The Boy Mortara.
--It is now ascertained that the Jewish child Mortara has never been baptized, and the claim which the
Romish Church pretend to set up for his detention is as false as it was absurd.
It will be remembered that this boy was said to have been presented by its nurse for baptism in the
Romish Church, and afterward the
Church seized it and refused to deliver it up to its parents on the grounds of its being a Christian, and must not therefore be returned to Judaism.
The recent conference at
Geneva brought out the fact that the servant had admitted that the child was not baptized.
Ridiculous as the pretence was, it had so much effect in Home that no threats or persuasion have thus far been able to obtain the surrender of the stolen child.
Sir Culling Eardley stated that the object of detaining the child now is not, as had been maintained, to sustain the discipline of the
Church, but to conceal the fact that the
Pope had been deceived.
The Emperor of the
French had recently stated, through his
M. Mocquard, to the
President of the
Universal Israelitish Alliance at
Paris, that he had no objection whatever to the presentation to
King Victor Emanuel of a memorial in favor of the liberation of Mortara.
He hoped the
Emperor would do nothing to oppose the accomplishment of this object, but would adhere to the course he pursued when, as
President of the
Republic, he ordered the liberation of
Dr. Achilli.
It is a grand idea to carry this matter directly to the
King of
It will present a fair opportunity for him to show his ability and disposition to protect liberty of conscience and the rights of the people, while he leaves the
Pope free to the exercise of all his religious prerogatives in the little domain that is still nominally left to his spiritual control.--
Catholic Observer.