Bank of Howardsville.
I herewith enclose a statement of the condition of this Bank on the 30th June last. Very respectfully,
D. J. Hartsook, Cashier.
D. J. Hartsook, Cashier.
Bills receivable | $144,679 65 |
Bills under protest | 4,163 12 |
property of the Bank | 1,945 62 |
Temporary loan to the State of Va. | 5,000 00 |
State of Virginia bonds | 166,008 35 |
due from Banks | 12,624 10 |
specie | 37,050 40 |
Notes of other Banks and checks | 2,704 30 |
Notes of this Bank on hand | 35,000 00 |
$374,675 54 |
Capital stock | $150,000 00 |
Notes in circulation | 183,237 00 |
Small notes, viz: $2's | 4,000 00 |
Contingent fund | 8,924 36 |
Deposits, Including certificates | 12,871 00 |
Discount and interest | 6,062 39 |
Tax on dividends | 259 46 |
Due to Banks and Bankers | 9,321 24 |
$374,675 54 |