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"Old Uncle Ned."

--Capt. Travis, who is now Inspector of Arms in Gen. West's district, informs us that while he was at Grenada, a venerable old darkey, ‘"Uncle Ned, "’ gave to the Confederacy two bullet moulds that run thirty balls at a time, valued at sixty dollars, a very fine shot-gun that carries twenty-five buck-shot, and two Queen Anne muskets. Ned refused to take any pay, but gave up his arms ‘"for the good ob Massa Jeff Davis and de Souf."’--Vicksburg paper.

A Revolutionary Sword.--We saw the other day, in the hands of Lieut. Ross Carter, of the ‘"David Logan Guards,"’ a silvermounted sword, worn by Capt. Griffith Dickenson, the father of Col. Griffith Dickenson, of this county, at the surrender of Yorktown. After a rest of more than eighty years, that same sword was pressed into service to participate in a more bloody and desperate battle than the sires of the Revolution ever saw.--Danville Register.

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