Charles F. Hewett was arrested in Boston on the 13th instant, on a charge of enticing soldiers away from some of the Massachusetts regiments to join the Irish Brigade in New York city. Capt. Jonathan Richmond, Jr., of Lee county, (son of Gen. Jonathan Richmond,) died at Wytheville, on Saturday week, where he had recently gone with his company of volunteers to join Gen. Floyd's Brigade. All the sovereigns of Europe have received invitations to be present at the coming coronation of the King and Queen of Prussia. General Butler, it is said, goes back to Massachusetts, having been authorized to raise a division of 5,000 men in that State. At Boston all kinds of plain cotton cloth have advanced from one half to three-fourths of a cent a yard within a week. Lieut. E. F. Paxton, of Lexington, Va., has been promoted to the post of Aide-de-camp to Gen. Jackson. The ship Helene arrived at Baltimore on Friday, from Bremen, with 181 emigrant passengers. Dr. Wm. B. Stokes died in Baltimore on Thursday last. Bishop Jones returned from Europe in the Parris.
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