War to keep off a Worse war.
--The New Orleans
Bee says
General McClellan is reported to have really thought he could conquer the
Confederate States, that it was as impossible for the
United States to subjugate the
South, as it is for the
South to subjugate the
United States, and that they (the
United States) were keeping up the war because, if they had not a common enemy in the
South, they would fall to fighting among themselves.
We doubt with the
Bee, whether
McClellan ever gave utterance to any such opinion; but we have no doubt that in his heart he entertains it. And not only be, but all the
Black Republican party.
Whatever may have been the original conviction of that party, they must already have seen enough to shake it to the very foundation.
Everywhere, since the commencement of the war — along the whole line of the frontier — the armies of the
North, with only two exceptions, have suffered defeat.
Bethel at
Bull Run, at
Manassas, at
Springfield at
Lexington, at New Orleans, at Cross-Lanes, at Carnifax Ferry, at
Greenbrier, they have been signally overthrown.
Laurel Hill, with a force of ten thousand men, they succeeded after a desperate struggle, in overwhelming two hundred and forty-three brave soldiers.
And at Hatteras inlet, they succeeded in capturing a small fort with an enormous fleet, carrying several hundred guns, and men, enough to take a place five times as powerful.
Lincoln and his Cabinet may have thought in the beginning of this struggle, they must since, have been undeceived — Doubtless at they reckoned largely upon the superiority of their numbers; but even there they have been deceived.
We have been enabled, according to their own account to them man for man, horse for horse and gun for gun. Nay, according to their statements, they are greatly inferior to us, even in this particular.
We never gain a victory over them that they do not attribute our success in the superiority of our numbers.
If they believe what they say-- if they really think forces more numerous than theirs — they cannot but see that they are engaged in a hopeless task.
To call a people who possess more men and more guns, and more means of raising men and guns, than another, rebels, and to call those who are inferior in all these points, the only true men, is to talk nor
Lincoln and his Cabinet must see this were they either statesmen or honest men, or men of common humanity, they would put an end to the shedding of blood, and the situation which they cannot make better by a century of war.
But neither
Lincoln, nor
Seward, nor
Cameron not
Chase, is a wise statesman or patriot.
Their whole character and the cause of the whole war, may be dispatched in four words.
They Are All Speculators and lock upon the war as a The feeling exclamation of
What is to become of my revenue!
gives a key to the history of his whole reign.
It is a war for money — a war of contractors for army supplies — a war of sharpers and stock brokers — a war in which every man who can get the ear of the Cabinets hopes to make himself a and from which none of them ex come out worth less than a plumb.
Out of the four hundred millions that have already disbursed by the
Federal Treasury since
Lincoln began to rule, the
Bee estimates the perpetuated by the several species of public who have had access
Generals, contractors, members of Congress serving as intermediate and other harpies of their feather-- no less than one hundred millions-- The chief of these count their gains by hundreds of thousands, and millions-- It may thus be easily understood why all the who have participated in this enormous plunder are averse to concluding peace, all their efforts to render the duration of the war infinite if possible.
They would have all hope of farther profit on the same scale of peace were made, and perhaps some of them might be called upon by an aroused and people to dis orge a portion of their wealth.
The chiefs, too, would have surrender an account, and we should suppose and it particularly hard to do-- We called to account the only reply they will make would be ‘"we have concluded we found the war a blunder."’ This would hastily satisfy the people, who had already paid four hundred millions for in question.
No sooner would have been concluded with us than an would take place in Yankeedom.
It probably a wise policy on their part to se than their own countrymen, as
want to hope that
Lincoln of his party make peace as long as they can carry war upon our territory.
An inexplica allowed them to take possession portion of
Virginia, where they are the country and its people as fast as As long as they can conduct the way, so long will they refuse to Only by carrying it into can the people of Yankeedom.
ched, and made to take the mat the hands of the politicians.
As at present, we have no of such a consummation.
Virginia has as the battle field.
It is not that she has 70,000 men under arms-- enough that she has furnished 83,000 of arms to troops belonging to is not enough that the whole enormous army on the
Potomac for months-- not enough that she has furbished and powder, and balls-- enough that she has done more for war than all the other States of the Con together — she must be made-- by her friends — to feel the full weight Her richest counties must be ecu the enemy, who are by no means to be last if they be defeated they should
Maryland, and into
Maryland she be pursued.
They enemy are not to lest it should disturb some strategic tion. She is regarded as but a geo expression — but a field for the exer grand strategies combinations, in which to be plundered, no matter what be. But patience.
This state cannot last more than six years. It thousands of loyal
Virginians; but of that.
They are not cotton planters.