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A Sensible servant.

--The papers North and South reported sometime since that General McClellan gave the choice of going to Ohio, or returning home, to many servants captured in Western Virginia with the baggage lost by General Garnett's command. To the honor of these servants and the surprise of McClellan — but of no Southern gentleman — they refused citizenship in Ohio, and preferred their condition at the South. Among those faithful servants, was one who is known to many of our readers. We refer to Philip, a servant of Lieutenant Joseph Palmer, of the Southern Guards, from Houston county, Ga., formerly of this State. Philip has returned, and is justly proud of his parole, which he will keep faithfully, but with some reluctance, until exchanged for some Lincoln Colonel — for we insist that Philip should not be rated lower than a Colonel in such a reckoning--Charleston (S. C.) Courier.

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West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (1)
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