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[correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]

the recent battle on Cole River — Federal Hirelings robbing H. N-Roosts — prisoners taken by them and subsequently released by our forces, &c.

Lewisburg. Va., Oct. 3, 1861.
No infantry whatever took any part in the fight; it was altogether cavalry. The companies that left Wise's camp for Cole river, were as follows. Capts. Pate's, Phelps's, Jordan's, Pogue's, and on their march through Fayetteville were joined by Caskie's Rangers, all as Invincible, as Gen, Cox expressed himself about this company. In the morning they could be seen on the summits of Cotton hill, fighting like devils, and, in twenty-four hours after, attacking his commissariat wagons some where in the neighborhood of Peytona; the companies that left for this expedition performed the journey in less than twenty-four hours, fording the forks of Cole ninety-two times, the distance being ninety miles. Col. Davis being in command, upon learning that about two or three hundred of old Abe's hen-roost robbers had made a foray into that peaceful county, robbing the citizens of all their property and taking several Secessionists as prisoners — among whom was one by the name of Mr. G. Pack, driving off sixty head of his cattle, all of his goods, himself and family as prisoners — immediately ordered his command in pursuit of them.--After a chase of 15 miles at a full gallop, our boys came in sight of them, and, as Captain Cox. once said, came down on them like a thunder bolt from the heavens — they not expecting or anticipating any such attach. They showed fight at the beginning, but our boys poured such volleys' of lead into them, and charged through for a distance of three miles, that they broke and ran in all directions, leaving all of their plunder behind. Our lads pashed on and liberated the prisoners, giving them once more a chance to breathe the air of liberty, capturing 42 of the blue-coated Yankees and some 17 of the forces, whom they had is pilots and killing some 60 and wounding accept number. Too much credit cannot be eleven to Capt. Caskie and his men in this affair; they have shown themselves upon this and other occasions well worthy of the name they have earned and now hold in Western Virginia; but far be it from me to deprive the other companies of any glory which they may have won in that foray. They all fought with that intrepidness that none but the true sons of the South could, to drive a ruthless and savage foe from our homes and firesides. After the fight was over, Capts. Pate's and Caskie's Rangers proceeded to Skin creek, for the purpose of breaking up a cen of tories, who had built a formidable breastwork in that neighborhood.--We arrived just in time to rout the garrison and take about twenty prisoners. No doubt by this time they are in your city. Time nor space will not permit me to enter into details of this expedition, or relate to you all of the incidents which occurred. Suffice it to say, Coal river abounds with peaches and honey, which, I may say, was the only subsistence that our boys had to live on during their foray.

A Follower of the Cavalry.

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