a little at the credulity and Quixotism of Mr. Harvey when he says, ‘ "It is perfectly true, as well as understood by my friends, that I labored zealously, constantly and honestly, down to the last hour, to avert the collision at Fort Sumter. I had good reason to hope that it might be prevented, and adopted the best means to attain this end." ’ A simplicity so charming with reference to the best mode to prevent a collision at Fort Sumter is naturally joined with an appreciating approval of the order to seize the telegraphic dispatches by the President. Mr. Harvey naively informs us that ‘"the Government was properly entitled to all such information."’ There is one singular disclosure made by Mr. Harvey with reference to the seizure of the telegraphic dispatches by the Administration. They had been stolen before they were seized. The following is the language of Mr. Harvey: ‘"The fact is, the Government was in possession of every tittle of the evidences which had accumulated in Washington, long before the public seizure was ordered, several weeks before I left there, and before I had received or accepted my commission. If there was anything to know, it was known fully and entirely, as will be shown whenever necessary. I assert the fact distinctly, without condition or reservation."’ We believe that this Administration did play the eaves dropper and thief with the telegraph before assuming the bolder part of the bully and robber. What humiliations are we to suffer, as a people, from the acts of an Administration that the enormity of no usurpation can affright and the shame of no meanness deter! The principal point in the letter of Mr. Harvey is that he acted under instructions, and was an instrument in the hands of others. Who were they? ‘"High in authority"’-- that is the phrase. Mr. Harvey is discreet. He names no names; but here is the evidence of the discreet Minister: ‘"The state of facts then existing at Washington justified my efforts, such as they were, and which were not only known to those high in authority, but were commended as useful and worthy."’ Again: ‘"I submitted to their inspection every line received by telegraph, and never held any other correspondence but that, direct or indirect "’ It is thus demonstrated that Mr. Harvey was but the agent of the Administration in communicating with the South Carolinians, and precipitating by a manifest want of good faith the attack on Fort Sumter. Taken in connection with the testimony of Judge Campbell and the Commissioners sent from the Confederate States to treat on terms of peaceful settlement, the letter of Mr. Harvey completes the evidence of duplicity, treachery and mendacity of this Administration.
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