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Terrible affair in Franklin county, Ky.

--We learn from a citizen of Frankfort the following particulars of a diabolical outrage, fearful murder, and just retribution, occurring last Sunday, in the vicinity of Peak's Mills, about ten miles from Frankfort, and near the Owen county line:

It appears that on Sunday afternoon a young lady, some fourteen or fifteen years of age, was going home alone, when a negro man, the property of Miss Pearce, stopped her horse, dragged her from his back and ravished her — then taking a club beat her over the head until he supposed her to be dead, and leaving her in the road, fled.

Not long afterwards a gentleman, who happened to pass, saw her, raised her up, and she was barely able to tell what had been done and the fiend's name. He left her, and posting back to the mill, called out a posse, and pursuit was made. The negro was caught, and his captors had a fire built, intending to burn him alive, when they changed their purpose and hung him on the spot. A righteous punishment, say we.--Louisville Democrat, 8th.

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