The recent brilliant successes of the
Confederate troops in
Missouri have electrified every true Southern heart.
Never has a State been more cruelly oppressed and treated; never in
America have any but the Indians perpetrated such inhuman butcheries as those in
St. Louis, in which innocent citizens, and actually
women and children, were shot down in cold blood by the myrmidons of
Gen. Lyon and
Gen. Siegel, the first of whom has happily been sent to his account.
It is evident, even from the
Federal accounts, that
Gen. McCulloch has gained a magnificent victory.-- We fervently hope that he will be able to push on to
St. Louis and to drive into the river every one of the scoundrels who has been engaged in, or connived at, the horrible massacre of the Innocents in that city.
We long for that time to come.
We know that
McCulloch is as brave and energetic a chieftain as ever lived; but whoever thinks that he is ambitions of a reputation for false philanthropy, will find their mistake before long.
Avenger of Blood is on the heels of those ruffians in
Missouri, and we trust will be are long in
Maryland also, and then the long arrears will be paid.
Oh, for that precious hour of a people's deliverance!
We are sure it is at hand in
We fervently hope that
Maryland will not be far behind.