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Southern affairs.

Our Southern exchanges contain but little of interest. Below will be found a brief summary:

Remarkable escape from Lincolndom.

The Petersburg Express, of Thursday, publishes the following interesting account of the escape from Yankee land of two of North Carolina's brave and gallant sons:

William H. Parvin and William B. Willis, of the Washington "Grays," Captain Thomas Sparrow, from Washington, North Carolina, passed through Petersburg evening before last, on their return home, after a long imprisonment at the North Their escape from further confinement, and their subsequent avoidance of detection and arrest, are remarkable — almost miraculous. They were taken prisoners in company with many other gallant North Carolinians at Fort Hatteras. We are all acquainted with the circumstances of the surrender. From Hatteras they were taken to Fort Lafayette--the Bastile of New York. Here they were kept in close confinement until the latter part of October, when they were all put aboard a steamer and taken to Fort Warren, near Boston.

On their way to Fort Warren, Parvin and Willis formed some plan of escape, and announced their intention to attempt it to Captain Sparrow, who told them they must do it at their risk. If they failed, heavy irons and close confinement for the balance of the war would be their lot. But they possessed brave hearts and were confident of success. They supplied themselves with bread and water, a candle, matches, &c. On their arrival at Boston, the men were marched ashore in companies, as their names were called. Immediately before the name of the Washington Grays was called, Parvin and Willis left their company, descended from the deck, and found their way into the extra coal room of the steamer. Here they concealed themselves, and in a little while had built up a wall of coal around them so that any person entering the room would not discover them. Their late companions in arms were gone, and they were now alone in the dark, unwholesome coal-bunk of an enemy's steamer, not knowing what a day or an hour might bring forth. In this condition they remained for a day, or probably a day and a night, when a large number of sailors were brought aboard the steamer to be shipped to New York.

On the 1st of November the vessel left Boston, and landed her load at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard. In the bustle and confusion consequent upon their embarkation, our heroes thought they might leave their place of concealment and make their escape. They gained the deck, and went unobserved on shore with the crowd of sailors. But they soon saw that their time for escape had not yet come. All around the Navy-Yard were stationed sentinels, whom it would be impossible to pass. They therefore resolved to return to the steamer and await yet longer. They now concealed themselves in the private apartment of the boat, and remained thus for two days, when finally, as if providentially, in one of her trips the steamer ran afoul of a schooner in the river, and was reported so much damaged as to cause her to make for Jersey City with all possible speed Great excitement was produced among her passengers, and everything and everybody were in the utmost confusion.

A most favorable opportunity now for the prisoners to escape, and they took advantage of it. They left their hiding place again, and as soon as the Jersey City landing was reached, they rushed ashore. They then took passage on a ferry boat for New York. In this great city they found a friend, who took them in and kindly cared for them. He advised what they should do, and furnished them with money to complete their plans. They took passage to Baltimore as Union sailors-- anti Southern Seceders of the deepest dye. In the noble Monumental City they had not far to go before meeting with friends of the South and her defenders. Clothes are given to them, and they are aided in getting employment on a wood schooner bound for some point on the lower Maryland shore. For sixteen days they worked like heavers, and by their unusual industrious habits and good behavior they gained the unbounded confidence of the Captain. His every wish was law, and every act was done with pleasure; but the proud Captain was soon to be deprived of his prides.

It was the night for Parvin to keep watch, and the Captain had retired, and Willis had pretended to do so. But hands were busy as eyes. Sails for the small boat attached to the schooner were made and fitted. The proper hour had come; the sign was given, and the two men set forth upon the dark waters. It was all a venture with them, for they knew not whether they might land, among friends or enemies. After long hours of suspense and weary travel, they landed on the Virginia side of the Potomac, below Aquia Creek.--Here they were taken in custody and sent to General Holmes' headquarters, where they were joyfully recognized by old acquaintances from North Carolina They were furnished with free passes over the railroads home.

Is not this a strange and romantic tale, reader? But it is nevertheless true, and puts fiction to the blush.

A suspicious character.

From the Memphis Argus, of the 26d November, we extract the following:

‘ For several days past a man calling himself John H. Schenck, M. D., has been very officious at the Overton Hospital in dressing the wounds of the inmates there. He assumed and presumed so much that, to one who did not know, he would have appeared to be the chief surgeon. His deportment was not that of a gentleman while in the Hospital. His insulting language to several ladies caused his dismissal from that institution on Thursday. Last evening he came to this office and caused a paragraph to be published to the effect that all persons desiring to forward letters to the United States could do so by leaving them at this office, and he would take them to Louisville and mail them. Now, we have made inquiry about "Schenck alias Skunk," and are satisfied he is an imposter. He is a New England Yankee, with all the impudence of a patent medicine vender. How he came here we have act Louis, and that he formerly published a "religious journal" there.

Startling development — an abolition Clue in the City.

From the New Orleans Crescent, of the 22d inst., we take the following:

‘ Yesterday morning, Lieut. Morel, of the Third District Police, upon information received, arrested a German named Frenzel, who lives on Charles street, in the Second District, charging him with being an incendiary and traitor to the State and Southern Confederacy. It appears that Frenzel, who is quite an intelligent man, had excited Lieut. Morel's suspicious some time since by remarks that he was reported to have made in favor of Lincoln and his dynasty; he was watched, the result of which was that he was heard to boast that there was a powerful organization in this city — at least 5,000 strong — which, the moment that the Lincoln army made its appearance here, or on our coast, would rise and help them to the best of their ability.

He further is reported to have said that his society would help cut all the rebels' throats, and that as no one knew, or suspected its existence, it was all the more powerful.

Arkansas Legislature.

The Legislature af Arkansas adjourned on Monday last.

The State Journal says that a bill was passed extending the charter privileges of the Memphis and Little Rock Telegraph Company to Fort Smith and Fayetteville. The lines between these points will be completed as soon as possible, probably within three months.

Also, a bill to facilitate the circulation of Arkansas war bonds, and compel creditors to receive them or Government notes, and forbid the sale of property for two years after the close of the present war.

The vote for State officers of Louisiana.

The Baton Rouge Advocates gives the follow as the result of the vote at the election on the 4th inst., for State officers — the parishes of Jackson and Morehouse yet to be heard from:

For Treasurer--Defreese, 32,380.

For Auditor--Peralta, 27,636; Haynes, 3,793;

Thompson, 2, 493

For Superintendent of Public Education--Avery, 11,279: Magruder, 15,555; Harp, 3,401; Winfree, 3,773; Wederstrandt, 556; Magoun, 509.

Something New — a repulsive daguerreotype.

From the Danville Register, of the 28th inst., we copy the following daguerreotype of a very mean man:

‘ We have seen for the first time to-day, something new, since the war commenced.--That something, reader, was an old man, who owns some seventy slaves, but who refuses to give one cent to have them protected.--Speculators and extortioners have been familiarly known to us, before and since the war. But never since the inauguration of the latter, have we ever met with one of those too common bipeds, who boast they have never contributed one dollar to the war. We knew that such animals were abundant, in all the States of the Confederacy, so far as popular rumor is concerned. But we confess, we never saw a veritable living one until today. We must describe him and here it is; He is about sixty-five years of age; worth $60,000, has red hair, red eyes and a very pugnacious and repulsive countenance — the pugnacity consisting more in repulsive features than in the bump of combativeness — eyes a milkish-whiskey blue; beard thin and of an artichoke cast; abdominal proportions indicating corpulency, while the "decreasing leg" shows a decline in muscular power and an awful proclivity for beet and pudding; head small and coconut-shaped; eye-brows large and irregularly arched, mouth wide; lips compressed and thin; hair sandy gray, with the appearance of a half-scalded Opossum: skin remarkably shrivelled; liver white, and heart — no where. Such in brief is the outline of one of those many Southern patriots of which we hear and read, but rarely see.

Proclamation Extra.

The following capital burlesque on Gen. Sherman's proclamation, which has recently been issued to the people of South Carolina, will be found amusing, if not interesting.--We clip it from the Charleston Courier

Port Royal,
Camp Loaves and Fishes.

To the Loyal Ladies of the Sea Islands.
Having been long familiar with your soft feather beds, well supplied tables, beautiful flowers, and hospitable smiles, more charming even than your fish and game, we entreat you, with every assurance of our most tender regard, to come and partake of some of the delicacies which we have appropriated by a ‘"military necessity"’

It really grieves our loving hearts to live on the fat of your lard, while you are houseless, particularly when we have so often boasted of your hospitality, and been your honored guests, year after year, ‘"without money and without price."’

If you decline this affectionate overture, remember that we are cognizant to every creek and corner in your larders; we know all your little rivers of milk and honey, the small hillocks of fresh butter, and the promontories of orange preserve jars, and we will appropriate them all to the glory of Abraham the First.

On the other hand, if you will only separate yourselves from the rebel husbands, sons, and brothers, who are behaving so improperly to our blessed Government, by fighting for your homes and your honor, you shall be taken to our affectionate embrace, and banquets of roses such as you used to place around our firesides, and on our toilette tables, shall be showered upon you.

Yours, with sacred memories,
Chas. O. Butterwell&Co.

Fort Myer.

The fort on Pensacola harbor generally spelled ‘"McRae"’ is properly ‘"McRee."’ It is a casemate fortification with two tiers of guns in casemate and one tier en barbette, that is to say, on the ramparts. It is built to mount 150 guns, and is distant from Fort Pickens, built for 210 guns, about a mile and a quarter. There is a water battery in advance of Fort McRee mounting ten heavy guns.

A Stinging Company.

A Memphis paper, announcing the arrival of a company of volunteers from Plaquemine, Louisiana, says:

‘ "All the officers had sword belts made of rattlesnake skins, while the privates wore a rattlesnake rattle in their caps."

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William B. Willis (4)
William H. Parvin (4)
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John H. Schenck (2)
Morel (2)
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W. A. Winfree (1)
Thompson (1)
Sherman (1)
Morehouse (1)
McRae (1)
Magruder (1)
Magoun (1)
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Grays (1)
Charles O. Butterwell (1)
Avery (1)
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