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Arrival from Rio de Janeiro.

--Notwithstanding the vigilant blockade, the brig West Indian, of New Orleans, Capt. F. Arnet, arrived here yesterday in forty-one days from Rio de Janeiro, with a cargo of fifteen hundred bags of coffee, consigned to that enterprising commercial house, Geo. W. Williams & Co. Ninety-seven miles east of the bar the W.I. was chased by a man-of-war under canvas. At half-past 5 A. M., on Sunday, made a steamer and sailing vessel off this bar blockading; but in consequence of their being at anchor, the West Indian was enabled to reach the Swash Channel and get safely into port.

No news of special importance at Rio. Coffee was high, and there were some forty sail of Yankee vessels in port, which found it difficult to get freights in consequence of the existing troubles. The Yankee captains employed part of their time in abusing the South, and saying what terrible things their countrymen at the North would do. English vessels that had reached Rio report being chased by privateers near the Equator; but the latter changed their course when English colors were displayed.

Freights in English vessels were somewhat injured, many persons thinking that there would be war between the English and Yankees, when the latter would cover the ocean with their privateers.

The bark Indus and schr. P. H. Russell, both from this port, were left at Rio; also bark Meaco, from New Orleans, bark Anna E. Grant, of Richmond, and five Baltimore barks.

The brig West Indian was assisted into port by the pilots attached to the Guard Schooner Howell Cobb, who proceeded outside the bar in their vessel and piloted the brig into port.--Charleston Courier, 3d.

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